The London Gazette

The London Gazette is in Newspapers.

1668 Buckingham Shrewsbury Duel

1672 Attack on the Smyrna Fleet

1672 Battle of Solebay

1800 Act of Union Peerages

1806 Funeral of Horatio Nelson

1821 Coronation of King George IV

1857 Battle of Inkerman

The London Gazette 238

24 Feb 1668. Deale [Map]. Feb 24. This day sailed for the Thames his Majesties Ship, the Reserve, well laden with Sails. The Fleet which were riding in the Downs during the late storms, consisting of 140 saile, received little or no dammage, but the wind coming now to the South-east, most of the fleet outwards bound have set sail to pursue their intended Voyages.

25 Feb 1668. Portsmouth, Feb. 25. This last night came into this harbour the Emsworth Fregat from the Downs. This morning passed by this place for the Coasts of France Monsieur de la Roche with his Consort, who off the Horse was met by Sir Thomas Allen with his Squadron, and some Guns given on each side, since which they have for this hour continued together.

25 Feb 1668. Whitehall, Feb. 25. This day His Majesty (age 37) was pleased to declare at the Board, that whereas, in contemplation of the eminent Services heretofore done to His Majesty by most of those persons who were engaged in the late Duel or Rencounter wherein William Jenkins was killed, He doth Graciously pardon the said Offence: Nevertheless, he is resolved from henceforth, that upon no pretence whatsoever, any pardon shall be hereafter granted to any person whatsoever for killing of any man, in any Duel or Rencounter but that the course of Law shall wholly take place in all such Cases; and His Majesty was pleased to command that this His solemn Declaration should be entred in the Council Book, and that publick notice of it be likewise hereby givern that no persons may for the future pretend ignorance thereof.

Pepy's Diary. 05 Feb 1668. Thence to other discourse, among others, he mightily commends my Lord Hinchingbroke's (age 20) match and Lady (age 23), though he buys her £10,000 dear, by the jointure and settlement his father (age 42) makes her; and says that the Duke of York (age 34) and Duchess of York (age 30) did come to see them in bed together, on their wedding-night, and how my Lord had fifty pieces of gold taken out of his pocket that night, after he was in bed. He tells me that an Act of Comprehension is likely to pass this Parliament, for admitting of all persuasions in religion to the public observation of their particular worship, but in certain places, and the persons therein concerned to be listed of this, or that Church; which, it is thought, will do them more hurt than good, and make them not own, their persuasion. He tells me that there is a pardon passed to the Duke of Buckingham (age 40), my Lord of Shrewsbury (age 45), and the rest, for the late duell and murder1 which he thinks a worse fault than any ill use my late Chancellor (age 58) ever put the Great Seal to, and will be so thought by the Parliament, for them to be pardoned without bringing them to any trial: and that my Lord Privy-Seal (age 62) therefore would not have it pass his hand, but made it go by immediate warrant; or at least they knew that he would not pass it, and so did direct it to go by immediate warrant, that it might not come to him. He tells me what a character my Lord Sandwich (age 42) hath sent over of Mr. Godolphin (age 33), as the worthiest man, and such a friend to him as he may be trusted in any thing relating to him in the world; as one whom, he says, he hath infallible assurances that he will remaine his friend which is very high, but indeed they say the gentleman is a fine man.

Note 1. The royal pardon was thus announced in the "Gazette" of February 24th, 1668: "This day his Majesty was pleased to declare at the Board, that whereas, in contemplation of the eminent services heretofore done to his Majesty by most of the persons who were engaged in the late duel, or rencounter, wherein William Jenkins was killed, he Both graciously pardon the said offence: nevertheless, He is resolved from henceforth that on no pretence whatsoever any pardon shall be hereafter granted to any person whatsoever for killing of any man, in any duel or rencounter, but that the course of law shall wholly take place in all such cases". The warrant for a pardon to George, Duke of Buckingham (age 40), is dated January 27th, 1668; and on the following day was issued, "Warrant for a grant to Francis, Earl of Shrewsbury (age 45), of pardon for killing William Jenkins, and for all duels, assaults, or batteries on George, Duke of Buckingham (age 40), Sir John Talbot, Sir Robert Holmes, or any other, whether indicted or not for the same, with restitution of lands, goods, &c". (Calendar of State Papers, 1667-68, pp. 192,193).

The London Gazette 249

04 Apr 1668. London. This day several of the persons Who in the Easter Holidayes had assembled themselves in a tumultuous manner, breaking open several Prisons, and pulling down the Houses of the Inhabitants of this place, were Indicted for High Treason at the Old Bailey, before Sir John Keeling, Lord Chief Justice of his Majesties Court of Kings Bench, Sir Robert Atkins, Sir Christopher Turner, and Sir Richard Raynsford, Baron of His Majesties Court of Exchequer, together with Sir William Wild Recorder of the City of London; where a Jury being impanelled, consisting of several Justices of the Peace and Gentlemen of good Quality of London and Middlesex, Peter Messenger, Richard Beasley, William Greene, Thomas Apltre, Edward Cotton, Thomas Limerick, Edward Bedel, and Richard Latimter, Eight of the principal Offenders were found, guilty of the offences aforesaid, and condemned.

And it is to be observed, to the just vindication of the City, that neither the persons above-named, nor any other that Were apprehended upon the said Tumult Were found to be Apprentices as was given out, but some idle persons, many of them nursed in the late rebellion, too readily embracing any opportunity of making theit own advantages to the disturbance of the peace, and injury of others.

The London Gazette 259

09 May 1668. London. This day Thomas Limmerick, Edward Cotton, Peter Messenger and Richard Beasly, four of the persons formerly apprehended in the Tumult during the Easter-holidays, having upon their Trial at Hicks-Hall been found guilty, and since sentenced as Traytors, were accordingly Drawn, Hang'd and Quartered at Tyburn [Map], where they shewed many signs of there Penitence, their Quarters permitted Burial, only Two of their Heads ordered to be fixt upon London-bridge [Map].

The London Gazette 662

21 Mar 1672. The Hague. 1672 Attack on the Smyrna Fleet. Most of our Smirna Fleet are arrived in Zealand and in the Maes, together with the Mep of war, under whose Convoy they were, though extremely torn and very much disabled 5 five of ©ur Merchant men were taken bythe English-two of which were the richest in the Fleet, laden with Silks and other rich Commodities, and were called the Landtman oi Amsterdam, and the Vrede of Rotterdam, besides one of our men of War, called the Little Holland, mounted with 44 Guns and 150 men J Captain de Hies Admiral of this Fleet was killed in this engagement, with many of our men, and many more wounded, who have been since brought a shore at Rotterdam and other places. The men of War which served for Convoys to the said Fleet were.

Ships, Captains, Guns, Men.

The Ulisstiing, Adrian de Haes, 50, 250.

The Dort, Thomas de Bois, 46, 170.

The Entrecht, Cornelius Everfon, 48, 220.

the Hollandia, Thomas Nes, 44, 150.

The Delf, Pourt, 38, 145.

The Lion, Lenny, 34, 140.

The Centaur, Thomas Anderson, 41, 120.

The Friezland, Jacon Anderson, 30, 110.

The Munnick, a considerable Merchant man mounted with 30 guns was so torn and disabled that with much difficulty they have brought her into port, Captain du Bois Vice-=Admiral of this Fleet hath lost his right arm, and many of his men.

The London Gazette 684

Rochester, 06 Jun 1672.

Yesterday was performed the solemn Enterment Monseur Rabiniere tres le boys, Rear-Admiral of the French Squadron who some days since dyed here of the Wounds he received in the late Engagement. The Corps was accomapanied by several persons of quality (his Pall being born up by Sir Johnathan Atkins (age 62), His Majesties Governor here, Colonel Rheyms (age 58), Mr Evelin (age 51), and a person of quality related to the Deceased) together with the Mayor and Alderman of this place in the Formalities, and all other solemnity we are here capable of, to the place of Enterment, which was in the Quire of our Cathedral Church [Map], where was pronounced an excellent Funeral Oration with an Elogy on the Deceased by Dr. God, one of the Prebends; the whole having been concluded by three Volleys of the several Companies of Guard, now here, who likewise assisted at this Solemnity in excellent order.

The London Gazette 2458

Whitehall, June 1 [1689].

His Majesty has been graciously pleased to Create the Right Honourable Arthur Herbert (age 41) Esq; Admiral of Their Majesties Fleet, Earl of Torrington, and Baron Herbert of Torbay in the County of Devon.

The London Gazette 5362

St, James's, September 9 [1715]. His Majesty has been pleased to direct Letters Patents to pass the Seals for granting the Dignity of Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain to Robert Chaplin (age 45) of the Inner-Temple, Esq;

The London Gazette 6370

Whitehall, May 7.

His Majesty (age 64) has been pleased to order Letters Patents to pass the Great Seal for granting the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain unto Henry Fermor, of Welche alias Welckes, in the County of Sussex, and of Sevenoak in the County of Kent, Esq; [Note. The Baronetcy was created with a special remainder, in default of male issue, to Charles Eversfield 2nd Baronet (age 17) who was a first cousin twice removed of his then wife's (Catherine Thomas) first husband Thomas Eversfield of Grove, Hastings. This suggests the Baronectcy was being awarded to his wife rather than him?]

His Majesty has been pleased to confer the Honour of Knighthood on Pr. Conrad Sprengell, Member of the College of Physicians, and Fellow bf the Royal Society.

The London Gazette 6494

Whitehall, July 15 [1726].

His Majesty has been pleased to create his Highness Prince Frederick (age 19), a Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquess, and Duke of the Kingdom of Great Britain, by the Names Stiles and Titles of Baron of Snaudon in the County of Caernarvon, Viscount of Lanceston in the County of Cornwall, Earl of Eltham in the County of Kent, Marquess of the Isle of Wight [Note. An error for Isle of Ely], and Duke of Edinburgh.

His Majesty has been pleased to create his Highness Prince William (age 5), a Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquess, and Duke of the Kingdom of Great Britain, by the Names Stiles and Titles of Baron of the lsle of Alderney, Viscount of Trematon in the Councy of Cornwall, Earl of Kinnington in the County of Surrey, Marquess of Berkhamstead in the County of Hertford, and Duke of Cumberland.

The London Gazette 9790

Admiralty-Office, May 13 [1758]

On the 26th of last Month, His Majesty's Ship the Windsor, of 60 Guns, commanded by Capt. Faulkner, with the Escorte Frigate, were sent from Plymouth, in order to intercept two French Frigates, and three Storeships under their Convoy, which sailed a few Days before to the Dunkirk Road to the Westward. On the 27th towards Noon, about 16 Leagues from the Ramhead, Capt. Faulkner was in Sight of them, when the two Frigates brought to in a Line, as if they intended to receive him, and the Storeships continued standing to the Westward. When the Windsor came within about two Gun Shot of the Frigates, they made all the Sail they could towards the Coast of France: Upon which Capt. Faulkner sent the Escorte after the Storeships, while he gave Chace to the Frigates, and continued it till Four in the Afternoon; when finding they greatly outsailed him, he gave it over, and made after their Convoy, which could then but just be discerned from the Poop. The next Morning at Day-light, only one of them was to be seen, which the Windsor came up with and took. She is called the St. Peter, of near 400 Tuns Burthen, and far Cargo confistel of Provisions, and 1000 Stand of Arms, intended for Quebec. Another of these Storeships was fallen in with the fame Day by a Squadron of His Majesty's Ships to the Westward, commanued by Capt. Pratten, and was taken by Capt, Douglas in the Alcide. She is called the Baden, is about the same Size with the other, and loaded with Provisions.

On the 29th, about Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, Capt. Pratten seeing a Sail to the S. W. made a Signal for the Dorsetshire, of 70 Guns, and 520 Men, commanded by Captain Denis (age 45), to give Chace; and soon after observing the Chace to be a large Ship, dispatched the Achilles, of 60 Guns, commanded by the Honourable Captain Barrington, also after her, and then followed them with the rest of the Squadron. About Seven o'Clock the Dorsetshire came up with the Chace, which proved to be the Raisonable, a French Ship of War of 64 Gun, and 630 Men, and Capt. Denis began to engage her very closely, and they continued warmly engaged till about Nine o'Clock, when the Enemy's Ship, commanded by the Prince de Mombazon, Chevalier de Rohan, struck, having suffered greatly in her Hull, and had 61 Men killed, and 100 wounded. She was going from l'Orient to Brest, a new Ship, not above four or five Months off the Stocks. The Dorsetshire's Masts, Yards, and Sails, were greatly shattered. She had 15 Men killed, and 21 wounded, in the Action; and one of the Wounded is since dead.

Advice is received from Rear Admiral Broderick, who was oh his Passage to the Mediterranean, that, on the 13th of last Month, in the Latitude of 48:00, His Majesty's Ship the Prince George, of 80 Guns, in which the Rear Admiral hoisted his Flag, took Fire at Half an Hour after One in the Afternoon, and after burning down to the Water's Edge, the Remnant of her funk at a little before Six in the Evening. The Rear Admiral fays, he could not then give a particular Account of the People who were on board her, being about 780; but he feared the Number lost far exceeded ths Number saved.

The London Gazette 9984

Whitehall, March 22 [1760].

The King has been, pleased, in Consideration of the, many great, and eminent Services rendered unto His Majesty by Charles Watson, Esq; deceased, late Vice Admiral of the Red Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet, and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships in the East Indies, to grant unto Charles Watson (age 8), Esq. only Son of the said Charles Watson, and to his Heirs Male, the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain.

The King has been pleased to constitute and appoint James Wallace, Esq; Sir Francis Haskins Eyles Stiles, Bart, the Hon. Horatio Townshend (age 42), Francis Vernon, Esqrs. Sir Roger Burgoyne (age 49), Bart. Robert Pell, Esq; together with John Rule, Esq. Commisioners for Victualling His Majesty's Navy Royal.

The King has been pleased to constitute and appoint John Paul Yvounet, Edward Montagu, Robert Coney, and John Cowsland, together with John Bridges the Younger, Esqrs. to be Commissioners for Appeals and regulating ths Duties of Excise.

The London Gazette 10442

St. James's, August 9 [1764].

The King has been pleased to grant unto George Amyand (age 43), of the City of London, Merchant, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain.

The King has been pleased to grant unto William Duncan, of Mary le Bone, in the County ofMiddlesex, Doctor of Physick, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain.

The King has been pleased to grant unto Sir Samuel Gordon, of Newark upon Trent, in the County of Nottingham, Knight, and. the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, the Dignity of a Balonet of the Kingdom of Great Britain

The London Gazette 10776

Whitehall, October 31 [1765]

The King has been pleased to grant unto Benjamin Newcombe, Doctor of Divinity, the place and dignity of Dean of the Cathedral Church of Rochester, void by the resgination of Dr. William Markham.

The London Gazette 11043

St James's. 19 May 1770.

The King has been pleased to order Letters Patent, containing a Grant unto Bernard Ward (age 50), Esq; and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, of the Dignity of Baron of the said Kingdom, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Bangor of Castle Ward in the County of Downe. [Ann Bligh Viscountess Bangor by marriage Baroness Bangor of Castle Ward in County Downe.]

The London Gazette 11162

St. James's, July 20 [1771]

The King has been pleased to constitute and appoint Charles Proby, Esq; to be Comptroller of the Victuallers Accounts of his Majesty's Navy, in the room of Robert Osborn, Esq; deceased.

His Majesty has been pleased to grant to Sir George Amyand, Bart His full Power, Licence, and Authority to assume and use the Surname of Cornewall, and also to bear the Arms of Cornewall.

His Majesty has been pleased to grant His Royal Licence and Authority to Thomas Evans, Esq; and his Issue, to assume and take the Surname of Durell only, in Pursuance of the Will of Solomon Durell, Esq; deceased.

The London Gazette 11376

Petersburg, July 9 [1773]. The King of Great Britain having been graciously pleased to nominate Robert Gunning (age 42), Esq;; His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at this Court, to be a Knight Companion of the most Honourable Order of the Bath, and His Majesty being desirous that he should be knighted and invested with the Ensigns of the said Order in the most Honourable and most distinguished Manner, Mr. Gunning applied to her Imperial Majesty the Empress of Russia, by Order of the King His Master, to desire she would be pleased to represent His Majesty on this Occasion; to which her Imperial Majesty very readily consented, expressing in the strongest Terms her Sentiments of Friendship and Affection towards His Britannick Majesty, and was at the same Time pleased to appoint this Day, (being the Anniversary Festival of her Imperial Majesty's Accession to the Throne) for the Performance of the Cerempny, which was as follows:

Mr Gunning having, between Four and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon repaired to the Palace, according to Appointment, he was there received by the Grand Master of the Ceremonies, who conducted him through manv of the Royal Apartments, where a great Number of the Nobility and Persons of Distinction were assembled in Honour of the Day, and proceeded to the Apartment destined for the Performance of the Ceremony, where her Imperial Majesety was attended by her Serene Highness the Landgravine of Hesse Darmstadt, and the three Princesses her Daughters, Prince Orlow, Count Panin, Count Zachar Czernicbew, and all the Great Officers of State and of the Household. Mr. Gunning being introduced by the Grand Master of the Ceremonies, made a low Reverence on his Entrance, a Second in the Middle of the Room, and a Third on his approaching her Imperial Majesty; and Mr. Gunning then kneeling, the Empress took from a Table a curious Gold-hilted Sword richly ornamented with Diamonds, and touched his left Shoulder three Times with it, pronouncing these Words, Soyez, Bon & Honorable Chevalier au Nom de Dieu, and laid the Sword upon the Table. Then the Vice-Chancellor Prince Gallitzin presented to her Imperial Majesty the Ribbon of the Order, which the Empress put over the Knight's right Shoulder; and receiving the Star likewise from the Vice-Chancellor, her Imperial Majesty delivered it to Sir Robert Gunning (age 42): After which the Empress again took the Sword from the Table, and, delivering the fame to Sir Robert Gunning (age 42), her Imperial Majesty most graciously condescended to do him the Honour of desiring him to wear the Sword with which he had been knighted. Sir Robert Gunning (age 42) then rose up; and, after expressing to her Imperial Majesty how much he was penetrated by this most gracious and extraordinary Mark of Favour, which she had been pleased to add to that of investing him with the Order, he withdrew, observing the same Ceremony as at his Entrance.

The London Gazette 11453

St. James's. May 3. [1774]

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain, unto the following Gentlemen, viz.

Richard Clayton, of Adlington, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Esq; and, in Default of Issue Male, to the Heirs Male of John Clayton, Esq; his late Father, deceased, and their Heirs Male;

Archibald Edmonstone (age 56), of Duntreatb, in the Coonty of Stirling, North Britain, Esq;

Walden Hanmer, of Hanmer, in the County of Flint, Esq;

Richard Symons, of the Meend, in the County of Hereford, Esq;

William Lemon, of Carelew, in the County of Cornwall, Efqj

Francis Blake, of Twisel Castle, in the County Palatine of Durham, Esq;

Martin Folkes (age 24), of Hillington Hall, in the County of Norfolk, Esq;

William Jones, of Ramsbury Manor, in the County os Wilts* Esq;

William Montgomery, of Macbiehill, in the Shire of Tweedale, North Britain, Esq;

Philip Gibbes, of Spring Head, in the Island of Barbadoes, Esq;

Charles Raymond, of Valentine House, in the County of Essex, Esq; and, in Default of Issue Male, to William Burrell, of Beckenham, in the County of Kent, Esq; and his Heirs Male by Sophia his Wife, Daughter of the said Charles Raymond. And,

John Smith, of Sydling Saint Nicholas, in the County of Dorset, Esq;

The London Gazette 11557

War-Office, May 2 [1775].

