Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh [Map]

Edinburgh is in Scotland.

1371 Death of David II of Scotland

1503 Margaret Tudor's Journey to Scotland

1520 Cleanse the Causeway

1544 Burning of Edinburgh

1560 Death of Francis II King France Charles IX Succeeds

1566 Murder of David Rizzio

1567 Murder of Lord Darnley

1567 Marriage of Mary "Queen of Scots" and Lord Bothwell

1600 Baptism of Prince Charles

1603 Death of Queen Elizabeth I Accession of James I

1650 Battle of Carbisdale

1685 Argyll's Rising

On 25 or 26 Dec 1251 Alexander III King Scotland (age 10) and Margaret Queen of Scotland (age 11) were married at York Minster [Map]. She by marriage Queen Consort Scotland. The couple remained in York until Jan 1252 after which they travelled to Edinburgh [Map]. She the daughter of King Henry III of England (age 44) and Eleanor of Provence Queen Consort England (age 28). He the son of Alexander II King Scotland and Marie Coucy (age 33). They were half fourth cousins. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry I "Beauclerc" England.

Margaret Tudor's Journey to Scotland

On 07 Aug 1503 Margaret Tudor Queen Scotland (age 13) arrived at Edinburgh [Map].

Burning of Edinburgh

After 07 May 1544 Edward Clinton 1st Earl Lincoln (age 32) was knighted by Edward Seymour 1st Duke of Somerset (age 44) at Edinburgh [Map].

On 13 Dec 1548 John Melville of Raith was executed in Edinburgh [Map].

On 05 Aug 1557 James Stewart 1st Earl of Moray Regent (age 26) and his half-brother Lord Robert (age 24), and Lord Home (age 22) led a raiding party from Edinburgh [Map] towards Ford Castle in Northumberland and burnt houses at Fenton before retreating on the approach of an English force led by Henry Percy, 8th Earl of Northumberland.

In 1603 Walter Cope (age 50) travelled to to welcome James I at his procolamation as King of England at Edinburgh [Map].

On 21 May 1613 John Maxwell 9th Lord Maxwell (age 30) was beheaded at Edinburgh [Map] for the murder of the Laird of Johnstone. Lord Maxwell forfeit.

On 18 Sep 1643 Bishop Gilbert Burnet was born at Edinburgh [Map].

Battle of Carbisdale

On 21 May 1650 James Graham 1st Marquess Montrose (age 37) was hanged at Edinburgh [Map] following his capture at the Battle of Carbisdale. His body was dismembered following his death. His son James Graham 2nd Marquess Montrose (age 19) succeeded 2nd Marquess Montrose.

On 27 May 1661 Archibald Campbell 1st Marquess Argyll (age 54) was beheaded for his perceived treason on the restoration of Charles II at Edinburgh [Map]. He was buried at Kilmun Church.

Argyll's Rising

On 30 Jun 1685 Archibald Campbell 9th Earl Argyll (age 56) was beheaded on the Maiden (an early gullotine) in Edinburgh [Map] for his part in Argyll's Rising. His son Archibald Campbell 1st Duke Argyll (age 26) succeeded 10th Earl Argyll. Elizabeth Tollemache Duchess Argyll (age 25) by marriage Countess Argyll.

On 02 Oct 1696 John Blackwood was born to Robert Blackwood of Pitreavie at Edinburgh [Map].

In 1702 James Douglas 14th Earl Morton was born to George Douglas 13th Earl Morton (age 40) at Edinburgh [Map].

On 13 Oct 1713 Allan Ramsay was born to Allan Ramsay (age 26) in Edinburgh [Map].

On 27 Nov 1735 Anne Erskine (age 27) died in Edinburgh [Map].

On 14 Oct 1775 Godfrey Bosville Macdonald was born at Edinburgh [Map].

On 19 Sep 1778 Henry Brougham 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux was born in Edinburgh [Map].

On 28 Jan 1784 George Hamilton-Gordon 4th Earl Aberdeen was born to George Gordon Lord Haddo (age 20) and Charlotte Baird (age 34) in Edinburgh [Map].

In 1790 Thomas Campbell was born in Edinburgh [Map].