1st Troop of Horse Grenadier Guards, Thomas Ryves, Gent, is appointed to be Sub-Lieutenant, vice Thomas Staunton; by Purchase.

Ditto, Francis Drouly, Gent, to be Adjutant.

2nd Troop of Horse Grenadier Guards, Adjutant and Sub-Lieutenant Charles Walton to be Sub-Lientenant.

Ditto, Serjeant William Skyring to be Adjutant, vice Charles Walton.

1st Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Lieutenant Alexander Earl to be Captain of a Troop, vice Lord Thomas Pelham Clinton, preferred; by Purchase.

Ditto, Cornet Fewster Johnson to bie Lieutenant, vice Alexander Earl; by Purchase.

Ditto, Richard Burton, Gent, to be Cornet, vice Fewster Johnson; by Purchase.

Ditto, Cornet John Trotter to be Lieutenant, vice Philip Anstruther; by Purchase.,

Ditto, Banestier Tarleton, Gent, to be Cornet, vice John Trotter; by Purchase.

10th Regiment of Dragoons, Cornet Thomas Philip Dayrolles to be Lieutenant, vice Robert Fulke Greville, preferred; by Purchase.

Ditto, Charles Gounter Legge, Gent to be Cornet, vice Thomas Philip Dayrolles; by Purchase.

11th Regiment of Dragoons, Major-General James Johnson, of the 1st Regiment of Horse, to be Colonel, vice the Marquis of Lothian, deceased.

1st Regiment of Foot Guards, Ensign James Duffe to be Lieutenant, vice William Irby; by Purchase.

Ditto, Thomas Townshend, Gent, to be Ensign, vice James Duffe; by Purchase.

3d Regiment of Foot Guards, Ensign Charles Rooke to be Adjutant, vice Thomas Burge, deceased.

8th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Robert Mathews to be Adjutant, vice James Webb, preferred.

18th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant William Richardson to be Captain, vice Benjamin Johnson; by Purchase.

Ditto, Ensign Nicholas Trist to be Lieutenant, vice William Richardson; by Purchase.

Ditto, Thomas Serle, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Nicholas Trist; by Purchase.

23d Regiment of Foot, Second Lieutenant Benjamin Bernard to be First Lieutenant, vice Robert Douglas, preferred; by Purchase.

Ditto, John Wilkinson, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant, vice Benjamin Bernard; by Purchase.

29th Regiment of Foot, John Enys, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Thomas Milborne West; by Purchase.

30th Regiment of Foot, Ensign William Wilkinson to be Lieutenant, vice Lewis Lewis; by Purchase.

Ditto, Robert Hazard, Gent, to be Ensign, vice William Wilkinson; by Purchase.

47th Regiment of Foot, Captain Paulus Æmilius Irving to be Major, vice Hugh Carncross; by Purchase.

Ditto, First Lieutenant Robert Douglas, of the 23d Regiment, to be Captain, vice Paulus Æmilius Irving; by Purchase.

50th Regiment of Foot, Ensign William Walsh to be Lieutenant, vice George Seton; by Purchase.

Ditto, James Shalto Douglas, Gent, to be Ensign, vice William Walsh; by Purchase.

52nd Regiment of Foot, Ensign Thomas Randall to be Lieutenant, vice Thomas Holland, deceased.

Ditto, Elias Terrott, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Thomas Randall.

Adjutant James Webb, of the 8th Regiment of Foot, to be Deputy Commissary of the Musters in North America, vice James Stewart, superseded.

The London Gazette 11598

St. James's, September 20 [1775]. The King has been pleased to appoint Robert Ainslie (age 45), Esq; to be His Majesty's Ambassador to the Ottoman Porte, in the Room of John Murray, Esq; deceased; and His Majesty was pleased this Day to confer upon him the Honour of Knighthood; upon which Occasions he had the Honour to kiss His Majesty's Hand.

The London Gazette 11665

St. James's, May 14 [1776]. The King (age 37) has been pleased to order a Writ to be issued under the Great Seal of Great Britain for summoning Francis Osborne, Esq; commonly called Marquess of Carmarthen, up to the House of Peers, by the Stile and Title of Baron Olborne of Kiveton in the County of York.

The King has been pleased to grant unto her Grace the Dutchess of Argyll (age 42) the Dignity of a Baroness of the Kingdom of Great Britain, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baroness Hamilton, of Hameldon in the County of Leicester; and the Dignity of a Baron to her Heirs Male.

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain unto the following Gentlemen, and their Heirs Male; viz.

Alexander Hume Campbell,.Esq; commonly called Lord Polwarth, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Hume of Berwick.

John Stuart, Esq; commonly called Lord Mount Stuart, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Cardiff of Cardiff Castle in the County of Glamorgan.

The Right Honorable Sir Edward Hawke, Knight of the Bath, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Hawke of Towton in the County of York.

The Right Honorable George Onslow, by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron Cranley of Imber Court in the County of Surrey.

The Right Honorable Sir Jeffery Amherst, Knight os the Bath, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Amherst of Holmesdale in the County of Kent.

Sir Brownlow Cust (age 31), Bart, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Brownlow of Belton in the County of Lincoln. [Frances Bankes Baroness Brownlow by marriage Baroness Brownlow of Belton in Lincolnshire.]

George Pitt (age 55), Esq; by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Rivers of Stratfieldsay in the County of Southampton.

Nathaniel Ryder (age 40), Esq; by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Harrowby of Harrowby in the County of Lincoln. [Elizabeth Terrick Baroness Harrowby by marriage Baroness Harrowby of Harrowby in Lincolnshire.]

Thomas Foley (age 59), Esq; of Great Witley in the County of Worcester, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Foley of Kidderminster in the County of Worcester. [Grace Granville Baroness Foley by marriage Baroness Foley of Kidderminster in Worcestershire.]

The London Gazette 11694

St. James's, August 24. The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain, to them and their Heirs Male, unto

George Winn, of Little Warley in the County of Essex, Esq; and late one of the Barons of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Scotland.

Herbert Mackworth, of the Gnoll in the County of Glamorgan, Esq;

James Laroche, of Over in the Parish of Aldmondsbury in the County of Gloucester, Esq;

Henry Peyton, of Doddington in the Isle of Ely, Esq;

George Baker (age 54), Doctor in Physick, and Physician in Ordinary to Her Majesty; [Baronet Baker of Loventor in Totnes in Devon].

The London Gazette 11894

St James's, Jul 25.

The King (age 40) has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain unto the following Gentlemen, and to their Heirs Male, viz.

The Right Honourable Richard Heron (age 52), youngest Son of Robert Heron, was of Newark upon Trent in the County of Nottingham, Esq; and in Default, of Issue to Thomas Heron (age 48) of Chilham Castle in the County of Kent, Esq; eldest surviving Son and Heir Male of the said Robert Heron, and to his Heirs Male.

George Wombwell (age 44), was of Wombwell in the County of York, Esq;

William James (age 56), was of Park Farm Place, Eltham, in the County of Kent, Esq;

Edward Lloyd (age 68), was of Pengwern in the County of Flint, Esq; and in Default of Issue to Bell Lloyd of Bodfack in the County of Montgomery, Esq) and to his Heirs Male.

John Coghill (age 46), was of Coghill Hall in the West Riding of the Couhty of York, Esq;

John Taylor (age 33), was of Lysson Hall in the island of Jamaica, Esq;

The London Gazette 11922

St. James's, October 27 [1778]. The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain unto Sir Robert Gunning (age 47), of Eltham in the County of Kent, Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and to his Issue,

The London Gazette 12111

War-Office, August 22, 1780.

19th Regiment of Light Dragoons, Cornet John Bailey to be Lieutenant, vice William Wells.

31st Regiment of Fcot, Alexander Giddes, Gent, to be Ensign in one of the Additional Companies, vice Ersktine Hope.

72nd Regiment of Foot, Captain John Hamiiton, of the Huntingdonshire Militia, to be Ensign in one of the Additional Companies, vice Gilbert Hillock.

72nd Regiment of Foot, Serjeant-Major Henry Andrews to be Quarter-Master, vice John Allen.

Southern Regiment of Fencible Men, Alexander Smollet, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Charles Anderson.

To be Majors in the Army.

Captain Banastre Tarleton (age 26), of 79th Foot.

Captain Archibald Robertson, of the Corps of Engineers.

Captain John Graves Simcoe, of 40th Foot.

Captain John Andre, of 54th Foot.

Lieutenant Ewen Cameron, from Half Pay in the late 78th Regiment, to be Lieutenant in Captain Thomas Cochran's Independent Company of Invalids, vice John George Hobson.

The London Gazette 12146

St. James's, 23 Dec 1780. The King has been pleased to order Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the Kingdom of Ireland, containing His Majesty's Grants of the Dignity of a Baron of the said Kingdom unto the following Gentlemen, and their Heirs Male, of the Names, Stiles and Titles as undermentioned viz.

James Dennis, Esq; Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland, Baron Tracton, of Tracton Abbey, in the County of Cork.

Sir Robert Tilson Deane, Bart. Baron Muskery, in the County of Cork.

Armar Lowry Corry (age 40), Esq; Baron Belmore, of Castlecoole, in the County of Fermanagh.

Thomas Knox, Esq; Baron Welles, of Dungannon, in the County of Tyrone.

John Baker Holroyd (age 45), Esq; Baron Sheffield, of Dunamore, in the County of Meath.

23 Dec 1780. Also like Letters Patent, containing His Majesty's Grants of the Dignity of a Viscount of the said Kingdom unto the following Noblemen, and their Heirs Male, by the Names, Stiles and Titles as undermentioned, viz.

James Baron Lifford, His Majesty's Chancellor of Ireland, Viscount Lifford, of Lifford, in the County of Donegall.

Otway Lord Desart, Viscount Desart, of Desert, in the County of Kilkenny.

John Baron Erne, Viscount Erne, of Crum Castle, in the County of Fermanagh.

Barry Lord Farnham, Viscount Farnham, of Farnham, in the County of Cavan.

Simon Lord Irnham (age 67), Viscount Carhampton, of Castlehaven, in the County of Cork.

Bernard Lord Bangor (age 61), Viscoount Bangor, of Castleward, in the County of Downe. [Ann Bligh Viscountess Bangor by marriage Viscountess Bangor of Castleward in County Downe.]

Penyston Lord Melbourne (age 35), Viscount Melbourne, of Kilmore, in the County of Cavan. [Elizabeth Milbanke Viscountess Melbourne (age 29) by marriage Viscountess Melbourne of Kilmore in County Cavan.]

James Lord Clifden (age 46), Viscount Clifden, of Gowran, in the County of Kilkenny.

John Lord Naas (age 80), Viscount Mayo, of Monecrouer.

23 Dec 1780. Also like Letters Patent, containing His Majesty's Grant of the Dignities of Baron and Earl of the said kingdom unto Henry Lord Viscount Conyngham, and his Heirs Male, by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron and Eail Conyngham, of Mount Charles, in the County of Donegal, with Remainder of the Barony to his Nephew Francis Pierpoint Burton, Esq. and his heirs male.

The London Gazette 12201

War Office, June 26, 1781.

4th Regiment of Dragoons, Ensigh Henry Torré, of 29th Foot, is appointed to be Cornet vice George Drake.

Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, Ensign John Edwards Fremantle (age 20) to be Lieutenant, vice William Langley.

12th Regiment of Foot, Philip Dormer Stanhope (age 29), Gent. to be Ensign, vice Alexander Munro.

13th Regiment of Foot, Ensign William Young, of 60th Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice James Johnston.

Ditto, Daniel Jones, Gent, to be Ensign, vice — Stratton.

18th Regiment of Foot, John De Lancey, Gent, to be Ensign, vice John Townson.

20th Regiment of Foot, John Eccles, Gent. to be Ensign in One of the Additional Companies, vice Samuel Savory.

21st Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Robert Mackay, of the North Fencible Regiment, to be Second Lieutenant in One of the Additional Companies, vice Honourable Charles Lindsay.

25th Regiment of Foot, Francis Snaill Mytton, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Thomas Patrickson.

27th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Andrew Bernard, of 69th Foot; to be Lieutenant, vice Minchin.

333 Regiment of Foot, William Lockhart, Gent. to be Ensign in One of the Additional Companies, vice Robert Halliday.

40th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Joseph Thompson, of 46th Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice John Cater.

42nd Regiment of Foor, Richard Brown, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Joseph Thomspon

52nd Regiment of Foor, Ensign William Irvine to be Lieutenant, vice William Fowke.

58th Regiment of Foot, Levett Ibbetson, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Robert Tarrant.

60th Regiment, 1st Battalion, Captain Samuel Kemthorne; from the Dutch Service, to be Ensign, vice George Rose.

66th Reginment, 2d Battalioin, Volunteer John Campbell to be Ensign, vice William Young

Ditto, Wiiliam Mackinnen, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Irving.

69th Regiment of Foot, Volunteer Richard Dougharty to be Ensign, vice Andrew Bernard

78th Regiment of Foot, Ensign George Sempill to be Lieutenant, vice Kenneth Mackenzie.

Ditto, Lieuenant William Donkin, of Captain Ashe's Independent Company, to be Lieutenant, vice James Gallie.

82nd Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant-Colonel John Gunning to be Colonel, vice Francis McLean.

83d Regiment of Foot, Kenneth McKenzie, Gent. to be Ensign, vice David Robertson.

86th Regiment of Foot; Volunteer Thomas Lloyd to be Ensign, vice Daniel Sanxay.

88th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Alexander Stewart, from the Dutch Service, to be Ensign, vice Robert Halliday.

96th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Claus Pell to be Lieutenant; vice Charles Lade.

98th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Alexander Livingstone to be Lieutenant, vice Charles Griffin.

Ditto, Adjutant Peter Smith to be Ensign, vice Alexander Livingstone.

Ditto, Volunteer Hugh Moore to be Ensign, vice Richard Morris.

100th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant John Aspinall to be Captain of a Company.

Ditto, Ensign John Baxter to be Lieutenant, vice John Aspinall.

Ditto, Volunteer Thomas Grant to be Enfign, vice John Baxter.

Ditto, Captain-Lieutenant Patrick Haggart to be Captain, vice Thomas Cranfurd.

Ditto, Lieutenant John George Hobson to be Captain Lieutenant, vice Patrick Haggart.

Ditto, Ensign James Arthur to be Lieutenant, vice John George Hobson.

Ditto, Volunteer William Mackenzie Stuart to be Ensign, vice James Arthur.

Ditto, Ensign James Gordon to be Lieutenant, vice Donald McDonald.

Ditto, Volunteer Walter Prosser to be Ensign, vice James Gordon.

Southern Regiment of Fencible Men, William Livingstone, Gent, to be Ensign, vice J. Dunsmore.

Ditto, John Corse, Gent, to be Ensign, vice William Inglis.

Major Banastre Tarleton, of 79th Foot, to be Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, by Brevet.

The London Gazette 12400

28 Dec 1782. Whitehall, 27 Dec [1782].

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain to Vice-Admiral Sir Peter Parker (age 61), Knight, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten [Baronet Parker of Bassingbourn in Essex].

Also the like Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain to John Whalley Gardiner (age 39), of Roch Court in the County of Hants, Esq; and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten; with Remainders severally to James Whalley (age 34), Esq; Son of Robert Whalley, late of the City of Oxford, Esq; and to Thomas William Whalley, Esq; also Son of the said -Robert Whalley, and the respective Heirs Male of their Bodies lawfully begotten.

And the like Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain to James Graham (age 21), of Netherby in the County of Cumberland, Esq; and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten. [Note. Catherine Stewart Lady Graham (age 17) by marriage Lady Graham of Netherby in Cumberland.]

The London Gazette 12476

Whitehall, September 20 [1783]

The King has been pleased to order Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the Kingdom of Ireland, containing His Majesty's Grant ot the Dignity of a Baron of that Kingdom ro tht Right Honourable John Lord Sheffield, and the Heirs Male ofhis Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Sheffield of Roscommon, in the County of Roscommon, in the said Kingdom; with Remainders severally to his eldest Daughter the Honourable Maria Holroyd, and to his youngest Daughter the Honourable Louisa Holroyd, and the respective Heirs Male of their Bodies lawfully begotten.

The King has been pleased to order like Letters Patent to be passed, containing His Majesty's several Grants of the like Dignity of Baron of the said Kingdom of Ireland to the following Gentlemen, and the respective Heirs Male of their Bodies lawfully begotten, by the Names, Stiles, and Titles under-mentioned, viz

Arthur Pomroy, of Newbery in the County of Kildare, Esq; Baron Harberton of Carbery, in the said County.

Robert Clements, Esq; Baron Leitrim, of Manor Hamilton, in the County of Leitrim.

Francis Mathew, Esq; Baron Landaff, of Thomastown, in the County of Tipperary; and

William Tonson, Esq; Baron Riversdale, of Rathcormuck, in the County of Cork.

Also like Letters Patent for granting the Dignity of a Baroness of the said Kingdom to Mrs. Christian Hely Hutchinson, Wife of the Right Honourable John Hely Hutchinson, One of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council in Ireland, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baroness Donoghmore of Knocklofty, in the County of Tipperary; and the Dignity of a Baron of the said Kingdom to the Heirs Male of her Body, lawfully begotten by the said John Hely Hutchinson.

Also like Letters Patent for granting the Dignity of a Baron of the said Kingdom to Sir John Hussey Delaval (age 55), Bart, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stiile, and Title of Baron Delaval of Redford, in the County of Wicklow. [Susanna Robinson Baroness Delaval (age 53) by marriage Baroness Delaval of Redford in County Wicklow; she died eleven days later.]

And the like Dignity of a Baron ofthe said Kingdom to John Pennington, Esq; and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Muncaster; with Remainder to his Brother Lieutenant-Colonel Lowther Pennington, Captain in Hrs Majesty's Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten.

And the like Dignity of a Baron of the said Kingdom to Richard Pennant, Esq; and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile, and Title, of Baron Penryhn, in the County of Lowth.

The London Gazette 12775

Whitehall, August 8 [1786]

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignities of a Baron and Earl of the Kingdom of Great Britain to his Grace John Murray, Duke of Atholl, and the Heirs Male ofhis Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron Murray, of Stanley in the County of Gloucester, and Earl Strange.

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Viscount of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable James Earl of Abercorn, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Viscount Hamilton, of Hamilton in the County of Leicester; with Remainder to John James Hamilton, Esq; Son os the Honourable John Hamilton, deceased, late Brother to the said James Earl of Abercorn, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten.

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain to his Grace George Montagu, Duke of Montagu, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, for and during his natural Life, by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron Montagu, of Boughton in the County of Northampton; with Remainder to the Right Honourable Henry James Montagu (commonly called Lord Henry James Montagu) Second Son of his Grace Henry Duke of Buccleugh, Knight of the Most Ancient Order of the Thistle, and of Elizabeth Dutchess of Buccleugh his Wife, Daughter of the said George Duke of Montagu, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten; and with Remainder to the Third and other after-born Sons of the said Dutchess successively in Tail Male.

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain to his Grace William Douglas, Duke of Queensberry, Knight of the Most Ancient Order pf the Thistle, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Lord Douglas, Baron Douglas, of Amesbury in the County of Wilts.

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable George de la Poer, Earl of Tyrone, of the Kingdom, of Ireland, Knight of the illustrious Order of St. Patrick, and. the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten; by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron. Tyrone of Haverfordwest in the County of Pembroke.

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable Richard Boyle, Earl of Shannon, of the Kingdom of Ireland, Knight of the Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron Carleton, of Carleton in the County of York.

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable John Hussey (age 58), Baron Delaval, of the Kingdom of Ireland and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Lord Delaval, Baron of Delaval, in the County of Northumberland.

The King has also been pleased to grant the like Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the several Gentlemen following, and the Heirs Male of their respective Bodies lawfully begotten, by the Names, Stiles and Titles under-mentioned, viz.

The Right Honourable Charles Jenkinson, Lord Hawkesbury, Baron of Hawkesbury, in the County of Gloucester.

Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart; Lord Suffield, Baron of Suffield, in the County of Norfolk: And

Sir Guy Carleton, Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Lord Dorchester, Baron of Dorchester, in the County of Oxford.

The London Gazette 13020

Whitehall, August 30 [1788]. THE King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable John Griffin (age 69), Lord Howard of Walden, Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and General of His Majesty's Forces, and to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Lord Braybrooke, Baron of Braybrooke, in the County of Northampton; with Remainder to Richard Aldworth Neville (age 70), of Billingbear, in the County of Berks, Esq; and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten.

The King has also been pleased to grant the like Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable Jeffery Lord Amherst (age 71), Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and General of His Majesty's Forces, and to the Heirs Male of His Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of 1st Baron Amherst, of Montreal in the County of Kent; with Remainder to his Nephew William Pitt Amherst (age 15), Esq; and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten. [Note. This was the second time Jeffrey Amherst (age 71) had been created Baron Amherst. The first creation had no special remainder and would become extinct on his death since he had no children. This second creation had a special remainder to his nephew William Pitt Amherst (age 15) to ensure the Barony would continue; William Pitt Amherst would subsequently be created Earl Amherst. Mary Cary Baroness Amherst by marriage Baroness Amherst of Montreal in Kent.]

August 30 [1788]. The King has been pleased to present the Reverend John Fernie to the Church and Parish of Dumferm line, in the Prefbitery of Dumfermline; vacant by the Death of the Reverend Thomas Fernie.

The King has also been pleased to present the Reverend Archibald Robertson to the Church and Pariih of Kildalton, in the Presbitery of Kintyre and island of Islay, vacant by the Death of the Reverend John Woodrow.

The King has been pleased to grant to Samuel Tate, of Manchester, in the County of Lancaster, Gentleman, and his Issue, His Royal Licence and Authority to take and use the Surname of Finney only, in Compliance, with the Request of his Uncle Samuel Finney,^-of Fulfliaw, iri the County of Ches ter, Esq;

The King has also been pleased to grant to Joseph Lockall, of Lamb's Conduit Street, in the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, and of Gray's Inn, in. the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, and his Issue, His Royal Licence and Authority to assume and use the Surname of Egerton only, in Compliance with the Request of Basil Egerton, of Liverpool, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Esq;

The London Gazette 13123

Whitehall, August 18 [1789].

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Marquess of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable James Earl of Salisoury, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Marquess of Salisbury, in the County of Wilts.

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Marquess of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable Thomas Viscount Weymouth (age 54), Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, and the Heirs Male of his body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Marquess of Bath, in the County of Somerset. [Elizabeth Bentinck Marchioness Bath (age 54) by marriage Marchioness of Bath.]

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of an Earl of this Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable George Viscount Mount-Edgcumbe and Valletort (age 69), and the Heirs Male of liis Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Earl of Mount-Edgcumbe. [Emma Gilbert Countess Mount Edgcumbe by marriage Countess of Mount Edgcumbe.]

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignities of Viscount and Earl of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable Hugh Lord Fortescue (age 36), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of 1stViscount Ebrington, of Ebrington in the County of Gloucester, and Earl Fortescue. [Hester Granville Countess Fortescue (age 23) by marriage Countess Fortescue.]

The London Gazette 13131

.Dublin Castle, September 9, 1789.

His Majesty's Royal Letters have been received, granting the Dignity of a Baron of this Kingdom to the following Gentlemen, and the respective Heirs Male of their Bodies lawfully begotten, by the Names, Stiles and Titles undermentioned; and Letters Patent are preparing to be passed under the Great Seal of this Kingdom accordingly, viz.

The Right Honourable Hugh Carleton (age 49), Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of Common Pleas, was Baron Carleton, of Anner, in the County of Tipperary.

The Right Honourable William Eden (age 44),was Baron Auckland.

The Right Honourable Luke Gardiner, Baron Mountjoy, of Mountjoy, in the County of Tyrone.

The Right Honourable Robert Stewart, Baron Londonderry.

Sir John Browne, Baronet, Baron Kilmaine, of the Neale, in the County of Mayo.

Sir Nicholas Lawlese (age 53), Baronet, was Baron of Cloncurry, in the County of Kildare. Note. Margaret Browne Baroness Cloncurry (age 53) by marriage Baroness Cloncurry of Cloncurry in Limerick.

Henry Gore, Esq; Baron Annaly, of Tenelick, in the County of Longford.

Sir Sampson Eardley, Baronet, Baron Eardley, of Spalding.

The London Gazette 13156

07 Dec 1789. Dublin-Castle; December 7, 1789.

His Majesty's Royal Letters are received for advancing the following Noblemen respectively to the Dignity of a Viscount of this Kingdom, and Letters Patent are preparing to be pasted under the Great Seal accordingly, viz.

Armor Lowry, Lord Belmore (age 49), to be Viscount Belmore, of the County of Fermanagh.

Francis Pierpoint, Lord Conyngham (age 22), [Note. This appears to be a mistake for Henry?] to be Viscount Conyngham, of Slane in the County of Meath.

And Charles, Lord Loftus (age 51), was to be Viscount Loftus, of Ely.

The London Gazette 13204

13 Sep 1788.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable Sir Joseph Yorke (age 64), Knight of the Bath, and General of His Majesty's Forces, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Lord Dover, Baron of the Town and Port of Dover, in the County of Kent.

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honourable Sir James Harris (age 42), Knight of the Bath, His Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the States General of the United Provinces, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Lord Malmesbury, Baron of Malmesbury, in the County of Wilts.

The King has been pleased to appoint Charles Whitworth (age 36), Esq; to be His Majesty's Envoy Extradinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Petersburgh.

The King has also been pleased to appoint Robert Liston, Esq; to be His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of Stockholm.

The King has also been pleased to appoint Daniel Hailes, Esq; to be His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of Warsaw.

The King has been pleased to approve of Thomas Gavino, Esq; to be Consul for the States General of the United Provinces at Gibraltar.

The London Gazette 13281

Whitehall, February 12 [1791].

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain to Charles Warre Malet (age 38), Esq; [Baronet Malet of Wilbury in Wiltshire]. Resident at Poonah, in the East Indies, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten.

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain to John Kennaway (age 32)was created, Esq; Captain of Infantry in the Service of the East India Company, and Resident at Hydrabad, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten.

The London Gazette 13609

From Tuesday 31 Dec 1793 to Saturday 04 Jan 1794.

To the Right Honorable Arthur Viscount Valentia (age 49), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfuily begotten, the Dignity of Earl Mountnorris, of Mountnorris Castle, in the County of Armagh.

To the Right Honorable Andrew Thomas Lord Castlestewart (age 68), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, the Dignity of Viscount Castiestewart, in the County of Tyrone.

The London Gazette 13680

29 Apr 1794. South Regiment. The Hon. Coulson Wallop (age 19) to be Captain of a Volunteer Company. Dated April 29, 1794.

The London Gazette 13765

04 Apr 1795. South-Hants. George Frederick, Esq; to be Captain, vice Sir Simeon Stuart.

The Hon. Colson Wallop (age 20) to be Captain, vice Peter Serle, Esq;

Noble Spring, Esq; to be Lieutenant.

Edmund Wagg, Esq; to be Ensign.

31 Mar 1795. Dublin Castle, March 31 1795.

The Earl Camden (age 36), who embarked on Board His Majesty's, Yacht the Dorset at Holyhead about Five o'Clock Yesterday Evening, arrived in this Harbour at Three o'Clock this Evening, His Lordship, on his Arrival in Dublin, was received by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs and Commons, of the City of Dublin. The Infantry in the Garrison lined the Streets through which his Lordship, attended by a Squadron of Dragoon Guards, proceeded to the Castle, and upon his Arrival there, at Six o'Clock. he was introduced in. Form to the Lords Justices, who received him under the Canopy of State in the Presence Chamber, from whence a Procession was made in the usual State to the Council Chamber. The Council sitting, his Lordship's Commission was read, and the Oaths being administered to him, his Excellency was invested with the Collar of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, and received the Sword from the Lords Justices. The Great Guns in His Majesty's Phœnix Park were then fired, and answered by Vollies from the Regiments on Duty. His Excellency afterwards repaired to the Presence Chamber, and received the Compliments of the Nobiility and other Persons of Distinction upon his safe Arrival, and taking upon him the Government of this Kingdom.

The London Gazette 13768

Whitehall, April 11 [1795]. The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the following Gentlemen, and the respective Heirs Male of their Bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

Sir George Chetwynd (age 56)  of Brocton Hall in the County of Stafford, Knt.

Sir John Dryden (age 42), of Canons Ashby in the County of Northampton, Knt.

Robert Salusbury (age 38), of Llanwern in the County of Monmouth, Esq;

Richard Gamon, of Minchenden House in the County of Middlesex, Esq; with Remainder to Richard Grace, of Rahin in the Queen's County and Kingdom of Ireland, Esq; and his Issue Male.

Lionel Darell, of Richmond Hill in the County of Surry, Esq;

Richard Neave, of Dognam Park in the County Essex, Esq;

Henry Hawley (age 49), of Leybourne Grange in the County of Kent, Esq;

John Pollen, of Redenham in the County of Southampton, Esq;

John Wentworth, Esq; Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Nova-Scotia in America.

The London Gazette 13789

Whitehall, June 23 [1795].

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the following Gentlemen and the respective Heirs Male of their Bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

John Murray, of Lanrick in the-County of Perth, Esq; Colonel and Military Auditor-General in Bengal.

William Peirce Ashe a Court, of Heytesbury in the County of Wilts, Esq;

Richard Bempde Johnstone, of Hackness Hall in the North Riding of the County of York, Esq; with Remainder to his Brother Cnarles Johnstone, of Haverfordwest, Esq; and his Issue Male.

James Hamlyn, of Clovelly Court in the County of Devon, and of Edwinsford in the County of Carmarthen, Esq;

John Methuen Poore (age 50), of Rushall in the County of Wilts, Esq; with Remainder to his Brother Edward Poore (age 52), of Wedhampton in the said County, Esq; and his Issue Male.

The London Gazette 13868

Whitehall, February 20 [1796]. The King has been pleased to grant thc Dignities of Viscount, Earl and Marquis of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honorable John Earl of Bute (age 51), His Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Spain, and to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Names, Stile and Titles of Viscount Mountjoy, of the Isle of Wight, Earl of Windsor, and Marquis of the Isle of Bute. [Charlotte Jane Windsor Marchioness Bute (age 50) by marriage Marchioness of the Isle of Bute.]

Whitehall, February 20 [1796]. The King has been pleased to confer the Dignity of a Baronet of the Kingdom of Great Britain upon Walter Farquhar (age 57), Esq; of London, Doctor in Physic, and to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten [Baronet Farquhar of Cadogan House].

The London Gazette 14012

Whitehall, May 27, 1797. The King has been pleased to grant the Dignities of Baron and Earl of the Kingdom of Great Britain to Sir John Jervis (age 62), KB Admiral of the Blue, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile and Title of Baron Jervis, of Medsord in the County of Stafford, and Earl of St Vincent.

The London Gazette 14064

06 Nov 1797. Dublin Castle, November 6, 1797.

His Majesty's (age 59) Royal Letters being received, granting the following Dignities, Letters Patent are preparing to be passed under the Great Seal of this Kingdom accordingly, viz.

To Armor Lowry, Viscount Belmore, and the Heirs Male ofhis Body lawfully begotten, the Dignity of Earl Belmore in the County of Fermanagh.

To Henry Viscount Conyngham (age 30), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, the Dignities of Viscount Mount-Charles, of Mount-Charles in the County of Donegal, and Earl Conyngham, of Mount-Charles aforesaid.

To Francis Viscount Llandaff (age 59) and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, the Dignity of Earl Landaff, of Thomastown in the County of Tipperary.

To Richard Hely, Lord Donoughmore (age 41), and the Heirs Male of his Body, lawfully begotten, the Dignity of Viscount Donoughmore of Knocklofty in the County of Tipperary; and in Default of such Issue, to the Heirs Male of the Body of Christian Hely, Baroness Donoughmore, deceased, (Mother of the said Richard Hely, Lord Donoughmore) by John Hely Hutchinson, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Ireland, and Keeper of His Majesty's (age 59) Signet or Privy Seal in that Kingdom, also deceased, and their Heirs Male lawfully begotten.

To Hugh, Baron Carleton (age 58), Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of Common Pleas, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully, begotten, the Dignity of Viscount Carleton, of Clare in the County of Tipperary.

The London Gazette 15160

Whitehall, July 18, 1799. The King has been pleased to grant unto the Right Honorable Sir John Scott (age 48), Knight, late His Majesty's Attorney-General, and to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron Eldon, of Eldon, in the County Palatine of Durham.

The London Gazette 15236

From Tuesday 06 Jan 1801 to Saturday 10 Jan 1801.

To Andrew Thomas Viscount Castle Stewart, the Dignity of Earl of Castle Stewart, in the County of Tyrone.

The London Gazette 15317

Whitehall, December 9, 1800.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignities of Viscount and Earl of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honorable Charles Sloane Lord Cadogan (age 72), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Viscount Chelsea, in the County of Middlesex, and Earl Cadogan. [Mary Churchill Countess Cadogan (age 42) by marriage Countess Cadogan.]

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignities of Viscount and Earl of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Right Honorable James Lord Malmesbury (age 54), Baron of Malmesbury, in the County of Wilts, Knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Viscount Fitz-Harris, of Hurn Court, in the County of Southampton, and Earl of Malmesbury. [Harriet Maria Amyand Countess Malmesbury (age 39) by marriage Countess Malmesbury.]

The London Gazette 15336

Whitehall, April 21, 1801. The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Viscount of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honorable John Earl of St. Vincent (age 66), Knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, and Admiral of the White Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet, and to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten by the Name, Style, and Title of Viscount St. Vincent, of Meaford, in the County of Stafford, with Remainders severally and successively to William Henry Ricketts (age 36), Esq; Captain in the Royal Navy, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten; to Edward Jervis Ricketts (age 34), Esq; Barrister at Law, Brother of the said William Henry Ricketts (age 36), and Sons of Mary Ricketts (age 64) by William Henry Ricketts. Esq; late of the Island of Jamaica, deceased, and Sister to the said John Earl of St. Vincent (age 66), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, and the Dignity of Viscountess St. Vincent, of Meaford, in the said County.of Stafford, to the Right Honourable Mary Countess of Northesk (age 32), Daughter of the said Mary Ricketts (age 64), and Widow of William Henry Ricketts aforesaid, and the Dignity of Viscount St. Vincent to the Heirs Male of her Body lawfully be gotten.

The London Gazette 15374

Whitehall, June 13, 1801.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto the Right Honorable General Sir Charles Grey (age 71), KB aud the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Grey, of Howick, in the County of Northumberland.

The London Gazette 15375

Whitehall, June 15, 1801.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Right Honorable William Lord Craven (age 30), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Names, Stiles, and Titles of Viscount Uffington, in the County of Berks, and Earl of Craven in the County of York. [Louisa Brunton Countess Craven (age 16) by marriage Countess Craven in Yorkshire].

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Right Honourable George Lord Onslow (age 69), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Names, Stiles, and Title of Viscount Cranley, of Cranley, in the County of Surrey, and Earl of Onslow, of Onslow, in the County of Salop. [Henrietta Shelley Countess Onslow (age 70) by marriage Countess Onslow.]

The King has also been pleased to grant the said Dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Right Honorable Charles Lord Romney (age 56), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stiles, and Titles of Viscount Marsham of the Mote, in the County of Kent, and 1st Earl of Romney. [Frances Wyndham Countess Romney by marriage Countess Romney.]

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of Earl of tlie United Kingdom of Great Biitain and Ireland to the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Pelham (age 73), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by tbe Name, Stile, and Title of Earl of Chichester. [Anne Frankland Countess Chichester (age 66) by marriage Countess Chichester.]

The King has likewise been pleased to grant the Dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Grey de Wilton (age 51), and the Heirs Male, of his body lawfully begotten, by the Names, Stiles and Titles of Viscount Grey de Wilton, and Earl of Wilton, of Wilton Castle, in the County of Hereford, with Remainders to Thomas Grosvenor, Esq; Second Son, Robert Grosvenor, Esq. Third Son of the Right Honourable Robert Grosvenor (age 34), (commonly called Viscount Belgrave), by Eleanor (age 30) his Wife, Daughter of the said Thomas Lord Grey de Wilton (age 51), and the Fourth, Fifth, Sixths Seventh, and every other Son and Sons, of the said Eleanor by her present or any future Husband, hereafter to be begotten severally and successively, and the respective Heirs Male of their Bodies lawfully begotten. [Eleanor Assheton Viscountess Wilton (age 48) by marriage Countess Wilton.]

The London Gazette 15595

Whitehall, June 25, 1803.

The King has been pleased to giant the Dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to George Hilaro Barlow (age 40), Esq; a Member of the Council of Fort William, in Bengal, in the East Indies, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten.

The London Gazette 15744

Whitehall, October 13, 1804

The King, has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great England and Ireland unto Sir Robert Ainslie (age 74), of Great Torrington, in the County of Lincoln, Knight, late His Majefty's Ambassador at the Ottoman Porte, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, with Remainder to Robert Sharpe Ainslie (age 47), of Market Stainton, in the said County of Lincoln, Esq.; Nephew of the said Sir Robert Ainslie, and Son of General George Ainslie, deceased, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully-begotten.

The King has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the said, United Kingdom to William Burroughs (age 51), Esq; late Advocate-General of Bengal and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten.

The London Gazette 15848

Whitehall, October 5, 1805.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the following Gentlemen, and the respective Heirs Male of their Bodies lawfully begotten, viz

Sir Francis John Hartwell (age 48), of Dale-Hall, in the County of Essex, Knight:

Lieutenant-General John Doyle, Colonel of His Majesty's Eighty-seventh Regiment of Foot, and Lieutenant-Governor of the Island of Guernsey:

Robert Wigram, of Walthamstow-House, in the County of Essex, Esq; Lieutenant Colonel Commaudant of the Sixth Regiment of Loyal London Volunteers:

Claude Champion de Crespigny (age 70), of Champion Lodge, Camberwell, in the County of Surrey, Doctor of Laws:

Manasseh Lopes (age 50), of Maristow-House, in the County of Devon, Esq; with Remainder to his Nephew Ralph Franco (age 17) Esq.

John Geers Cotterell, of Garnons, in the County of Hereford, Esq.

William Hillary, of Danbury Place, in the County of Essex, and of Rigg-House, in the County of York, Esq.

Alexander Muir Mackenzie, of Delvine, in the County of Perth, Esq.

The London Gazette 15859

Whitehall, November 9, 1805.

His Majesty has been pleased to grant to the Reverend William Nelson (age 48), D.D. now Lord Nelson, Brother and Heir to the late Lord Viscount Nelson (deceased), who, after a Series of transcendant and heroic Services, fell gloriously on the 21st of October last, in the Moment of brilliant aud decisive Victory, the Dignity of a Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, by-the Names, Stiles, and Titles, of Viscount Merton and 1st Earl Nelson, of Trafalgar, and of Merton, in the County of Surrey, the same to descend to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, aud in default thereof, to the Heirs Male successively of Susanne (age 50), Wife of Thomas Bolton Esq; and Catherine, Wife of George Matcham Esq; Sisters of the late Lord Viscount Nelson. [See Viscountcies of England Created with a Special Remainder.]