On 07 Oct 1793 William Montagu 5th Duke Manchester (age 21) and Susan Gordon Duchess Manchester were married at Edinburgh [Map]. She by marriage Duchess Manchester. She the daughter of Alexander Gordon 4th Duke Gordon (age 50) and Jane Maxwell Duchess Gordon (age 45). He the son of George Montagu 4th Duke Manchester and Elizabeth Dashwood Duchess Manchester (age 53).

On 30 Mar 1803 Aglae de Polignac "Guichette" Duchess Gramont (age 34) died in a house fire at her home in Edinburgh [Map].

On 04 Aug 1804 Adam Duncan 1st Viscount Duncan (age 73) died suddenty at an inn Cornhill on Tweed [Map] on his way to Edinburgh [Map]. His son Robert Haldane-Duncan (age 19) succeeded 2nd Viscount Duncan of Camperdowne.

On 20 Jun 1817 Charles Joseph Comte de Flahaut (age 32) and Margaret Mercer Elphinstone Countess Flahaut and 2nd Baroness Keith (age 29) were married at Edinburgh [Map].

On 10 Jun 1823 James Archer was born at Edinburgh [Map].

1847. David Roberts (age 50). Edinburgh [Map] from the Castle.

On 04 Nov 1864 Robert Stodart Lorimer was born to James Lorimer (age 46) and Hannah Stodart (age 29) in Edinburgh [Map].

On 20 Mar 1870 Robert Jocelyn 3rd Earl Roden (age 81) died at Edinburgh [Map]. His grandson Robert Jocelyn 4th Earl Roden (age 23) succeeded 4th Earl Roden.

On 08 Mar 1873 Robert William Thomson (age 50) died at Edinburgh [Map].

On 11 Apr 1881 William Bruce Ellis Ranken was born in Edinburgh [Map].

On 16 Dec 1917 Tatiana Mountbatten was born to George Mountbatten 2nd Marquess Milford Haven (age 25) and Nadejda Mikhailovna Torby Marchioness Milford Haven (age 21) at Edinburgh [Map]. She a great x 2 granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 12 May 1919 David Mountbatten 3rd Marquess Milford Haven was born to George Mountbatten 2nd Marquess Milford Haven (age 26) and Nadejda Mikhailovna Torby Marchioness Milford Haven (age 23) at Edinburgh [Map]. He a great x 2 grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 04 Feb 1922 Maurice Fitzgerald 6th Duke Leinster (age 34) died having spent most of his life being cared for in a psychiatric institution at Edinburgh [Map]. His brother Edward Fitzgerald 7th Duke Leinster (age 29) succeeded 7th Duke Leinster.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Canongate

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Canongate Kirk

On 01 Mar 1752 Allan Ramsay (age 38) and Margaret Lindsay (age 26) at Canongate Kirk without the approval of her parents having eloped together. Her father never forgave her for marrying an artist.

On 10 Oct 1767 Francis Eliott 5th Baronet (age 36) and Euphan Dixon (age 22) were married at Canongate Kirk.

Around 19 Dec 1810, three weeks after her divorce, George William Campbell 6th Duke Argyll (age 42) and Caroline Elizabeth Villiers Duchess Argyll (age 36) were married at Canongate Kirk. She by marriage Duchess Argyll. She the daughter of George Bussy Villiers 4th Earl Jersey and Frances Twysden (age 57). He the son of John Campbell 5th Duke Argyll and Elizabeth Gunning Duchess Hamilton and Argyll.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Cowgate

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Cowgate, Royal Mint aka Cunyiehous

On 05 Feb 1600 John Gordon 13th Earl Sutherland (age 24) and Agnes Elphinstone were married. The marriage was celebrated ovre two days at his lodgings Royal Mint aka Cunyiehous. King James VI of Scotland (age 33) and Queen Anne of Denmark (age 25) were house guests. As wedding gifts, James VI gave Agnes and Jean Elphinstone suites of gold and pearl accessories comprising, a necklace, a belt, and back and fore "garnishings" for their hair, which cost £1,333-6s-8d Scots. He the son of Alexander Gordon 12th Earl Sutherland.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Craigmillar Castle

Before 1479 John Stewart 1st Earl Mar (age 23) was imprisoned at Craigmillar Castle.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Dalmeny

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Dean Estate

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, East Claremont Street

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, 5 East Claremont Street

On 13 Jan 1859 Henry Grey died at his home 5 East Claremont Street, Edinburgh. He was buried at St Cuthbert's Church, Edinburgh.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh University

On 01 Aug 1815 John William Polidori (age 19) received his degree as a doctor of medicine from Edinburgh University.