His Majesty has also been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to Cuthbert Collingwood (age 57) Esq; Vice-Admiral of the Blue Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Collingwood of Caldburne and Hethpoole in the County of Northumberland.

On 20 Nov 1805 Reverend William Nelson 1st Earl Nelson (age 48) in recognition of his brother Horatio Nelson's (deceased) achievements.

The London Gazette 15881

08 Jan 1806. The Remains of the late Right Honorable Horatio Viscount and Baron Nelson, K. B. Vice-Admiral of the White Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet, were conveyed from the Royal Hospital of Greenwich [Map] […] to the Admiralty. His body was accompanied by four mourning barges on a procession on the River Thames. Located in the third barge, his body was "Covered with a large Sheet, and a Pall of Velvet adorned with Six Escocheons.".

09 Jan 1806. Early in the Morning of Thursday the 9th Instant, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales (age 43), Their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of the Blood Royal, with several of the Great Officers, and the Nobility and Gentry, in their Carriages; the Relations of the Deceased, with the Officers and others of his Household, the Officers of Armss, and a Number of Naval Officers, in Mourning Coaches, assembled in Hyde Park; having been admitted at Cumberland and Grosvenor Gates upon producing Tickets issued from the College of Arms.; and, having there been marshalled within the Rails, proceeded, One by One, across Piccadilly, into St. James's Park, by the Gate at the top of Constitution Hill, and onwards, through the Horse Guards, to the Admiralty, in the Order in which they were to move in the Procession.

The Chief Mourner, with his Supporters and Train-Bearer, and the several Naval Officers to whom Duties were assigned in the Solemnity, assembled at the Admiralty: the Seamen and Marines of the Victory, the Pensioners from Greenwich Hospital, the Watermen of the Deceased, the Six Conductors, the Messenger of the College of Arms, and the Marshal's-Men, with the Trumpets and Drums, were stationed in the Admiralty Yard.

The London Gazette 15889

Whitehall, February 15, 1806.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignities of Baron and Viscount of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Thomas Anson (age 39), Esq., and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, bv the Names, Styles, and Titles of Baron Soberton, of Soberton, in the County of Southampton, and Viscount Anson, of Shugborough and Orgrave, in the County of Stafford. [Anne Margaret Coke Viscountess Anson (age 27) by marriage Viscountess Anson of Shugborough and Orgrave in Staffordshire.]

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity ef a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Most Honorable John Denis Marquis of Sligo, Knight of the Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron Monteagle, of Westport, in the County of Mayo.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Right Honorable Hugh Earl of Eglinton, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, arid Title of Baron Ardrossan, of Ardrossan, in the County of Ayr.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Right Honorable James Earl of Lauderdale (age 47), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron Lauderdale, of Thirlestane, in the County of Berwick.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Right Honorable George Earl of Granard (age 46), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron Granard, of Castle Donnington, in the County of Leicester.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to John Crewe (age 63), Esq; and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron Crewe, of Crewe, in the County-Palatine of Chester.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to William Lygon (age 58), Esq; and his Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Style, and Title of Baron Beauchamp of Powyke, in the County of Worcester. [Catherine Denn by marriage Baroness Beauchamp Powick in Worcestershire.]

The London Gazette 15892

Whitehall, February 25, 1806.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and lreland to the following Gentlemen, and the respective Heirs Male of their Bodies lawfully begotten.

Charles Hastings (age 53), of Willesley-Hall, in the County of Leicester, Esq; Lieutenant-General of His Majesties Forces.

Bysshe Shelley (age 74), of Castle Goring, in the County of Sussex, Esq.

Montagu Cholmeley (age 33), of Easton, in the County of Lincoln, Esq.

Thomas Sutton (age 51), of Molesey in the County of Surrey, Esq.

The London Gazette 15905

Whitehall, April 1, 1806.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of an Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Ireland to the Right Honorable Charles Viscount Newark (age 68), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile, and Title as Earl Manvers. [Anne Mills Countess Manvers (age 59) by marriage Countess Manvers]

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of an Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Right Honorable Horatio Baron Walpole (age 82), and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Earl of Orford, in the County of Suffolk.

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Ireland to the Right Honorable Charles Lord Grey (age 76), of Howick; Knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, and General of His Majesty's Forces, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the Names, Stile, and Titles of Viscount Howick, in the County of Northumberland, and Earl Grey. [Note. Elizabeth Grey Countess Grey (age 62) by marriage Countess Grey.]

Whitehall, April 1, 1806,

The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the following Gentlemen, and the respective Heirs Male of their Bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

Joseph Scott (age 54), of Great Barr, in the County of Stafford, Esq.

Alexander Macdonald Lockhart, 1st of Lee and Carnwath, Esq.

John Morris (age 60), of Clasemont, in the County of Glamorgan, Esq.

Alexander Ramsay (age 49), of Balmain, in the County of Kincardine, Esq.

John Lubbock (age 61), of Lamas, in the County of Norfolk, Esq. [Note. Created with a special remainder to his nephew John Lubbock 2nd Baronet (age 31) who succeeded him.]

Dublin Castle, March 28, 1806.

The Duke of Bedford (age 39), who embarked at Holyhead on Tuesday Night the 25th Instant, on board His Majesty's Yacht the Dorset, arrived in this Harbour early this Morning. His Grace on his Arrival in Dublin, was received by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Commons of the City of Dublin.

His Grace, attended by a Squadron of Dragoons, proceeded to the Castle, and the Council having assembled at Three o'Clock, His Grace was introduced in form to His Excellency the Earl, of Hardwicke (age 48), who received him sitting under the Canopy of State in the Presence Chamber, from whence a Procession was made in the usual State to the Council Chamber: The Council sitting, His Grace's Commission was tead, and the Oath being administered to him, His Grace was invested with the Collar of the most illustrious Order of Saint Patrick, and received the Sword of State from the Earl of Hardwicke.

His Grace afterwards repaired to the Presence Chamber, and received the Compliments of the Nobility and other Persons of Distinction upon his safe Arrival, and taking upon him the Government of Ireland.

The London Gazette 16253

Whitehall, May 6, 1809. The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to Michael Seymour (age 40), of High Mount, in the County of Cork, and of Friery Park, in the County of Devon, Esq; Captain in the Royal Navy, and the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten.

The London Gazette 16293

Whitehall, September 2nd, 1809. The King has been pleased to grant the Dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the following Gentlemen, and the respective Heirs Male of their Bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

Paulus Arnelius Irving, of Woodhottse and Robgill Tower, in the County of Dumfries, Esq; Lieutenant-General of His Majesty's Forces.

Thomas Roberts, of Roberts's Cove, in the County of Cork, Esq.

James Shaw, of the City of London, and of Kilmarnock, in the County of Ayr, Esq.

Rowland Blennerhassett, of Blennerville, in the County of Kerry, Esq.

William Smith, of Eardiston, in the County of Worcester, Esq.

Charles Cockcrell (age 54), of Sezincot, in the County of Gloucester, and of Piccadilly, in the County of Middlesex, Esq.

Edwin Bayntun-Sandys (age 35), of Miserden Castle, in the County of Gloucester, and of Chadlington-Hall, in the County of Oxford, Esq.

Henry Halford (age 42), of St. George's Hanover-Square, in the County of Middlesex, Doctor of Physic, and of one of His Majesty's Physicians in Extraordinary. [Elizabeth Barbara St John Lady Halford (age 47) by marriage Lady Vaughan aka Halford of Wistow in Leicestershire.]

John Tyrell (age 47), of Boreham-House, in the County of Essex, Esq.

The London Gazette 16354

Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Kent. 2d East Kent, or Lath of Scray and Wingham Regiment of Local Militia.

Lieutenant-General George Harris (age 63) to be Colonel. Dated November 9, 1809.

The London Gazette 17046

Whitehall, July 27, 1815.

His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, has been graciously pleased to order a writ to be issued, under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for summoning Sir Cecil Bisshopp (age 62), of Parham-Park, in the county of Sussex, Baronet, up to the House of Peers, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Zouche, of Haryngworth, he being lineally descended from the eldest of the two daughters [Note. Elizabeth Zouche and Mary Zouche] of Edward the last Lord Zouche, of Haryngworth, who died without issue male in 1625 and one of the rightful heirs of the said Barony, which was created by writ of summons in the reign of King Edward the Second.

The London Gazette 17066

Whitehall, September 30, 1815.

His Royal, Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to grant the Dignities of Earl and Marquess of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Right Honourable George James Earl of Cholmondeley (age 66), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Earl of Rocksavage, in the county palatine of Chester, and Marquess Cholmondeley. [Note. Georgina Charlotte Bertie Marchioness Cholmondeley (age 54) by marriage Marchioness Cholmondeley.]

His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has also been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to grant the dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable James Walter (age 40), Viscount Grimston, of that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, and Baron Verulam of Gorhambury, in the county of Hertford, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Viscount Grimston and Earl Verulam.

His Royal Highness has also been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to grant the dignities of Baron and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable Charles Viscount Whitworth (age 63), Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, His Majesty's Lieutenant-General and General Governor of Ireland, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Baron Adbaston, in the county of Stafford, and Earl Whitworth.

His Royal Highness has also been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, togrant the dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable John Lord Brownlow (age 36), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Viscount Alford, of Alford in the county of Lincoln, and Earl Brownlow. [Note. Amelia Sophia Hume Countess Brownlow by marriage Countess Brownlow.]

His Royal Highness has also been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to grant the dignity of Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable John Craggs Lord Eliot (age 54), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Earl of Saint Germains, in the county of Cornwall.

His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has also been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to grant the dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable John Lord Boringdon (age 43), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stiles, and titles of Viscount Boringdon, of North Malton, in the County of Devon, and Earl Morley, of Morley in the said county.

His Royal Highness bas also been pleased, in the name and on behalf of His Majesty, to grant the dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable Orlando Baron Bradford (age 53), and the heirs mile of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Viscount Newport, in the county of Salop, and Earl of Bradford, in the said, county. [Note. Lucy Elizabeth Byng Countess Bradford (age 48) by marriage Countess Bradford.]

His Royal Highness has also been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to grant the dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable William Baron Beauchamp (age 68), of Powyke, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Viscount Elmley, in the county of Worcester, and Earl of Beauchamp. [Catherine Denn Countess Beauchamp by marriage Countess Beauchamp.]

His Royal Highness has also been pleased, in the name and on behalf of His Majesty to grant the dignity of a Viscount of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable Alan Hyde Lord Gardner (age 45), Vice-Admiral of the White Squadron of his Majesty's fleet, by the name, stile, and title of Viscount Gardner. [Note. He died before the patent had passed the Great Seal so the patent was null and void.]

The London Gazette 17102

Whitehall, January 23, 1816.

His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to grant the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the following Gentlemen, ami the respective heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

Sir Chaloner Ogle (age 90)., Knt. Admiral of the Red Squadron of His Majesty's Fleet.

Banastre Tarleton (age 61)., Esq. General in the Army, and Colonel of His Majesty's 21st Regiment of Light Dragoons.

John Floyd (age 67), Esq, General in the Army, and Colonel of His Majesty's 8th Regiment of Light Dragoons.

The London Gazette 17247

War-Office, May 3, 1817

2d Regiment of Life Guards, Major Charles Webb-Dance to be Major and Lieutenant-Colonel: Commission dated March 27, 1817.

3d Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Ensign Charles Drury, from the 33d Foot, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Addlison, promoted; Dated April 10,1817.

4th Ditto, Cornet Alexander Scott Broomfield to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Fawcett, who retires. Dated April 10, 1817.

Thomas Magan, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Broomfield. Dated April 10, 1817.

5th Ditto, James Lewis-Higgins, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Walker, promoted. Dated April 17, 1817.

7th Regiment of Light Dragoons, Lieutenant Honourable George Berkeley Molyneux (age 17), from half-pay of the Regiment, to be Lieutenant, vice Frederick Beatty, who exchanges, receiving the difference. Dated April 3, 1817.

9th Ditto, Lieutenant Sir Charles Payne, Bart. to be Captain of a Troop, by purchase, vice Warren, who retires. Dated April 10, 1817.

Cornet George Gordon Smith to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Sir Charles Payne. Dated April 10, 1817.

Honourable Augustus Frederick Ellis to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Browne, promoted. Dated April 10, 1817.

10th Ditto, John Earl of Wiltshire (age 15) to be Comet, without purchase, vice Burdatt, who resigns. Dated April 10, 1817.

16th Ditto, Lieutenant Trevor Wheerer to be Captain of a Troop, by purchase, vice Swetenham, who retires. Dated April 10, 1817.

Honourable Edmond Sexten Pery to be Cornet, without purchase. Dated April 10, 1817.

21st Ditto, Lieutenant William Williams to be Adjutant, vice Salmon, deceased; Dated April 3, 1817.

3d Regiment of Foot Guards,. Liewtenant William Frederick, Hamilton to be. Lieutenant and Capntain, by purchase, vice Burrowes, who retires Dated April 17, 1817.

George Suttie, Gent, to be. Ensign and Lieutenant by purchase, vice Hamilton. Dated April 17, 1817.

2d Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant Samuel Richard Dickens, from half-pay of the 3d Garrson Battalion, to be Lieutenant, vice Grant,, deceased. Dated April 3, 1817.


The London Gazette 17404

Whitehall, October 3, 1818.

His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom to the fol lowing Gentlemen respectively, and to the heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

The Honourable Alexander Maitland, of Clifton, in the county of Mid-Lothian, and of Rose-Hill, in the county of Hertford, General in the Army, and Colonel of the 49th Regiment.

Henry Johnson, of the city of Bath, in the county of Somerset, Esq. General in the Army, and Colonel of tine 81st Regiment.

Anthony Farrington, of Blackheath, in the county of Kent, Esq. General in the Army, Colonel Commandant of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, and Director-General of Artillery and Field Train.

Sir Harry Calvert, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, Lieutenant-General in the Army, Colonel of the 14th Regiment of Foot, and Adjutant-General of the Forces.

James Campbell, of Inverneil, in the county of Argyll, Esq. Lieutenant-General in the Army, Kitight Grand Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order, and Knight Commander of the Royal Sicilian Order of Saint Ferdinand and of Merit.

Sir James Willoughby Gordon, of Niton, in the Isle of Wight, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, Major General in the Army, Colonel of the 85th Regiment, and Quarter-Master-General to the Forces.

Felton Elwill Bathurst Hervey (age 36), of Lainston, in the county of Southampton, Esq. Colonel in the Army, Extra Aide-de-Camp to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, Lieutenant-Colonel of the 14th Regiment of Light Dragoons, and a Companion of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath; with remainder, in failure of issue male, to his brother Frederick Anne Hervey (age 35), of Clarendon Park, in the county of Wilts, Esq. and his heirs male.

John Powell, of Hardwick, and of Worthen, in the county of Salop, Esq. and in default of male issue, to Edward Kynaston, of Risby and Forn ham Saint-Genevieve, in the county of Suffolk, Clerk (brother of the said John Powell), and his heirs male.

John Acland, of Fairfield, in the county of Somerset, and of Newhouse, in the 'county of Devon, Esq.

Antony Leclrmere, of the Rhyd, in the county of Worcester, Esq.

Sir Edmond Lacon, of Great Yarmouth, in the county of Norfolk, Knight.

John Shelley Sidney, of Penshurst-place, in the county of Kent, Esq.

Thomas Hare, of Stow Hall, in the county of Norfolk, Esq.

Edward Stracey, of Rackheath Hall, in the county of Norfolk, Esq.

George Shiffher, of Combe-place, in the county of Sussex, Esq.

John Croft, of Cowling Hall, in the north riding of the county of York, Esq.

Robert Bateson (age 36), of Belvoir Park, in the county of Down, Esq.

Matthew John Tierney, of Brighthelmstone, in the county of Sussex, and of Dover-street, in the county of Middlesex, Esq. Doctor of Physic, Physician in Ordinary to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, and Physician to His Royal High ness's Household at Brighthelmstone.

The London Gazette 17654

War-Office, 24th November 1820

3d Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Lieutenant Daniel Carrol, from the half-pay of the 22d Light Dragoons, to be Lieutenant, vice Lawford Burne, who exchanges, receiving the difference. Dated 16th November 1820.

10th Regiment of Light Dragoons, Lieutenant William Cartwright to be Captain, by purchase, vice Sir Henry Floyd, promoted in the 11th Light Dragoons. Dated 16th November 1820.

Cornet John Earl of Wiltshire (age 19) to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Cartwright. Dated 16th November 1820.

Thomas Wood, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Lord Wiltshire (age 19), promoted. Dated 16th November 1820.

The London Gazette 17722

Whitehall, July 6, 1821. The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, for granting the dignities of a Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to John Baron Elton (age 70), Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and the heirs, male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Viscount Encombe of Encombe, in the county of Dorset, and Earl of Eldon, in the county palatine of Durham.

The London Gazette 17724

09 Jul 1821. Whitehall. .

The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignities of Viscount, Earl, and Marquess of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Charles Earl of Ailesbury (age 48), Knight of the Most Ancient aud Most Noble Order of the Thistle, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Viscount Savernake, of Savernake-Forest, in the county of Wilts, Earl Bruce, of Whorlton, in the county of York, and Marquess of Ailesbury, in the county of Buckingham

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of an Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Edward Viscount Falmouth (age 34), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Earl of Falmouth, in the county of Cornwall. [Anne Frances Bankes Countess Falmouth (age 31) by marriage Countess Falmouth.]

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of an Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to Richard William Penn Viscount Curzon (age 24), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Earl Howe. [Note. Harriet Georgiana Brudenell Countess Howe (age 22) by marriage Countess Howe.]

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to John Sommers Baron Sommers (age 61), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Viscount Eastnor, of Eastnor Castle, in the county of Hereford, and Earl Sommers.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignities of Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to John Baron Rous (age 71), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Viscount Dunwich and Earl of Stradbroke, in the county of Suffolk.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of Viscount of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to Richard Earl of Donoughmore (age 65), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Viscount Hutchinson, of Knocklofty, in the county of Tipperary; with remainder, in default of such issue male, to the heirs male of the body of Christian Baroness Donoughmore, deceased (mother of the said Richard Earl of Donoughmore), by John Hely Hutchinson, Esq. also deceased.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting: the dignity ot a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to William Marquess of Lothian (age 57), Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotton, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Ker, of Kersheugh, in the county of Roxburgh.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Henry Marquess Conyngham (age 54), Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Minster, of Minster-Abbey, in the county of Kent.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to James Earl of Ormonde and Ossory (age 43), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotton, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Ormonde, of Llanthony, in the county of Monmouth; with remainder, in default of such issue male, to his brother the Honourable Charles Howard Butler Clarke (age 40), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten. [Note. Grace Louisa Staples Marchioness Ormonde by marriage Baroness Ormonde of Llanthony in Monmouthshire.]

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Francis Earl of Wemyss and March (age 49), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Wemyss, of Wemyss, in the county of Fife.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Robert Earl of Roden (age 32), Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of St Patrick, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Clanbrassill, of Hyde-Hall, in the county of Hertford, and Dundalk, in the county of Louth.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting, the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to George Earl of Kingston (age 50), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Kingston, of Mitchelstown, in the county of Cork.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to Thomas Earl of Longford (age 47), Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile and title of Baron Silchester, of Silchester, in the county of Southampton.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom ef Great Britain and Ireland, to James Murray (age 39), Esq. (commonly called Lord James Murray), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten by the name, stile, and title of Baron Glenlyon of Glenlyon, in the county of Perth. [Note. Emily Frances Percy Baroness Goldolphin Helston (age 33) by marriage Baroness Glenlyon of Glenlyon in Perthshire.]