In 1825 James Young Simpson 1st Baronet (age 13) attended Edinburgh University. He began his medical studies in 1827 and achieved his MD in 1832.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Gilmour Place

On 18 Mar 1813 William Calder Marshall was born to William Marshall and Annie Calder at either Gilmour Place in Edinburgh or Stevenage, Hertfordshire.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Greyfriars

On or before 14 Aug 1675 Anne Cleland died. She was buried at Greyfriars, Edinburgh.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, High Street Edinburgh

On 30 Apr 1520 a skirmish took place on the High Street Edinburgh in which around five hundred supporters of James Hamilton 1st Earl Arran (age 45) fought with a similar number of supporters of Archibald Douglas 6th Earl Angus (age 31), chiefs of Clan Hamilton and Douglas respectively, over who had control over King James V of Scotland (age 8).

Around eighty of the Hamilton's were killed with the Douglases victorious as a consequence of around eight hundred more supporters arriving under the leadership of Angus' (age 31) brother William Douglas Prior of Coldingham (age 27).

John Montgomerie Master of Eglinton (age 37) was killed.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Holyrood

On 08 Feb 1562 James Stewart 1st Earl of Moray Regent (age 31) and Agnes Keith Countess Moray and Argyll (age 31) were married at Holyrood. She by marriage Countess Moray. She the daughter of William Keith 4th Earl Marischal (age 55) and Margaret Keith Countess Marischal. He the illegitmate son of King James V of Scotland and Margaret Erskine (age 46). They were fourth cousins. He a great grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Holyrood Abbey

On 22 Feb 1371 King David II of Scotland (age 46) died without issue at Edinburgh Castle [Map]. He was buried at Holyrood Abbey. His nephew King Robert II of Scotland (age 54) succeeded II King Scotland. He, David, was the last of the male line of the House of Bruce. Robert (age 54), the first of the House of Stewart, being the son of his sister Marjory Bruce who had married Walter Stewart 6th High Steward.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Holyrood House

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Great Hall Holyrood House

On 15 May 1567 James "Lord Bothwell" Hepburn 1st Duke Orkney (age 33) and Mary Queen of Scots (age 24) were married in the Great Hall Holyrood House. She the daughter of King James V of Scotland and Mary of Guise Queen Consort Scotland. He the son of Patrick Hepburn 3rd Earl Bothwell and Agnes Sinclair Countess Bothwell. They were half third cousin once removed. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Holyrood Palace [Map]

On 09 Mar 1566 at eight o'clock in the evening David Rizzio (age 33) was murdered in the presence of the six months pregnant Mary Queen of Scots (age 23) and her half-sister Jean Stewart Countess Argyll (age 33) at Holyrood Palace [Map] by rebels led by Patrick Ruthven 3rd Lord Ruthven. Rizzio was dragged through the bed chamber into the adjacent Audience Chamber and stabbed an alleged 57 times. Mary's husband Henry "Lord Darnley" Stewart (age 20) was suspected of being one of the murderers.

On 15 Mar 1566 Mary Queen of Scots (age 23) writes to Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 32):

As first hes takin our houss slane our maist [most] speciall servand (age 33) in our awin [own] presence & thaireftir haldin our propper personis captive tressonneblie, quhairby [whereby] we war constrainit to escaipe straitlie about midnyght out of our palice of halliruidhouss [Map] to the place quhair [where] we ar for the present, in the grittest danger feir of our lywis & ewill [ill] estate that evir princes on earth stuid [stood] in.

We thotht to have writtin to you this letter with oure awin [own] hand, that therby ye myght have better onestand all our meaning & takin mair [more] familliarlie therewit. Bot of trewt [truth] we ar so tyrit [tired] & ewill [ill] at eass [ease], quhat [what] throw rydding of twenty millis [miles] in v [5] horis [hours] of the nyght as wit the frequent seikness & weill dispositioun be th'occasioun of our child/that we could not at this tyme as we was willing to have done…

Your richt [right] gud sister and cusignes [cousin] Marie R.