The King has also been pleased to direct letters:patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting1 the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable William Wellesley Pole (age 58), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Maryborough, of Maryborough, in the Queen's-County.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable John Foster (age 81), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotton, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Oriel, of Ferrard, in the county of Louth.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters;patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourtable Sir William Scott (age 75), Knt. and the heirs male of bis body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Stowell, of Stowell Park, in the county of Gloucester

The King has also been pleased to direct letters matent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Sir Thomas Henry Liddell (age 46), Bart, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Ravensworth, of Ravenswortb-Castle, in the county-palatine of Durham, and of Eslington, in the county of Northumberland. [Note. Maria Susannah Simpson Baroness Calthorpe (age 48) by marriage Baroness Ravensworth of Ravensworth Castle in County Durham.]

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity to a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Thomas Cholmondeley (age 53), Esq. of Vale-Royal, in the county-palatine of Chester, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Delamere, of Vale-Royal, in the said county. [Note. Henrietta Elizabeth Williams-Wynn Baroness Delamere by marriage Baroness Delamere of Vale Royal in Cheshire.]

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Cecil Weld Forester (age 54), Esq. of Willey-Park, in the county of Salop, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Forester, of Willey-Park, in the said county. [Note. Katherine Mary Manners Baroness Forester by marriage Baroness Forester of Willey Park in Shropshire.]

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baroness of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Charlotte Mary Gertrude Strutt (age 63) (commonly called Lady Charlotte Mary Gertrude Strutt), and the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baroness Rayleigh, of Terling-place in the county of Essex.

The London Gazette 17730

Whitehall, July 27, 1821. His Majesty has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom to the following Gentlemen respectively, and to the heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

Sir Edward Kerrison (age 44), of Wyke-House, in the county of Sussex, Knight, Major-General in the Army.

Sir Harry Niven Lumsden, of Auchindoir, in the county of Aberdeen, Knight.

Thomas Francis Fremantle (age 23), of Swanbourne, in the county of Buckingham, Esq (eldest son of the late Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Francis Fremantle, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath); with remainder, in failure of issue male, to the heirs male of the body of the said Sir Thomas Francis Fremantle, deceased.

John Dugdale Astley, of Everleigh, in the county of Wilts, Esq.

Alexander Boswell (age 45), of Auchinleck, in the county of Ayr, Esq.

Robert Shaw, of Bushy-Park, in the county of Dublin, Esq.

Arthur Chichester, of Greencastle, in the county of Donegall, Esq.

George Pocock (age 56), of Hart, in the county palatine of Durham, and of Twickenham, in the county of Middlesex, Esq. [Note. Charlotte Mary Long Lady Pocock (age 36) by marriage Lady Pocock of Hart in County Durham and Twickenham in Middlesex.]

William George Hylton Jolliffe, of Merstham, in the county of Surrey, Esq.

Robert Townsend Farquhar (age 44), Esq. Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Island of Mauritius [Baronet Farquhar of Mauritius].

Thomas Trayton Fuller Eliott Drake, of Nutwell-Court, Buckland-Abbey, or Monachorrum, Sherford, and Yarcombe, in the county of Devon, Esq. Major in the Army; with remainder in default of issue male, to his brothers William Stephen Fuller and Rose Henry Fuller, Esqrs. Commanders in the Royal Navy, and their heirs male.

John Eardley Eardley Wilmot (age 38), of BerkswellHall, in the county of Warwick, Esq.

Robert Dundas, of Beechwood, in the county of Mid-Lothian, Esq.

James Carmichael Smyth, of Nutwood, in the county of Surrey, Esq. Colonel in the Army.

David Erskine, of Cambo, in the county of Fife, Esq.

William Young, of Baileiborough Castle, in the county of Cavan, Esq.

John D'Oyly, of Kandy, in the inland of Ceylon, Esq.

David William Smith, of the province of Upper Canada, and of Preston, in the county of Northumberland, Esq.

Astley Paston Cooper (age 52), of Gadesbridge, in the county of Hertford, Esq. Surgeon to His Majesty's Person, with remainder, in default of male issue, to his nephew, Astley Paston Cooper (age 23), Esq. and his heirs male.

Thomas Phillipps (age 29), of Middle-Hill, in the county of Worcester, Esq. [Harriet Molyneux Lady Phillipps (age 26) by marriage Lady Phillipps of Middle Hill in Worcestershire]

John Dean Paul, of Rodborough, in the county of Gloucester, and of the Strand, in the county of Middlesex, Esq.

Coutts Trotter, of West-Ville, in the county of Lincoln, Esq.; with remainder in default of issue male, to the heirs male of the body of Anne, eldest daughter of the said Coutts Trotter.

Claude Scott, of Lytchet-Minster, in the county of Dorset, Esq.

George Blackman, of Harley-Street, in the county of Middlesex, Esq.

The London Gazette 17933

War-Office, 20th June 1823.

3d Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Brevet Major Edmund Richard Storey to be Major, by purchase, vice Martin, promoted. Dated 12th June 1823.

Lieutenant William D. Mercer to be Captain, by purchase, vice Storey. Dated 12th June 1823.

Cornet Edwin Burnaby to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Mercer. Dated 12th June 1823.

Cornet Patrick Chalmers, from half-pay 19th Light Dragoons, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Burnaby. Dated 12th June 1823.

10th Regiment of Light Dragoons, Cornet Thomas Wood to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Lord Wiltshire (age 22), promoted in the 35th Foot. Date 12th June 1823.

Edward Blacked Beaumont, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Wood. Dated 12th June 1823.

15th Ditto, Lieutenant Walter Scott, from half-pay of the Regiment, to he Lieutenant, vie George Callaghan, who exchanges, receiving the difference. Dated 12th June 1823.

3d Regiment of Foot Guards, Lieutenant Henry Montagu (age 25) to be Lieutenant and Captain, by purchase, vice Hesketh, who retires. Dated 12th June 1823.

10th Regiment of Foot, Lieutenant John Routledge Majendie, from half-pay 89th Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Ralph[?] Marshall, who exchanges, receiving the difference. Dated 12th June 1823.

27th Ditto, Ensign John Michell from 57th Foot, to be Ensign, vice James Wallace, who retires upon half-pay 22d Light Dragoons Dated 12th June 1823.

30th Ditto, Lieutenant-General James Montgomerie, from the 74th Foot, to be Colqnel, vice General Manners, deceased. Dated 13th June 1823.

35th Ditto, Lieutenant John Earl of Wiltshire (age 22), from the 10th Light Dragoons to be Captain, by purchase, vice Edgeworth, who retires. Dated 12th June 1823.


The London Gazette 18256

War-Office, 9th June 1826.

8th Regiment of Light Dragoons, Captain John Earl of Wiltshire (age 25) to be Major, by purchase, vice Craufurd, promoted in the 94th Foot. Dated 9th June 1826,

Lieutenant James Thomas Lord Brudenell (age 28) to be Captain, by purchase, vice Lord Wiltshire (age 25) Dated 9th June 1826


The London Gazette 18259

Whitehall, June 13, 1826.

The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignities, of Earl and Marquess of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto Frederick William (age 56) Earl of Bristol, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles and titles of Earl Jermyn, of Horningsherth, in the county of Suffolk, and Marquess of Bristol.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the-Great Seal, granting the, dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto William Marquess of Thomond, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile and title of Baron Tadcaster, of Tadcaster, in the county of York

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto Ulick John (age 23) Marquess of Clanricarde, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile and title of Baron Somerhill, of Somerhill, in the county of Kent.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto Jaines Earl of Balcarres, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile and title of Baron Wigan, of Haigh-Hall, in the county palatine of Lancaster,

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto Thomas Viscount Northland, and the heir's male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile and title of Baron Ranfurly, of Ramphorlie, in the county of Renfrew.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under tbe Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron ot the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto the Right Honourable Sir Charles Long, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile and title of Baron Farnborough, of Bromley-Hill-Place, in the county of Kent.

The King has also Seen pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting tbe dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto Sir John Fleming Leicester, Baronet, Colonel of His Majesty's Regiment of Cheshire Yeomanry, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile and, stile of Baron De Tabley, of Tabley-House, in the county palatine of Chester.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto James Archibald Stuart Wortley Mackenzie (age 49), of Wortley-Hall, in the county of York, and of Belmont-Castle, in the county of Perth, Esquire, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Wharncliffe, of Wortley, in the said county of York. [Elizabeth Caroline Mary Crichton Baroness Wharncliffe by marriage Baroness Wharncliffe of Wortley in Yorkshire.]

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting tbe dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto Charles Duncombe (age 61), Esquire, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile and title of Baron Feversham, of Duncombe-Park, in the county of  York. [. Charlotte Legge Baroness Feversham Duncombe Park (age 51) by marriage Baroness Feversham of Duncombe Park in Yorkshire.]

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto Chharles Rose-Ellis, Esquire, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile and title of Baron Seaford, of Seafod, in the county of Sussex.

The London Gazette 18326

War-Office, 18th January 1827

To be Lieutenant-Colonels of Infantry, by purchase.

Major John Earl of Wiltshire (age 30), from the 8th Light Dragoons. Dated 30th December 1826.

The London Gazette 18355

Whitehall, April 23, 1827. The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity, of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Honourable Sir John Singleton Copley (age 54), Knight and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Lyndhurst, of Lyndhurstin the county of Southampton.

The London Gazette 18356

Whitehall, April 25, 1827.

The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Viscount of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Honourable Frederick John Robinson (age 44), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Viscount Goderich, of Nocton, in the county cf Lincoln.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters. patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto James Earl of Fife, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Fife, of the county Fife.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Honourable Sir Charles Abbott (age 64), Knt Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the namey stile, and title, of Baron Tenterden, of Hendon, in the county of Middlesex.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Honourable William Conyngham Plunket (age 62), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Plunket, of Newtown, in, the county of Cork.

The London Gazette 18397

St. James's-Palace, September 17, 1827. The King has been pleased to appoint Robert Cotton St. John (age 40), Lord Clinton, to be one of the Lords of His Majesty's Bedchamber, in the room, of Lord Graves, resigned.

Whitehall, September 17, 1827. The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Marquess of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Honourable William Harry Earl of Darlington (age 61), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Marquess of Cleveland.

The London Gazette 18540

Whitehall, January 8, 1829.

The King has been pleased to direct letter patent to be passed under the Great Seal, declaring that the Honourable Harriet-Anne Curzon (age 41) (wife of the Honourable Robert Curzon (age 54)), being one of the two surviving daughters [Note. the other being Katharine Anabella Bisshop Lady Brooke-Pechell (age 37)] and coheirs of the body of Cecil, late Baron Zouche of Haryngworth and shall be Baroness Zouche of Haryngworth and shall have and enjoy the said ancient Barony of Zouche of Haryngworth, to her and the heirs of her body in as full and ample manner as the said Cecil Baron Zouche of Haryngworth, or any of his ancestors, Barons Zouche of Haryngworth, held and enjoyed the same.

The London Gazette 18803

Whitehall, May 12, 1831. The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignities of Baron, Viscount, and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto George FitzClarence (age 37), Esq. Colonel in the Army, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Baron Tewkesbury, Viscount Fitzclarence, and Earl of Munster. [Note. Mary Wyndham Countess Munster (age 38) by marriage Countess Munster.]

The London Gazette 18851

Whitehall, September 15, 1831.

The King (age 66) has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kindom to the following Gentlemen, and the respective heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

Lieutenant-General John Slade (age 68).

Lieutenant-General Sir William Anson (age 59), of Birchhall, in the county palatine of Lancaster, K. C. B. [Note. Louisa Frances Mary Dickenson Lady Anson by marriage Lady Anson of Birch Hall in Lancashire.]

Lieutenant-General Kenneth Mackenzie, of Glenbervie, in the county.of Kincardine.

Vice-Admiral Sir Robert Waller Otway (age 61), of Brighthelmstone, in the county of Sussex, K. C. B. [Note. Clementia Holloway Lady Otway (age 49) by marriage Lady Otway of Brighthelmstone in Sussex.]

Major-General Sir Archibald Campbell, G.C. B. and Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick.

Augustus John Foster, of Stone-house, in the county of Loath, Esq. His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the King of Sardinia.

Sir James McGregor, of Campden-hill, in the county of Middlesex, M. D. Director-General of the Army Medical Department.

Robert Way Harty, of Prospect-house, Roebuck, in the county of Dublin, Esq. Lord Mayor of Dublin.

Colonel John Thomas Jones, of Cranmer-hall, in the county of Norfolk.

Robert Greenhill Russell, of Checquers-court, in the county of Buckingham, Esq.

William Chaytor, of Croft, in the county of York, and of Witton-castle, in the county of Durham, Esq.

William Wrixon Becher, of Ballygiblin, in the county of Cork, Esq.

Joseph Birch, of the Hazles, in the county palatine of Lancaster, Esq.

Robert Campbell, of Carrick Buoy, in the county of Donegal!, Esq.

Wilfrid Lawson (age 35), of Brayton-house, in the county of Cumberland, Esq. [Note. Caroline Graham Lady Lawson (age 38) by marriage Lady Lawson of Brayton House in Cumberland.]

John Nugent Humble, of Cloncoskoran, in the county of Waterford, Esq.

James Martin Lloyd, of Lancing, in the county of Sussex, Esq.

James Gibson Craig, of Riccaiton, in the county of Mid-Lothian, Esq.

Joseph Barrington, of the city of Limerick, Esq.

Theodore Henry Lavington Broadhead (age 33), of Burton, or Monk-Bretton, in the county of York, Esq. [Note. Charlotte Osborne Lady Broadhead by marriage Lady Broadhead aka Brinckman of Burton or Monk-Bretton in Yorkshire.]

John Colman Rashleigh, of Prideaux, in the county of Cornwall, Esq.

J Campbell, of Barcaldine, in the county of Argyll, Esq.

Percy Fitzgerald Nugent, of Donore, in the county of Westmeath, Esq.

John James Garbett Walsham, of Knill-court, in the county of Hereford, Esq.

William Heygate, of Southend, in the county of Essex, Esq. one of the Aldermen of the city of London.

Thomas McKenny, Esq. one of the Aldermen of the city of Dublin.

Henry Meux, of Theobald's-park, in the county of Hertford, Esq.

Charles Mansfield Clarke, of Dunham-lodge, in the county of Norfolk, M. D. one of the Physicians in Ordinary to Her Majesty.

The London Gazette 19103

Whitehall, January 14, 1833.

The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, for granting the dignity of Duke of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto George Granville Marquess of Stafford (age 75), Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Duke of Sutherland, in that part of the said United Kingdom called Scotland. [Note. Elizabeth Sutherland Duchess Sutherland 19th Countess Sutherland (age 67) by marriage Duchess Sutherland.]

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, for granting the dignities of Baron and Duke of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto William Harry Marquess of Cleveland (age 66), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begbtten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Baron Raby, of Raby-castle, in the county of Durham, and Duke of Cleveland.

The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Grent Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto Charles Callis Western (age 65), Esq. and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Western, of Rivenhall, in the county of Essex.

St. James's-Palace, November 6, 1832. The King was this day pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood upon Rear-Admiral Charles Conyngham, Military Knight Commander of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order.

The London Gazette 19241

Whitehall, February 17, 1835.

The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom to the following Gentlemen, and the respective heirs male of their bodies, lawfully begotten, viz...,

Lieutenant-General Sir George Tovvnshend Walker, G. C. B.

John Barrow (age 70), of Ulverstone, in the county of Lancaster, Esq. and

Francis Lyttelton, Holyoake Goodricke, of RibstonIxall, in the county of York, and of Studley-castle, ia. the county of Warwick, Esq.

The London Gazette 19271

Whitehall, May 8, 1835

The King has been pleased to give and grant unto the Reverend John Barker (age 31), Clerk, Master of Arts, Vicar of Kingsomborne, in the county of Southampton, only surviving son and heir of John Barker, late of Wareham, in the county of Dorset, Esq. by Mary his wife, only daughter of the Reverend Sir Charles Mill, some time of Mottisfont, in the said county of Southampton, Bart, and sister of Sir Charles Mill, late of Bury-house, in the parish of Eling, in the said last-mentioned county, Bart, all deceased, His royal licence and authority that, in compliance with a proviso in the last will and testament of his maternal uncle, the said Sir Charles Mill, and in testimony of his grateful and affectionate respect for the memory of the said testator, he, the said John Barker (age 31), and his issue may take and use the surname of Mill as his and their surname, in addition to and after that of Barker, and that he and they may also bear the arms of Mill; such arms being first duly exemplified according to the laws of arms, and recorded in the Heralds' Office, otherwise the said royal licence and permission to be void and of none effect.

And His Majesty has been further pleased to command, that this concession and declaration be registered in His College of Arms.

The London Gazette 19285

01 Jul 1835. St James's Palace [Map]. The King (age 69) was this day pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood upon Francis Chantrey (age 54), Esq. Member of the Royal Academy of Arts.

The London Gazette 19359

22 Feb 1836. Whitehall, February 22, 1836. The King has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the following Gentlemen and the respective heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

Sir Henry Bethune, of Kilconquhar, in the county of Fife, Knt.

Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, of Brisbane, in the county of Ayr, and of Makerstown, in the county of Roxburgh, LL. D. K. C. B.

Donald Campbell, of Dunstaffnage, in the county of Argyll, Esq. James llivett-Carnac, of Derby, in the county of Derby, and of Upper Harley-street, in the county of Middlesex, Esq.

Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Fairfax, of the Holmes, in the county of Roxburgh.

22 Feb 1836. The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom, unto Colin Mackenzie, of Kilcoy, in the county of Ross, Esq. during the term of his natural life; with remainder, at his decease, to his second son, Evan Mackenzie, Esq. and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, and, in default of such issue, to his third son, Colin John Mackenzie, Esq. and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

22 Feb 1836. The King has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the following Gentlemen, and the respective heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

The Reverend John Barker Mill (age 32), of Mottisfont, in the county of Southampton.

Robert William Newman (age 59), of Stokeley, and of Mamhead, in the county of Devon, Esq.

Henry Charles Paulet (age 22), of West Hill-lodge, in the county of Southampton, Esq.

Sir Frederick Adair Roe (age 46), of Brundish, in the county of Suffolk, Knt, Chief Magistrate of the Police Office, Bow-street, in the county of Middlesex.

Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Rowley (age 65), of Hill-house, in the county of Berks, KCB.

Joseph Sawle Graves Sawle, of Penrice, in the county of Cornwall, and of Barley, in the county of Devon, Esq.

The London Gazette 19484

War-Office, 14th April 1837


17th Regiment of Light Dragoons, Lieutenant-Colonel John Earl of Wiltshire, from the half-pay Unattached, to be Lieutenant-Colonel, vice George Lord Bingham, who exchanges. Dated 14th April 1837.

Major Henry Pratt to be Lieutenant-Colonel, by purchase, vice the Earl of Wiltshire, who retires. Dated 15th April 1837.


The London Gazette 19629

Whitehall, June 23, 1838. The Queen has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Marquess of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto Constantine Henry Earl of Mulgrave (age 41), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Marquess of Normanby, in the county of York. [Maria Liddell Marchioness Normanby (age 40) by marriage Marchioness Normanby.]