Jean Stewart Countess Argyll: Around 1533 she was born illegitimately to King James V of Scotland and Elizabeth Bethune. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. In 1553 Archibald Campbell 5th Earl Argyll and she were married. She by marriage Countess Argyll. She the illegitmate daughter of King James V of Scotland and Elizabeth Bethune. He the son of Archibald Campbell 4th Earl Argyll and Helen Hamilton Countess Argyll. They were third cousins. She a great granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. On 07 Jan 1588 Jean Stewart Countess Argyll died.

Patrick Ruthven 3rd Lord Ruthven: he was born to William Ruthven 2nd Lord Ruthven and Janet Halyburton Lady Dirletoun. Before 1551 Patrick Ruthven 3rd Lord Ruthven and Janet Douglas were married. She the illegitmate daughter of Archibald Douglas 6th Earl Angus. After 1551 Patrick Ruthven 3rd Lord Ruthven and Janet Stewart were married. His second marriage, her fourth. She the daughter of John Stewart 2nd Earl Atholl and Janet Campbell Countess Atholl. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. On 13 May 1566 Patrick Ruthven 3rd Lord Ruthven died.

On 25 Mar 1596 James Stewart 1st Earl Atholl (age 30) was created 1st Earl Atholl at Holyrood Palace [Map]. Mary Ruthven Countess Atholl by marriage Countess Atholl.

On 23 Dec 1600 the future King Charles I was baptised at Holyrood Palace [Map]. He was created Duke Albany.

On 24 Mar 1603 Elizabeth I (age 69) died at Richmond Palace [Map] around three in the morning. Her first cousin twice removed King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 36) succeeded I King England Scotland and Ireland.

Immediately following her death Robert Carey 1st Earl Monmouth (age 43) started on horseback for Edinburgh to inform King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 36) arriving at Holyrood Palace [Map] late on the 26 Mar 1603. His conduct met with general disapproval and merited censure as contrary to all decency, good manners and respect. George Carew and Thomas Lake (age 35) were sent by the Council to formally inform James of her death.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Kirk O Field

On 10 Feb 1567 Henry "Lord Darnley" Stewart (age 21) was murdered at Kirk O Field. Around two in the morning two barrels of gunpowder exploded beneath his room. His body and that of his valet William Taylor were found outside, surrounded by a cloak, a dagger, a chair, and a coat. Darnley was dressed only in his nightshirt. There were no visible marks on the body. He was buried at Holyrood Abbey, Holyrood.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Leith

Hall's Chronicle 1522. Apr 1522. The King for safeguard of his Merchants, sent twenty-eight goodly ships to the sea, well manned and trimmed for the wars, and seven other ships he sent toward Scotland, which entered the Firth, and proffered to enter into the Scottish ships that lay in the haven, but the Scots ran their ships on land, and the Englishmen followed with boats and landed, and set the ships on fire, and at Leith took certain prisoners, which they brought into England, and still the King’s great navy kept the narrow seas, for then was neither peace between England and France, nor open war as you have heard.

On 05 Dec 1560 Francis II King France King Consort Scotland (age 16) died. His brother Charles IX King France (age 10) succeeded IX King France: Capet Valois Angoulême. Mary Queen of Scots (age 17) no longer Queen of France she returned to Scotland arriving at Leith 19 Aug 1561 after having been in France for thirteen years.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Parliament Close

On 25 May 1713 John Stuart 3rd Earl Bute was born to James Stuart 2nd Earl Bute (age 17) and Anne Campbell Countess Bute (age 27) at Parliament Close.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Priestfield House

Around 1535 Thomas Hamilton of Priestfield was born to Thomas Hamilton of Priestfield in Priestfield House.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Queen Street Edinburgh

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, 52 Queen Street Edinburgh

On 06 May 1870 James Young Simpson 1st Baronet (age 58) died at 52 Queen Street Edinburgh. His son Walter Grindlay Simpson 2nd Baronet (age 26) succeeded 2nd Baronet Simpson of Strathavon and the City of Edinburgh.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Queensberry House

On 24 Nov 1698 Charles Douglas 3rd Duke Queensberry was born to James Douglas 2nd Duke Queensberry (age 35) and Mary Boyle Duchess Queensbury (age 34) in Queensberry House.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Ratho

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, Restalrig

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, St Cuthbert's Church

On 13 Mar 1792 Alexander Gordon (age 53) died. He was buried in the churchyard of St Cuthbert's Church, Edinburgh. The eroded family stone lies in the north-west corner close to the elaborate Gothic Bailey vault.