The Queen has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignities of Viscount and Earl of the said United Kingdom, unto William Baron King (age 33), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, stiles, and titles of Viscount Ockham, of Ockham, in the county of Surrey, and Earl of Lovelace. [Augusta Ada Byron Countess Lovelace (age 22) by marriage Countess Lovelace. She was a descendant of the previous Baron Lovelace.]

The Queen has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of an Earl of the said United Kingdom, unto Laurence Baron Dundas (age 72), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Earl of Zetland.

[Whitehall, June 23, 1838.] The Queen has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United "Kingdom to the following persons, and the heirs male of theii bodies lawfully begotten:

Anthony Adrian Earl of Kintore, by the name, stile and title of Baron Kintore.

Cornelius Viscount Lismore, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Lismore, of Shanbally-castle, in the county of Tipperary.

Warner William Baron Rossmore, by the name stile, and title of Baron Rossmore, of the county of Monaghan.

Robert Shapland Baron Carew, by the name, stile and title of Baron Carew, of Castlebore, in the county of Wexford.

The Honourable William Francis Spencer Ponsonby (age 50) by the name, stile, and title of Baron De Mauley of Canford, in ihe county of Dorset. [Barbara Ashley-Cooper Baroness Mauley by marriage Baroness de Mauley.]

Sir John Wrottesley (age 66), Bart, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Wrottesley, of Wrottesley, in the county of Stafford.

Charles Hanbury Tracy (age 59), Esq. by the name, stile and title of Baron Sudeley, of Toddington, in the county of Gloucester.

Paul Methuen (age 59), Esq. by the name, stile, amd title of Baron Methuen, of Corsham, in the county of Wilts.

The London Gazette 19631

Whitehall. June 30, 1838.

The Queen has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom to the following Gentlemen, and the respective heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten, viz.

The Right Honourable Michael O'Loghlen, Master of the Rolls in Ireland.

Sir John Frederick William Herschel, Knt.

Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer, of Knebworth, in the county of Herts Esq.

Lieutenant-General Sir Lionel Smith, K. C. B.

Peter Hesketh Fleetwood, of Rossall-hall, in the county palatine of Lancaster, Esq.

Samuel Crompton, of Wood End, in the county of York, Esq.

John Edwards, of Garth, in the county of Montgomery, Esq.

John Peter Boileau, of Tacolnestetne-halJ, in the county of Norfolk, Esq.

George McPherson Grant, of Ballindalloch, in the county of Elgin, and of Invereshie, in the county of Inverness, Esq.

Ralph Howard, of Bushy-park, in the county of Wicklow, Esq.

Sotherton Branthwayt Peckham Micklethwait, of Iridge-place, in the county of Sussex, Esq.

John Dunlop, of Dunlop, in the county of Ayr, Esq.

Charles Peter Shakerley (age 45)of Somerford-park, in the county of Chester, Esq.

John Henry Scale, of Mount Boone, in the county of Devon, Esq.

Edward Marwood Elton, of Widworthy-court, in the county of Devon, Esq.

Robert, Slrfifto Adair, of Flixton-hall, in the county of Suffolk, Esq.

William Foster, of the city of Norwich, Esq.

Sir Augustus William James Clifford, Knt. Captain in the Royal Navy, and C. B.

Charles Denham Orlando Jephson, of Mallow, in the county of Cork, Esq.

The Right Honourable James Forrest, of Comiston, in the county of Mid Lothian, Lord Provost of Edinburgh.

David Roche, of Carass, in the county of Limerick, and of Barnetick, in the county of Clare, Esq.

Benjamin Heywood, of Claremont, in the-county palatine of Lancaster, Esq.

William Worsley, of Huvinghain, in the county of York, Esq.

Hugh Morgan Taite, of Sound, in the county of Westmfeath, Esq.

Charles Granville. Stuart Menteath, of Closeburn, in the county of Dumfries, Esq.

Major-General James Kyrle Money, of Homhouse, in the county of Hereford, Whetham in the county of Wilts. and Pitsford, in the county of Northampton, Esq.

Josiah John Guest, of Dowlais, in the county of Glamorgan, Esq,

Michael Dillon Beilew, of Mount Bellew, in the county of Galway, Esq.

Benjamin Hall, of Llanover-court, in the county of Monmouth, Esq.

East George Clayton East, of Hall-place, in the county of Berks, Esq.

Sir James Crofton, of Longford-house, in the county of Sligo, Knt.

The London Gazette 19842

Whitehall, March 30, 1840.

The Queen has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Duchess of the United Kingdom of Great Britaip and Ireland unto the Right Honourable Lady Cecilia Letitia Underwood (age 55) (eldest surviving daughter of Arthur Saunders, second Earl of Arran, by Elizabeth, his third wife, daughter of Richard Underwood, late of the city of Dublin,Esq.), and the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Duchess of Inverness.

The London Gazette 21239

St. James's-Palace, February 27, 1852. The Queen has been pleased to appoint John William (age 40), Earl of Sandwich, to be Captain of Her Majesty's Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms, in the room of Thomas Henry (age 43), Lord Foley, resigned.

The London Gazette 21349

14 Aug 1852. Office of Ordnance, 14th August 1852.

Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Essex.

Sir Claude William Champion de Crespigny (age 34), Bart, to be Deputy Lieutenant. Dated 13th August 1852.

Daniel Robert Scratton, Esq. to be Deputy Lieutenant. Dated 13th August 1852.

John Bagshaw, Esq. to be Deputy Lieutenant. Dated 13th. August 1852.

The London Gazette 21397

St, James's-Palace, December 30, 1852. THE Queen has been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable Lord Ernest Augustus Charles Brudenell-Bruce (age 41), to be Vice-Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of the Right Honourable Orlando-George-Charles-Bridgeman (age 33), Viscount Newport, resigned.

St. James's-Palace, December 30, 1852. The Queen has been pleased to appoint Thomas Henry Lord Foley (age 44) to be Captain of Her Majesty's Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms, in the room of John-William (age 41), Earl of Sandwich, resigned.

St. James's-Palace, December 30, 1852. The Queen has been pleased to appoint John Robert (age 47) Viscount Sydney to be Captain of Her Majesty's Guard of Yeomen of the Guard, in the room of William-Lennox-Lascelles Lord de Ros (age 55), resigned

The London Gazette 21873

Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Gloucester, and of the City and County of the City of Gloucester, and of the City and County of the City of Bristol.

Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge Kingscote (age 26), Esq, to be Deputy Lieutenant. Dated 15th April, 1856.

The London Gazette 20118

Whitehall, July 8, 1842.

The Queen (age 23) has been pleased to grant unto Sir Theodore-Henry-Lavington Broadhead (age 44), of Burton, or Monk Bretton, in the west riding of the county of York, Bart, and to his brothers, John-Richard Broadhead, Esq. Captain in the Army, on half-pay Unattached, and Brinckman Broadhead, Esq. Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, and Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel in the Coldstream Regiment of Foot. Guards, Her royal licence and authority, that they and their issue, respectively, may discontinue the use of the surname of Broadhead, and henceforth bear and use their paternal surname of Brinckman, instead of that of Broadhead:

And also to command, that the said royal concession and declaration be recorded in Her Majesty's College of Arms, otherwise to be void and of none effect

Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Southampton. North Hants Militia.

The Earl of Wiltshire (age 41) to be Colonel. Dated 29th June 1842

The London Gazette 21926

At the Court at Buckingham-Palace, 27th day of February 1852

PRESENT, the The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

HER Majesty in Council was this day pleased to declare the Right Honourable William, Earl of Lonsdale (age 64), Lord President of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and His Lord ship took his place at the Board accordingly.

day the Most Noble Algernon (age 59), Duke of Northumberland, the Right Honourable John William (age 40), Earl of Sandwich; the Right Honourable Archibald William (age 39), Earl of Eglinton; the Right Honourable Charles Philip (age 52), Earl of Hardwicke; the Right Honourable James Howard, Earl of Malmesbury; the Right Honourable John James Robert Manners (commonly called Lord John Manners); the Right Honourable Claude Hamilton (commonly called Lord Claude Hamilton); the Right Honourable William Lennox Lascelles (age 54), Lord De Ros; the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Colchester; the Right Honourable George Cecil Weld Forester; the Right Honourable Sir John Somerset Pakington, Bart.; the Right Honourable Spencer Horatio Walpole; the Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli; the Right Honourable Joseph Warner Henley; the Right Honourable Robert Adam Christopher; the Right Honourable Wil liam Beresford; and the Right Honourable George Bankes; were, by Her Majesty's command, sworn of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and took their respective places at the Board accordingly.

The London Gazette 21971

24 Feb 1857. Awarded Victoria Cross.

Grenadier Guards. Brevet Major Sir Charles Russell; Bart. Offered to dislodge a party of Russians from the Sand-bag Battery, if any one would follow him; Serjeant Norman, Privates Anthony Palmer, and Bailey (who was killed) volunteered the first. The attack succeeded.

The London Gazette 21997

War-Office, May 5, 1857.

The Queen (age 37) has been graciously pleased to signify Her intention to confer the Decoration of the Victoria Cross on the undermentioned Officers of Her Majesty's Army, who have been recommended to Her Majesty for that Decoration,—in accordance with the rules laid down in Her Majesty's Warrant of the 29th of January, 1856,—on account of acts of bravery performed by them before the Enemy during the late War, as recorded against their several names; viz.

Grenadier Guards. Colonel Hon. Henry Hugh Manvers Percy (age 39). Date of Act of Bravery, 5th November, 1854 [ at the Battle of Inkerman]

At a moment when the Guards were at some distance from the Sand Bag Battery, at the Battle of Inkerman, Colonel Percy charged singly into the battery, followed immediately by the Guards; the embrasures of the battery, as also the parapet, were held by the Russians, who kept up a most severe fire of musketry.

At the Battle of Inkerman Colonel Percy, found himself with many men of various regiments, who had charged too far, nearly surrounded by the Russians, and without ammunition. Colonel Percy, by his knowledge of ground, though wounded, extricated these men, and, passing under a heavy fire from the Russians then in the Sand Bag Battery, brought them safe to where ammunition was to be obtained, thereby saving some fifty men, and enabling them to renew the combat. He received the approval of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, for this action, on the spot.—Colonel Percy was engaged with, and put hors de combat, a Russian soldier.

7th Regiment. Lieutenant William Hope. Date of Act of Bravery, 18th June, 1855.

After the troops had retreated on the morning of the 18th June, 1855, Lieutenant W. Hope being informed by the late Serjeant-Major William Bacon, who was himself wounded, that Lieutenant and Adjutant Hobson was lying outside the trenches badly wounded, went out to look for him, and found him lying in the old agricultural ditch running towards the left flank of the Redan. He then returned, and got four men to bring him in. Finding, however, that Lieutenant Hobson could not be removed without a stretcher, he then ran back across the open to Egerton's Pit, where he procured one, and carried it to where Lieutenant Hobson was lying.

All this was done under a very heavy fire from the Russian batteries.

7th Regiment. Assistant-Surgeon Thomas Egerton Hale, M.D. Date of Act of Bravery, 8th September, 1855

First. For remaining with an officer who was dangerously wounded, (Captain H. M. Jones, 7th Regiment), in the fifth parallel, on 8th September, 1855, when all the men in the immediate neighbourhood retreated, excepting Lieutenant W. Hope and Dr. Hale; and for endeavouring to rally the men, in conjunction with Lieutenant W. Hope, 7th Royal Fusiliers.

Secondly. For having, on 8th September, 1855, after the regiments had retired into the trenches, cleared the most advanced sap of the wounded, and carried, into the sap, under a heavy fire, several wounded men from the open ground, being assisted by Serjeant Charles Fisher, 7th Royal Fusiliers

Coldstream Guards (late of the 49th Regiment). Brevet-Major John Augustus Conolly Date of Act of Bravery, 26th October, 1854.

In the attack by the Russians against the position held by the Second Division, 26th October, 1854, Major Conolly, then a Lieutenant in the 49th Regiment, while in command of a company of that regiment, on outlying picket, made himself most conspicuous by the gallantry of his behaviour. He came particularly under the observation of the late Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, while in personal encounter with several Russians, in defence of his post. He ultimately fell, dangerously wounded. Lieutenant Conolly was highly praised in General Orders, and promoted into the Coldstream Guards, as a reward for his exemplary behaviour on this occasion.

The London Gazette 22038

Commissions signed by the Loid Lieutenant of the County of Essex.

Colchester and East Essex or 1st Volunteer Rifle Subdivision.

Sir Claude William Champion de Crespigny (age 41), Bart., to be Lieutenant. Dated 8th September, 1859.

John Fitzsimmons Bishop, Esq., to be Ensign. Dated 8th September, 1859.

The London Gazette 22319

Whitehall, October 25, 1859.

The Queen has been pleased to give and grant unto Fiennes Wykeham-Martin (age 27), of Leeds Castle, in the county of Kent, a Captain in Her Majesty's Fourth Regiment of Light Dragoons, second son of Charles Wykeham-Martin (age 58), of Leeds Castle, aforesaid, Esquire, by the Honourable Jemima Isabella, his wife, commonly called Lady Jemima Isabella Wykeham-Martin, daughter of James, fifth and last Earl Cornwallis, both deceased, Her Royal licence and authority that he may, in compliance with a proviso contained in the last will and testament of Caroline Frances Cornwallis, of Nizells Heath, in the parish of Tonbridge, in the county of Kent, and afterwards of Lidwells, in the parish of Goudhurst, in the same county, spinster, take the surname of Cornwallis in lieu of his present surnames of Wykeham Martin, and also bear the arms of Cornwallis, and that such surname and arms may in like manner be taken and borne by his issue; such arms being first duly exemplified according to the laws of arms, and recorded in the Heralds' Office, other wise the said Royal concession and declaration to be void and of none effect.

And also to command that the said Royal con cession and declaration be recorded in Her Majesty's College of Arms.

The London Gazette 22344

Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Essex.

6th Company of Essex Rifle Volunteers.

Sir Claude William Champion de Crespigny (age 41), Bart., to be Captain. Dated 20th December, 1859.

John Fitzjimmons Bishop, Esq., to be Lieutenant. Dated 29th December, 1859.

Henry Egerton Green, Esq., to be Ensign. Dated 29th December, 1859

The London Gazette 22106

Master of the Horse's Office, February 26, 1858. The Queen has been graciously pleased to appoint the Right Honourable John William (age 46), Earl of Sandwich, to be Master of Her Majesty's Buck Hounds, in the room of the Right Honourable John George Brabazon (age 48), Earl of Bessborough, resigned.

The London Gazette 22279

Master of the Horse's Office, June 18, 1859. The Queen has been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable John George Brabazon (age 49), Earl of Bessborough, to be Master of Her Majesty's Buckhounds,.in the room of the Right Honourable John William (age 47), Earl of Sandwich, resigned.

The London Gazette 22392

Commissions signed by the Vice-Lieutenant of the County of Essex.

West Essex Militia.

John Barker, Esq., to be Lieutenant. Dated 16th May, 1860.

15th Essex Rifle Volunteers.

Thomas William Nunn, Esq., to be ISnsign. Dated 17th May, 1860.

1st Battalion Essex Rifle Volunteer Corps.

Sir Claude William Champion de Crespigny (age 41), Bart., to be Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated 1st June. 1860.

The London Gazette 22538

13 Aug 1861. War Office.

The Queen (age 41) has been graciously pleased to signify Her intention to confer the decoration of the Victoria Cross on the under-mentioned Officers and Soldiers, whose claims to the same have been submitted for Her Majesty's approval, on account of Acts of Bravery performed by them in China, on the occasion of the assault and capture of the North Taku Fort on the 21st of August, 1860, as recorded against their several names; viz.:

Note. Table of Regiment, Rank and Name, Act of Bravery for which recommended.

67th Regiment (now of the 100th Regiment). Ensign (now Lieutenant) John Worthy Chaplin (age 21). For distinguished gallantry at the North Taku Fort. This Officer was carrying the Queen's Colour of the Regiment, and first planted the Colours on the breach made by the storming party, assisted |by Private Lane, of the 67th Regiment, and subsequently on the cavalier of the Fort, which he was the first to mount. In doing this, he was severely wounded.

The London Gazette 22596

AT the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 5th day of February, 1862.

PRESENT, The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty (age 42) in Council

SHERIFFS appointed by Her Majesty in Council for the year 1862

ENGLAND (excepting Cornwall and Lancashire).

Gloucestershire. Sir George Samuel Jenkinson (age 44), of Eastwood, near Berkeley, Bart.

The London Gazette 22678

War Office, Pall Mall, 7th November, 1862.

Harold Arthur Dillon (age 18), Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice. Lord Adelbert Percy Cecil. Dated 8th November, 1862.

The London Gazette 23128

Whitehall, June 18, 1866.

The Queen (age 47) has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal granting the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto Thomas Watson (age 74), of Henrietta-street, Cavendish square, in the parish of St. Marylebone, and county of Middlesex, Doctor of Medicine, President of the Royal College of Physicians, and one of Her Majesty's Physicians Extraordinary, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

Crown Office, June 18, 1866.

Member returned to serve in the present Parliament. County of Nottingham, Southern Division. Thomas Blackborne Thoroton Hildyard, Esq., in the room of George Arthur Philip Stanhope (age 34) (commonly called Lord Stanhope), now Earl of Chesterfield, summoned to the House of Peers.

War Office, Pall Mall, 19th June, 1866.


The Reverend G. W. Langmead, M.A., Chaplain of the Second Class, to be Chaplain of the First Class. Dated 16th May, 1866.

The Reverend Charles Green, M.A., Chaplain of the Second Class, to be Chaplain of the First Class. Dated 16th May, 1866.

The Reverend H. Robinson, Chaplain of the Fourth Class, from half-pay, to be Chaplain of the Fourth Class. Dated 15th June, 1866.

Admiralty, 19th June, 1866.

Lieutenant Claude Edward Buckle to be Commander.

Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk and of the City and County of the City of Norwich.

The Right Honourable Charles, Lord Suffield, to be Vice Lieutenant. Dated 14th June, 1866.

The London Gazette 23143

Whitehall, July 21, 1866.

The Queen (age 47) has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Honourable Sir Frederick Pollock (age 82), of Hatton, in the county of Middlesex, Knt., late Chief Baron of Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

The Queen (age 47) has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal granting the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto Henry Edwards (age 54), of Pyenest, in the West Riding of the county of York, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten. [Sarah Anne Anowah Langslow Lady Pollock by marriage Lady Edwards of Pyenest in West Yorkshire.]

The Queen (age 47) has also been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal granting the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto William Williams (age 74), of Tregullow, in the county of Cornwall, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

The London Gazette 23152

St. James's Palace, August 1, 1866. The Queen (age 47) has been pleased to appoint Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable Charles Hugh Lindsay (age 49), M.P.,.to be one of the Grooms in Waiting in Ordinary to Her Majesty, in the room of Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge Kingscote (age 36), C.B., M.P., resigned.

Downing Street, August 15, 1866.

The Queen (age 47) has been pleased to appoint Thomas Nicholson, Esq., M.D., and John Rawlins Semper, Esq., to be Members of the Executive Council of the Island of Antigua.

The Queen (age 47) has also been pleased to appoint John Dent, Esq., to be a Member of the Legislative Council of the Colony of Hong Kong.

Whitehall, August 16, 1866.

The Queen (age 47) has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting unto John von Sonnentag Haviland, gentleman, the office of Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms, vacant by the promotion of James Robinson Planche", Esq., to the office of Somerset Herald.

Crown Office, August 17, 1866.

MEMBER returned to serve in the present PARLIAMENT.

County of Carnarvon.