On 14 Feb 1842 William Calder Marshall (age 28) and Marianne Lawrie were married at St Cuthbert's Church, Edinburgh. She died a month later.

On 10 Jun 1845 William Calder Marshall (age 32) and Margaret Calder (age 28) were married at St Cuthbert's Church, Edinburgh. The same church in which he had married his first wife three years previously.

On 13 Jan 1859 Henry Grey died at his home 5 East Claremont Street, Edinburgh. He was buried at St Cuthbert's Church, Edinburgh.

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, Edinburgh, St Giles' Cathedral

On 11 May 1161 following the Restoration the parts of his body were recovered and subjected to a magnificient funeral at St Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh.

On 20 Aug 1503 Margaret Tudor Queen Scotland (age 13) attended mass at St Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh.

On 07 Feb 1592 James "The Bonnie Earl" Stewart 2nd Earl of Moray (age 27) was murdered. His son James Stewart 3rd Earl of Moray (age 1) succeeded 3rd Earl Moray.

Moray, in expectation of a summons to the court, had arrived at Donibristle, a house on the Fife coast owned by his mother Margaret Campbell (deceased). The house was suddenly beset by the followers of George Gordon 1st Marquess Huntly (age 30), who called on him to surrender. He declined to do so, and the house was set on fire. Moray escaped but was subsequently killed.

The next day, the corpses of the earl and of Dunbar, Sheriff of Moray, who had also been killed in the attack, were brought to Leith by the earl's mother Margaret Campbell (deceased). She intended to confront King James VI (age 25) and demand that Huntly (age 30) be brought to justice. The body displayed in the St Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh; a 'vendetta portrait' showing his wounds was commissioned.

The body remained on display for five years. He was eventually buried on the orders of King James (age 25)

James Stewart 3rd Earl of Moray: Before 1591 he was born to James "The Bonnie Earl" Stewart 2nd Earl of Moray and Elizabeth Stewart 2nd Countess Moray. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. On 02 Oct 1607 James Stewart 3rd Earl of Moray and Anne Gordon Countess Moray were married. She by marriage Countess Moray. She the daughter of George Gordon 1st Marquess Huntly and Henrietta Stewart Marchioness Huntly. He the son of James "The Bonnie Earl" Stewart 2nd Earl of Moray and Elizabeth Stewart 2nd Countess Moray. They were half third cousin once removed. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry VII of England and Ireland. On 06 Aug 1638 James Stewart 3rd Earl of Moray died. His son James Stewart 4th Earl of Moray succeeded 4th Earl Moray.

Margaret Campbell: In 1544 she was born to Archibald Campbell 4th Earl Argyll and Margaret Graham Countess Argyll. On 10 Jan 1563 James Stewart 1st Lord Doune and she were married. There was a masque involving courtiers and musicians dressed in white taffeta as shepherds. She the daughter of Archibald Campbell 4th Earl Argyll and Margaret Graham Countess Argyll. They were half third cousin once removed. In Feb 1592 Margaret Campbell died.

On 10 Jan 1953 Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas-Scott 9th Duke Buccleuch 11th Duke Queensberry (age 29) and Jane McNeill Duchess of Buccleuch (age 23) were married at St Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh. The ceremony was attended by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (age 26) and the Duke of Edinburgh (age 31) as well as a number of other members of the Royal family. He the son of Walter Scott 8th Duke Buccleuch 10th Duke Queensberry (age 58) and Vreda Lascelles Duchess Buccleuch and Queensbury (age 52).

Europe, British Isles, Scotland, St John's Church Edinburgh

On 06 Aug 1851 Henry Edwyn Chandos Scudamore Stanhope 9th Earl of Chesterfield (age 30) and Dorothea Hay Countess Chesterfield (age 23) were married at St John's Church Edinburgh.