The Honourable George Douglas Pennant, in the room of the Honourable Edward Gordon Douglas Pennant (age 66) (now Baron Pennrhyn), summoned to the House of Peers

The London Gazette 23185

Ensign Harold Arthur Dillon (age 22) to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Williams. Dated 16th November, 1866.

The London Gazette 23581

War Office, Pall Mall, 28th January, 1870

21st Regiment of Foot. Lieutenant-General Frederick William Hamilton, C.B., to be Colonel, vice General Sir De Lacy Evans, G.C.B., deceased. Dated 10th January, 1870.

58th Regiment of Foot. Major-General Sir Arthur Johnstone Lawrence, K.C.B., to be Colonel, vice Major-General William Sullivan, C.B., deceased. Dated 6th January, 1870.

106th Regiment of Foot. Lieutenant-General Maurice Barlow, from the 3rd West India Regiment, to be Colonel, vice General Sir David Capon, K.C.B. deceased. Dated 18th December, 1869.

Royal Horse Guards, The Honourable William Charles Wentworth-FitzWilliam (age 21) to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Guinness, promoted. Dated 29th January, 1870.

The London Gazette 23733

Whitehall, April 24, 1871.

The Queen has been pleased to grant unto Reginald Windsor Sackville-West, Baron Buckhurst, of Buckhurst, in the county of Sussex, Her Royal licence and authority that he may discontinue to use the surname of West, and take, use, and bear that of Sackville only; and that he. may bear the arms of Sackville; and that the said surname and arms of Sackville may in like manner be taken, borne, and used by his issue; such arms being first duly exemplified according- to the laws of arms, and recorded in the College of Arms; otherwise the said Royal licence and permission to be void and of none effect:

And to command that the said Royal concession and declaration be registered in Her Majesty's said College of Arms.

The London Gazette 23761

Whitehall, July 29, 1871. The Queen (age 52) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Honourable John Arthur Douglas (age 68), Baron Bloomfield, in that part of the said United Kingdom called Ireland, G.C.B., Her Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Bloomfield, of, Ciamhalltha, in the county of Tipperary.

The London Gazette 23799

Whitehall, November 23, 1871. The Queen (age 52) has been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable Sir Robert Porrett Collier (age 54), Knt., to be a Member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council for the purposes and under the provisions of an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled "An Act to make further provision for the despatch of business by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council."

The London Gazette 23876

The Commissions as Lieutenant of the under mentioned Officers who were promoted to that rank on 1st November, 1871, under the Royal Warrant of 30th October, 1871, to be antedated to 28th October, 1871, such Commissions being non-saleable, and not conferring any purchase rights. The antedate not to carry back pay:

Royal Horse Guards,

Thomas Priestley.

Honourable W. C. Wentworth-Fitzwilliam (age 23).

John H. N. G. H., Viscount Dalrymple.

Frederick Richard Gascoigne (age 20).

George Lamplugh Wickham.

The London Gazette 24071

02 Mar 1874. St. James's Palace, March 2, 1874.

The Queen (age 54) has been pleased to appoint to be Lords in Waiting in Ordinary to Her Majesty:-

Charles Adolphus, Earl of Dunmore (age 32), in the room of Gavin, Earl of Breadalbane (age 22), resigned.

Robert, Earl of Roden (age 27), in the room of Valentine Augustus, Earl of Kenmare (age 48), resigned.

Cornwallis, Viscount Hawarden (age 56), in the room of Albert Edmund, Earl of Morley (age 30), resigned.

William, Lord Bagot (age 62), in the room of Thomas, Lord Camoys (age 76), resigned.

Dudley Charles, Lord De Ros (age 46), in the room of Charles, Lord Lurgan, resigned.

William Buller Fullerton, Lord Elphinstone (age 45), in the room of Frederick Henry Paul, Lord Methuen (age 56), resigned.

Thomas, Lord Walsingham (age 30), in the room of Arthur, Lord Wrottesley (age 49), resigned.

Board of Green Cloth, March 2, 1874.

The Queen (age 54) has been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable Frederick, Earl Beauchamp (age 43), to be Lord Steward of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of the Right Honourable John George Brabazon, Earl of Bessborough (age 64), resigned.

The Queen (age 54) has also been pleased to appoint the Honourable Henry George Percy (age 27) (commonly called Earl Percy) to be Treasurer of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of the Right Honourable William John, Lord Monson (age 45), resigned.

The Queen (age 54) has also been pleased to appoint the Honourable Henry Richard Charles Somerset (age 24) (commonly called Lord Henry Somerset) to be Comptroller of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of the right Honourable Otho Augustus Fitzgerald (age 46) (commonly called Lord Otho Fitzgerald), resigned.

Whitehall, February 26, 1874.

The Queen (age 54) has been pleased to grant the office of Her Majesty's Advocate for Scotland to Edward Strathearn Gordon, Esq., one of Her Majesty's Counsel, Dean of the Faculty of Advocates.

Whitehall, February 28, 1874.

The Queen (age 54) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal granting the dignity of an Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Honourable John Robert, Viscount Sydney (age 68), GCB, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Earl Sydney, of Scadbury, in the county of Kent. [Note. Emily Paget Countess Sydney Scadbury Kent (age 63) by marriage Countess Sydney of Scadbury in Kent.]

The Queen (age 54) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal granting the dignity of a Viscount of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Honourable Edward Cardwell, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Viscount Cardwell, of Ellerbeck, in the county palatine of Lancaster.

The Queen (age 54) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the undermentioned persons, and the respective heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten:-

The Right Honourable Chichester Samuel Parkinson-Fortescue (age 51), by the name, style, and title of Baron Carlingford, of Carlingford, in the county of Louth.

The Right Honourable Sir Thomas Francis Fremantle (age 75), Bart., by the name, style, and title of Baron Cottesloe, of Swanbourne, and of Hardwick, in the county of Buckingham. [Louisa Elizabeth Nugent Baroness Cottesloe (age 71) by marriage Baroness Cottesloe of Swanbourne and Hardwick in Buckinghamshire]

The Right Honourable Edmund Hammond, by the name, style, and title of Baron Hammond, of Kirkella, in the town and county of the town of Kingston-upon-Hull.

The Queen (age 54) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal granting the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the undermentioned persons, and the respective heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten; namely:-

Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan, of Grosvenor Crescent, in the parish of Saint George, Hanover-square, in the county of Middlesex, K.C.B.

Harry Stephen Thompson (age 65), of Kirby Hall, in the parish of Ouseburn Parva, in the West Riding of the county of York, Esq.

Mathew Wilson, of Eshton Hall, in the parish of Gargrave, in the West Riding of the county of York, Esq.

Charles Forster, of Lysways, in the parish of Longdon, in the county of.Stafford, Esq.

Thomas Fraser Grove, of Ferae House, in the parish of Donhead Saint Andrew, in the county of Wilts, Esq.

George Burrows, of Cavendish-square, in the county of Middlesex, and of Springfield, in the Isle of Wight, M.D., President of the Royal College of Physicians of London, and one of Her Majesty's Physicians in Ordinary.

Thomas McClure, of Belmont and of Duudela, in the county of Down, Esq.

John Heathcoat Heathcoat-Amory, of Knightshayes Court, in the parish of Tiverton, in the county of Devon, Esq.

Richard Green-Price, of Norton Manor, in the parish of Norton, in the county of.Radnor, Esq.

William Miller, of Manderston, in the county of Berwick, Esq.

The London Gazette 24099

Oxford. Harold Arthur Dillon (age 30), Lieutenant, half-pay, late Rifle Brigade, to be Captain. Dated 18th May, 1874.

The London Gazette 24132

50th Foot, Lieutenant Harold Arthur Dillon (age 30) retires from the Service, receiving the value of his Commission. Dated 19th September, 1874.

The London Gazette 24634

War Office, Pall Mall, 18th. October, 1878. Royal Horse Guards, Lieutenant the Honourable William Charles Wentworth-FitzWilliam (age 30) to be Captain, vice Charles R., Lord Carington, retired. Dated 25th September, 1878.

The London Gazette 24701

Whitehall, March 2, 1874.

The Queen (age 54) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal granting the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the undermentioned persons, and the respective heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten; namely:

Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan, of Grosvenor Crescent, in the parish of Saint George, Hanover Square, in the county of Middlesex, K.C.B.

Harry Stephen Thompson, of Kirby Hall, in the parish of Ouseburn Parva, in the West Riding of the county of York, Esq.

Mathew Wilson, of Eshton Hall, in the parish of Gargrave, in the West Riding of the county of York, Esq.

Charles Forster, of Lysways, in the parish of Longdon, in the county of Stafford, Esq.

Thomas Fraser Grove (age 50), of Ferne House, in the parish of Donhead Saint Andrew, in the county of Wilts, Esq.

George Burrows, of Cavendish-square, in the county of Middlesex, and of Springfield, in the Isle of Wight, M.D., President of the Royal College of Physicians of London, and one of Her Majesty's Physicians in Ordinary.

Thomas McClure, of Belmont and of Dundela, in the county of Down, Esq.

John Heathcoat Heathcoat-Amory, of Knightshayes Court, in the parish of Tiverton, in the county of Devon, Esq.

Richard Green-Price, of Norton Manor, in the parish of Norton, in the county of Radnor, Esq.

William Miller, of Manderston, in the county of Berwick, Esq.

The London Gazette 24840

Whitehall, April 29, 1880.

The Queen (age 60) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the undermentioned persons, and the heirs male of their respective bodies lawfully begotten; namely:

Charles Frederick Abney-Hastings (age 57), of Donington Park, in the county of Leicester, Esq., by the name, style, and title of Baron Donington, of Donington Park, in the said county of Leicester. [Edith Maud Rawdon-Hastings 10th Countess Loudon by marriage Baroness Donington of Dongington Park in Leicestershire].

Arthur Edwin Hill Trevor (age 60), Esq. (commonly called Lord Arthur Edwin Hill Trevor), by the name, style and title of Baron Trevor, of Brynkinalt, in the county of Denbigh. [Mary Catherine Curzon Baroness Trevor (age 42) by marriage Baroness Trevor of Brynkinalt in Denbighshire].

Montagu William Lowry-Corry (age 41), Esq., C.B., by the name, style, and title of Baron Rowton, of Rowton Castle, in the county of Salop.

The London Gazette 24843

India Office, May 6, 1880. THE Queen has been pleased to appoint the Most Honourable the Marquess of Ripon (age 52), K.G., to be Governor-General of India.

St. James's Palace, May 10, 1880. THE Queen has been pleased to appoint to be Lords in Waiting in Ordinary to Her Majesty:-

Frederick Henry Paul (age 62), Lord Methuen in the room of William, Lord Bagot (age 69), resigned.

Lawrance (age 35), Earl of Zetland, in the room of Charles Adolphus (age 39), Earl of Dunmore, resigned.

William (age 46), Earl of Listowel, in the room of Dudley Charles FitzGerald (age 53), Lord de Ros, resigned.

Thomas (age 25), Lord Ribblesdale, in the room of William Buller Fullerton (age 51), Lord Elphinstone, resigned.

Charles Douglas Richard (age 39), Lord Sudeley, in the room of John Major (age 37), Lord Henniker, resigned.

Arthur (age 55), Lord Wrottesley, in the room of Cornwallis (age 63), Viscount Hawarden, resigned.

Whitehall, May 10, 1880. THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal appointing the Most Noble Hugh Lupus (age 54) Duke of Westminstera K.G., Master of the Horse to Her Majesty.

War Office, May 8, 1880. THE Queen has been graciously pleased to signify Her intention to confer the decoration of the Victoria Cross upon the undermentioned Officer, whose claim to the same has been submitted for Her Majesty's approval, for his gallant conduct at Konoma, on the Eastern Frontier of India, as recorded against his name; viz.:

Bengal Staff Corps. Captain Richard Kirby Ridgeway. For conspicuous gallantry throughout the attack on Konoma, on the 22nd November, 1879, more especially in the final assault, when, under a heavy fire from the enemy, he rushed up to a barricade and attempted to tear down the planking surrounding it, to enable him to effect an entrance, in which act he received a very severe rifle shot wound in the left shoulder.

The London Gazette 25040

War Office, Pall Mall, 22nd November, 1881.

The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), General Sir Richard Wilbraham (age 70), K.C.B., from the 2nd Battalion the South Staffordshire Regiment, to be Colonel, vice General Richard, Lord Airey, G.C.B., deceased. Dated 15th September, 1881.

The London Gazette 25170

Whitehall, November 20, 1882. THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto Sir Frederick Beauchamp Paget Seymour (age 61), G.C.B., Admiral and Com mander-in-Chief of Her Majesty's Naval Forces in the Mediterranean, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Alcester, of Alcester, in the county of Warwick.

Whitehall, November 20, 1882. THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto General Sir Garnet Joseph Wolseley (age 49), G.C.B., G.C.M.G., Adjutant General of Her Majesty's Forces, and late General Commanding-in-Chief the Expeditionary Force in Egypt, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Wolseley of Cairo, and of Wolseley, in the county of Stafford.

The London Gazette 25223

War Office, Pall Mall, 20th April, 1883.

2nd Life Guards, Colonel Henry Peter Ewart, C.B., having completed five years' service as a Regimental Lieutenant-Colonel, has been placed on half-pay. Dated 10th April, 1883.

Royal Horse Guards, Captain the Honourable William C. Wentworth-Fitzwilliam (age 35) retires from the Service, receiving a gratuity. Dated 21st April, 1883.

Captain Frederick Richard Gascoigne (age 32) retires from the Service, receiving a gratuity. Dated 21st April, 1883.

5th Dragoon Guards, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir J. Dyson Bourne, Bart., retires on half-pay. Dated 21st April, 1883

The London Gazette 25308

Whitehall, January 11, 1884. The Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto Alfred Tennyson (age 74), Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Tennyson, of Aldworth, in the county of Sussex, and of Freshwater, in the Isle of Wight. [Emily Sellwood Baroness Tennyson (age 70) by marriage Baroness Tennyson of Aldworth in Sussex and of Freshwater in the Isle of Wight.]

Whitehall, January 11, 1884. The Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal, for appointing Ernest Augustus Charles, Marquess of Ailesbury (age 73), to be Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the county of Berks, in the room of George Grimston, Earl of Craven, deceased.

The London Gazette 25413

12 Nov 1884. The Manchester Regiment, Lieutenant Vere Bonamy Fane (age 21), from the 3rd Battalion, to be Lieutenant, vice W. B. Graham, promoted. Dated 12th November, 1884.

The London Gazette 24918

the Court at Windsor, the 16th day of December, 1880. Present, The Queen's (age 61) Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

This day George John Shaw-Lefevre (age 49), Esquire, M.P., was, by Her Majesty's command, sworn of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and took his place at the Board accordingly

The London Gazette 25468

Marlborough House, May 1, 1885.

THE Prince of Wales (age 43) has been pleased to appoint Major the Lord Henry Arthur George Somerset (age 33), Royal Horse Guards, to be Superintendent of His Royal Highness's Stables, vice Colonel Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge Kingscote (age 55), C.B., appointed Commissioner of Woods and Forests.

The Prince of Wales has also been pleased to appoint Lord Henry Arthur George Somerset (age 33) to be an Extra Equerry-in-waiting to His Royal Highness.

The London Gazette 25486

St. James's Palace, June 27, 1885. The Queen (age 66) has been pleased to appoint the Duchess of Buccleuch (age 48) to be Mistress of the Robes, in the room of the Duchess of Roxburghe (age 30), resigned

St. James's Palace, June 27, 1885.

The Queen (age 66) has been pleased to appoint George William (age 61), Viscount Barrington, to be Captain of Her Majesty's Body Guard of Yeomen of the Guard, in the room of!William John (age 56), Lord Monson, resigned.

W6GBhi0WThe Queen (age 66) has been pleased to appoint the following to be Lords in Waiting in Ordinary to Her Majesty, viz.:—

Dudley Charles, Lord de Ros, in the room of Frederick Henry Paul, Lord Methuen, resigned.

Algernon Hawkins Thomoud, Earl of Kintore, in the room of John William, Earl of Dalhousie, resigned.

Cornwallis, Viscount Hawarden, in the room of William, Lord Sandhurst, resigned.

John Major, Lord Henniker, in the room of Thomas, Lord Ribblesdale, resigned.

John Adrian Louis (age 24), Earl of Hopetoun, in the room of Thomas John, Lord Thurlow, resigned.

William, Lord Elphinstone (age 56), in the room of Arthur, Lord Wrottesley, resigned.

Whitehall, July 1, 1885. The Queen (age 66) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, appointing the Right Honourable Orlando George Charles (age 66), Earl of Bradford, to be Master of the Horse to Her Majesty.

Whitehall, July 2, 1885. The Queen (age 66) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignities of a Viscount and an Earl of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Honourable Sir Stafford Henry Northcote (age 66), Bart, G.C.B., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, styles, and titles of Viscount Saint Gyres, of Newton Saint Gyres, in the county of Devon, and Earl of Iddesleigh, in the said county.

Whitehall, July 2, 1885. The Queen (age 66) has been please'd to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of 'Great Britain and Ireland unto the undermentioned persons and the heirs male of their respective bodies lawfully begotten, namely:

Mervyn Edward (age 48), Viscount Powerscourt, in that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, K.P., by the name, style, and title of Baron Powerscourt, of Powerscourt, in the county of Wicklow.

Sir Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild (age 44), Bart., by the name, style, and title of Baron Rothschild, of Tring, in the county of Hertford. [Emma Louise von Rothschild Baroness Rothschild (age 41) by marriage Baroness Rothschild of Tring in Hertfordshire]

Edward Charles Baring (age 57), Esq., by the name, style, and titie of Baron Revelstoke, of Membland, in the county of Devon. [Louisa Emily Charlotte Bulteel Baroness Revelstoke (age 46) by marriage Baroness Revelstoke of Membland in Devon]

The Right Honourable Sir Robert Porrett Collier (age 68), Knt., a Member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, by the name, style, and title of Baron Monkswell, of Monkswell, in the county of Devon. [Isabella Rose Baroness Monkswell (age 70) by marriage Baroness Monkswell of Monkswell in Devon]

The Right Honourable Sir Arthur Hobhouse, K.C.S.I., C.I.E., a Member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, by the name, style, and title of Baron Hobhouse, of Hadspen, in the county of Somerset.

Sir Ralph Robert Wheeler Lingen, KC.B., by the name, style, and title of Baron Lingen, of Lingen, in the county of Hereford.

The Right Honourable Edward Gibson, Chancellor of that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, by the name, style, and title of Baron Ashbourne, of Ashbourne, in the county of Meath.

Rowland Winn (age 65), Esq., by the name, style, and title of Baron Saint Oswald, of Nostell, in the West Riding of the county of York [Harriet Dumaresq Baroness St Owsald by marriage Baroness St Oswald of Nostell in the West Riding of Yorkshire.]

The London Gazette 25488

St. James's Palace, July 6, 1885. THE Queen has been pleased to appoint George William (age 47), Earl of Coventry, to be Captain of Her Majesty's Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, in the room of Charles Robert (age 47), Lord Carrington, G.C.M.G., resigned.

The Queen has also been pleased to appoint George Florance, Lord Boston, to be one of Her Majesty's Lords in Waiting in Ordinary, in the room of Charles Douglas Richard (age 45), Lord Sudeley, resigned.

The London Gazette 25514

Whitehall, September 25, 1885. THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Viscount of the United King dom of Great Britain and Ireland unto Garnet Joseph (age 52), Baron Wolseley, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., General and General Officer Commanding in Chief the Forces in Egypt, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Viscount Wolseley, of Wolseley, in the county of Stafford, and in default of such issue male the dignity of a Viscountess to Frances Garnet Wolseley (age 13), Spinster, only daughter of the said Garnet Joseph, Baron Wolseley, and after her decease, the dignity of a Viscount to the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten. [See Viscountcies of England Created with a Special Remainder.]

The London Gazette 25524

4th Battalion, the Oxfordshire Light Infantry.Captain the Honourable Harold Arthur Dillon (age 41) is granted the honorary rank of Major. Dated 31st October, 1885.

The London Gazette 25558

St. James's Palace, February 10, 1886. THE Queen has been pleased to make the following appointments in Her Majesty's Household:— .

Valentine Augustus (age 60), Earl of Kenmare, K.P., to be Lord Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of Edward (age 48), Earl of Lathom, resigned.

Charles Douglas Richard (age 45), Lord Sudeley to be Captain of Her Majesty's Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms, in the room of George William (age 47), Earl of Coventry, resigned.

William John, Lord Monson to be Captain of Her Majesty's Guard of Yeomen of the Guard, in the room of George William (age 61), Viscount Barrington, resigned.

The Honourable Charles Robert Spencer (age 28), M.P., to be one of the Grooms in Waiting in Ordinary to Her Majesty, in the room of Sir Henry Fletcher (age 50), Bart., M.P., resigned.

The London Gazette 25564

Whitehall, March 1, 1886

The Queen (age 66) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal granting the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto the undermentioned Gentlemen, namely:—

undermentioned Gentlemen, namely:—

William Cunliffe Brooks, of the city of Manchester, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

Edward Green, of Wakefield, in the West Riding of the county of York, and of Ken-Hill, in the parish of Snettisham, in the county of Norfolk, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

Richard Horner Paget (age 53), of Cranmore Hall, in the parish of East Cranmore, in the county of Somerset, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

Archibald Orr Ewing (age 68), of Ballikinrain, in the parish of Killearn, in the county of Stirling, and of Lennoxbank, in the parish of Bonhill, in the county of Dumbarton, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

Edward Birkbeck, of Horstead Hall, in the parish of Horstead, in the county of Norfolk, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

Francis Cook, of Doughty House, in the parish of Richmond, in the county of Surrey, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

The London Gazette 25615

St. James's Palace, August 5, 1886. THE Queen has been pleased to make the following Appointments in Her Majesty's Household:

Edward, Earl of Lathom, to be Lord Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of Valentine Augustus, Earl of Kenmare, K.P., resigned.

William Heneage, Viscount Lewisham, to be Vice-Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of Frederick Edward Gould, Viscount Kilcoursie, M.P., resigned.

George William (age 62), Viscount Barrington, to be Captain of Her Majesty's Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, in the room of Charles Douglas Richard (age 46), Lord Sudeley, resigned.

Algernon Hawkins Thomond, Earl of Kintore, to be Captain of Her Majesty's Guard of Yeomen of the Guard, in the room of William John, Lord Monson, resigned.

The London Gazette 25651

26 Nov 1886. Windsor Castle [Map], November 26, 1886.

THE Queen (age 67) was this day pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood on Balthazar Walter Foster (age 46), Esq., M.D., President of the Council of the British Medical Association.

The London Gazette 25687

Crown Office, March 26, 1887.

MEMBER returned to serve in the present PARLIAMENT. County of Derby. - Ilkeston Division. Sir Balthazar Walter Foster (age 46), Knt., in the place of Thomas Watson, Esq., deceased.

The London Gazette 25761

23 Nov 1887. Whitehall, November 23, 1887. The Queen (age 68) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom unto Henry Stafford (age 41) Northcote (commonly called the Honourable Henry Stafford Northcote), of Seamore Place, in the parish of St. George, Hanover-square, in the county of Middlesex, Esq., Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

The London Gazette 26001

BENGAL STAFF CORPS. To be Lieutenants.

30 Mar 1888. Lieutenant Vere Bonamy Fane (age 24), from the Manchester Regiment. Dated 30th March, 1888, but to rank from 12th November, 1884.

The London Gazette 26019

Whitehall, January 31, 1890. THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom unto John Talbot Dillwyn Llewelyn, of Penllergare, in the parish of Llangyfelach, and of Ynis y gerwn, in the parish of Cadoxton juxta Neath, both in the county of Glamorgan, Esquire, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

Whitehall, January 31, 1890. THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom unto Sir Albert Abdallah David Sassoon (age 71), of Kensington-gore, in the parish of St. Mary Abbots,. Kensington, in the county of London, and of Eastern-terrace, in the borough of Brighton, in the county of Sussex, Knight, Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

Whitehall, January 31, 1890. THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom unto William Scovell Savory, of Brook-street, in the parish of Saint George, Hanover-square, in the county of London, Esquire, one of the Surgeons Extraordinary to Her Majesty, and lately President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and the heirs male of his body la-wf ully begotten.

The London Gazette 25868

Foreign Office, June 22, 1888.

The Queen (age 69) has been graciously pleased to appoint William Edward Goschen, Esq, to be Secretary to Her Majesty's Legation at Copenhagen.

Office of the Secretary for Scotland, Whitehall, October 20, 1888.

The Queen (age 69) has been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable John Hay Athole Macdonald, C.B., Q.C., LL.D., Her Majesty's Advocate for Scotland, to be Her Majesty's Justice Clerk and President of the Second Division of the Court of Session, in the room of the Right Honourable James, Baron Moncreiff, resigned.

The Prince of Wales's Council Chamber, Buckingham Gate, October 22, 1888.

HIS Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has been pleased to appoint Colonel Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge Kingscote (age 58), C.B., Receiver-General of the Duchy of Cornwall, vice the Right Honourable Sir John Rose, Bart., G.C.M.G., deceased.

The London Gazette 26320

At the Court at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, the 25th day of August, 1892.

PRESENT, The Queen's (age 73) Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

This day the Right Honourable George William Henry, Lord Vernon (age 38), was, by Her Majesty's command, sworn of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and took his place at the Board accordingly

The London Gazette 26321

St. James's Palace, August 25, 1892.

The Queen (age 73) has been pleased to make the following appointments in Her Majesty's Household:-

Charles Robert, Lord Carrington (age 49), G.C.M.G., to be Lord Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of Edward, Earl of Lathom (age 54), G.C.B., resigned.

The Honourable Charles Robert Spencer (age 34), M.P., to be Vice Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of Henry George, Lord Burghley (age 42), M.P., resigned.

George William Henry, Lord Vernon (age 38), to be Captain of Her Majesty's Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, in the room of Charles Alfred Worsley, Earl of Yarborough (age 33), resigned.

William, Lord Kensington (age 57), to be Captain of Her Majesty's Guard of Yeoman of the Guard, in the room of William, Earl of Limerick (age 52), K.P., resigned.

Whitehall, August 30, 1892.

The Queen (age 73) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, appointing the Right Honourable William John, Viscount Oxenbridge (age 63), to be Master of the Horse to Her Majesty.

Master of the Horse's Office, Royal Mews, Pimlico, August 25, 1892.

HER Majesty has been graciously pleased to appoint the Right Honourable Thomas, Baron Ribblesdale (age 37), to be Master of Her Majesty's Buckhounds, in the room of the Right Honourable George William, Earl of Coventry (age 54), resigned.

Foreign Office, August 16, 1892.

The Queen (age 73) has been graciously pleased to appoint:-

William Algernon Churchill, Esq., to be Her Majesty's Consul at Mozambique;

Charles Seymour Hampson, Esq., to be Her Majesty's Vice-Consul at Sofia;

Vaughan Kestell Cornish, Esq., to be one of Her Majesty's Vice-Consuls at Zanzibar; and

Walter Patrick Hussey Walsh, Esq., to be one of Her Majesty's Vice-Consuls in the Portuguese Province of Lorenzo Marques, to reside at Beira.

The London Gazette 26328

Whitehall, September 22, 1892. THE Queen hns been pleased, by letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, dated the 22nd August, 1892, to grant the dignities of an Earl and a Marquess of the said United Kingdom unto the Right Honourable Lawrence, Earl of Zetland (age 48), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, styles, and titles of Earl of Ronaldshay, in the county of Orkney and Zetland, and Marquess of Zetland. [Lilian Selina Elizabeth Lumley Marchioness Zetland (age 40) by marriage Marchioness Zetland.]

Whitehall, September 22, 1892. THE Queen has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, dated the 22nd August, 1892, to grant the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto the Right Honourable George Cubitt (age 64), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Ashcombe, of Dorking, in the county of Surrey, and of Bodiam Castle, in the county of Sussex

Whitehall, September 22, 1892. THE Queen has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, dated the 23rd August, 1892, to grant the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto Sir Rainald Knightley (age 72), Bart., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Knightley, of Fawsley, in the county of Northampton.

Whitehall, September 22, 1892. THE Queen has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, dated the 24th August, 1892, to grant the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto Sir Archibald Campbell Campbell, of Blythswood, in the county of Renfrew, Bart., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Blythswood, of Blythswood, in the county of Renfrew, with remainder, in default of such issue male, to the brothers of the said Sir Archibald Campbell Campbell, in the following order:

Sholto Douglas Campbell Douglas, of Douglas Support, in the county of Lanark, Clerk, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten;

Barrington Bulkley Douglas Campbell, Esq., Colonel in Her Majesty's Scots Guards, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten;

Walter James Douglas Campbell, of Innis Chonain, in the county of Argyll, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten;

Montagu Douglas Campbell, Esq., Captain and Honorary Major 4th Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten; and

Robert Douglas Campbell, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

Whitehall, September 22, 1892. THE Queen has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, dated the 25th August, 1892, to grant the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto Sir Thomas Brooks, Bart., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Crawshaw, of Crawshaw, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, and of Whatton, in the county of Leicester.

Whitehall, September 22, 1892. THE Queen has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, dated the 26th August, 1892, to grant the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto William Amhurst Tyssen-Amherst (age 57), of Amherst, in the county of Kent, Didlington Hall, in the county of Norfolk, and of Hackney, in the county of London, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Amherst of Hackney, in the county of London, and, in default of such issue male, to hold the name, style, and title of Baroness Amherst of Hackney, to Mary Rothes Margaret Cecil (age 35), wife of William Cecil (age 37) (commonly called Lord William Cecil), Lieutenant-Colonel of the 4th Battalion of the Lincolnshire Regiment, eldest daughter of the said William Amhurst Tyssen Amherst (age 57); and, after her decease, and in default of such issue of the said William Amhurst Tyssen-Amherst, to hold the name, style, and title of Baron Amherst of Hackney, to the heirs male lawfully begotten of the body of the said Mary Rothes Margaret Cecil (age 35).

Whitehall, September 22, 1892. THE Queen has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, dated the 27th August, 1892, to grant the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto William John Legh (age 63), of Lyme Park, in the County Palatine of Chester, Esq., and the heirs malo cf his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Newton, of Newton-in-Makerfield, in the County Palatine of Lancaster.

Whitehall, September 22, 1892. THE Queen has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, dated the 29th August, 1892. to grant the di»nity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto John Mulholland, of Ballywalter Park, in the county of Down, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Dunleath, of Ballywalter, in the county of Down.

Whitehall, September 22, 1892. THE Queen has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seul of the United 'Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, dated the 30th August, 1892, to grant the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto John Allan Rolls, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Llangattock, of the Hendre, in the county of Monmouth.

The London Gazette 26338

Whitehall, October 25, 1892. THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters •Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom unto Horace Brand Townsend-Farquhar (age 48), of Cavendish-square, in the parish of ,Saint Marylebone, in the county of London, Esq., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

The London Gazette 26496

AT the Court' at Windsor, the 10th day of March, 1894.


The Queen's (age 74)s Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

This day the Right Honourable Archibald Philip, Earl of Rosebery (age 46), K.G., took the oath of Allegiance and the oath of Office of First Lord of Her Majesty's Treasury.

Foreign Office, March 19, 1894.

IT is hereby notified, that Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has received, from the Bolivian Consul-General in London, two Notes, dated the 13th instant, stating that the Government of Bolivia has cancelled the Commission of Mr. J. Robert Peachy as Consul-General at Ottawa; and that the only Consul for the Republic of Bolivia exercising his functions in Great Britain and her Dependencies is Mr. Emilio Ulm, Consul in Melbourne, Australia.

Crown Office, March 19, 1894.

The Queen (age 74) has been pleased by Letters Patent to appoint the Right Honourable Edward, Lord Tweedmouth, to be Keeper of the Privy Seal.

Crown Office, March 19, 1894.

The Queen (age 74) has been pleased by Letters Patent to appoint the Right Honourable Richard Edmund Saint Lawrence, Earl of Cork and Orrery, K.P., to be Master of Her Majesty's Horses.

St. James's Palace, March 13, 1894.

The Queen (age 74) has been pleased to appoint Edwyn Francis, Earl of Chesterfield (age 39), to be Captain of Her Majesty's Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms, in the room of George William Henry, Lord Vernon (age 40), resigned.

The London Gazette 26509

Whitehall, May 3, 1894

The Queen (age 74) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom unto Edward Coley Burne Burne-Jones (age 60), of Rottingdean, in the county of Sussex, and of the Grange, in the parish of Fulham, in the county of London, Esquire, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten. [Note. Georgiana Macdonald Lady Burne-Jones (age 53) by marriage Lady Burne-Jones of Rottingdean in Sussex and The Grange in Fulham in London]

The London Gazette 26908

War Office, November 9, 1897

The Queen (age 78) has been graciously pleased to signify Her intention to confer the decoration of the Victoria Cross on the undermentioned Officers, whose claims have been submitted for Her Majesty's approval, for their conspicuous bravery during the operations on the North-West Frontier of India, as recorded against their names:-

Regiment. Name. Acts of Courage for which recommended.

Indian Staff Corps. Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bellew Adams and 16th Lancers Lieutenant Alexander Edward, Viscount Fincastle (age 26).

During the fighting at Nawa Bali, in Upper Swat, on the 17th August, 1897, Lieutenant-Colonel R. B. Adams proceeded with Lieutenants H. L. S. MacLean and Viscount Fincastle, and five men of the Guides, under a very heavy and close fire, to the rescue of Lieutenant R. T. Greaves, Lancashire Fusiliers, who was lying disabled by a bullet wound and surrounded by the enemy's swordsmen. In bringing him under cover he (Lieutenant Greaves) was struck by a bullet and killed—Lieutenant MacLean was mortally wounded—whilst the horses of Lieutenant-Colonel Adams and Lieutenant Viscount Fincastle were shot, as well as two troop horses.

Indian Staff Corps. Lieutenant Edmond William Costello. On the night of the 26th July, 1897, at the Malakand, Lieutenant Costello went out from the hospital enclosure, and, with the assistance of two sepoys, brought in a wounded Lance-Halvidar who was lying 60 yards away in the open on the football ground. This ground was at the time overrun with swordsmen and swept by a heavy fire both from the enemy anj our own men who were holding the sapper lines.


Lieutenant Hector Lachlan Stewart Mac Lean, Indian Staff Corps, on account of his gallant conduct as recorded above, would have been recommended to Her Majesty for the Victoria Cross had he survived

The London Gazette 26930

Whitehall, January 17, 1898. The Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignities of a Viscount and an Earl of the said United Kingdom unto the Right Honourable Hardinge Stanley, Baron Halsbury, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, style?s and titles of Viscount Tiverton, of Tiverton, in the county of Devon, and Earl of Halsbury, in the same county.

Whitehall, January 17, 1898. THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain aud Ireland, grunting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto Sir William Wallace Hozier, Bart., and the he:rs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Newjands, of Newlands and Barrowfield, in the county of the city of Glasgow, and of Mauldslie Castle, in the county of Lanark.

Whitehall, January 17, 1898. THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignily of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto Sir Horace Brand Town send-Farquhar (age 53), Bart, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Farquhar, of Saint Marylcbone, in the county of London.

The London Gazette 26982

Whitehall, June 27, 1898.

The Queen (age 79) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom unto Henry Tate (age 79), of Park Hill, in the parish of Streatham, in the county of London, Esquire, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

The London Gazette 27000

Lieutenants to be Captains.

Dated 12th November, 1895.

Benjamin William Marlow.

Charles Edward Hendley.

Claude Herbert, D.S.O.

Charles Bailey.

Joseph Robert HilL

Vere Bonamy Fane (age 32).

Harold Nash Hilliar.l.

Henry Edward Pritchard.

Arthur Henry Battye.

William Hugh Welsh Mercer.

The London Gazette 27105

Whitehall, August 3, 1899. The Queen has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date the 2nd instant, to grant the dignity of a Baroness of the said United Kingdom unto Henrietta Anne Carleton (age 53) (commonly called the Honourable Henrietta Anne Carleton), wife of Richard Langford Leir-Carleton, of Ditcheat, in the county of Somerset, Esquire, Major-General (retired); of Her Majesty's Forces, and elder of the two daughters and co-heirs of Guy Carleton, third Baron Dorchester, deceased, by the name, style, and title of Baroness Dorchester, of Dorchester, in the county of Oxford; and at her decease the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom, by the name, style, and title of Baron Dorchester, of Dorchester, in the county of Oxford, unto the heirs male of her body lawfully begotten.

The London Gazette 27156

Whitehall, January 22, 1900. The Queen (age 80) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto the Honourable Sir Henry Stafford Northcote (age 53), Bart, CB, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Northcote, of the city and county of the City of Exeter.

Whitehall, January 22, 1900. The Queen (age 80) has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto the Right Honourable Sir John Lubbock (age 65), of Lamas [Map], in the county of Norfolk, High Elms [Map], in the county of Kent, and Avebury [Map], in the county of Wilts, Bart, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Avebury, of Avebury, in the county of Wilts.

Note. Alice Lane Fox-Pitt Baroness Avebury (age 38) by marriage Baroness Avebury of Avebury in Wiltshire.

The London Gazette 27169

War Office, Pall Mall, 27th February, 1900. The Imperial Yeomanry.

Major and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel E. W. Beckett (age 43), Yorkshire Hussars Yeomanry.

The London Gazette 27173

War Office, 18th March, 1900. Yeomanry Cavalry.

Yorkshire Hussars (Princess of Wales's Own) Major and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel E. W. Beckett (age 43). Dated 14th March, 1900

The London Gazette 27208

War Office, July 6, 1900

The Queen (age 81) has been graciously pleased to signify Her intention to confer the decoration of the Victoria Cross on the undermentioned Officers, Non-Commissioned Officer, and Trooper whose claims have been submitted for Her Majesty's approval, for their conspicuous bravery in South Africa, as stated against their name:-

The Gordon Highlanders. Captain Beckwith Ernest Towse

On the 11th December, 1899, at the action of Majesfontein, Captain Towse was brought to notice by his Commanding Officer for his gallantry and devotion in assisting the late Colonel Downman, when mortally wounded, in the retirement, and endeavouring, when close up to the front of the firing line, to carry Colonel Downman on his back; but finding this not possible, Captain Towse supported him till joined by Colour-Sergeant Nelson and Lance-Corporal Hodgson.

On the 30th April, 1900, Captain Towse, with twelve men, took up a position on the top of Mount Thaba, far away from support. A force of about 150 Boers attempted to seize the same plateau, neither party appearing to see the other until they were but 100 yards apart. Some of the Boers then got within 40 yards of Captain Towse and his party, and called on him to surrender. He at once caused his men to open fire and remained firing himself until severely wounded (both eyes shattered), succeeding in driving off the Boers. The gallantry of this Officer in vigorously attacking the enemy (for he not only fired, but charged forward) saved the situation, notwithstanding the numerical superiority of the Boers.

The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). Captain Charles FitzClarence (age 35). On the 14th October, 1899, Captain FitzClarence went with his squadron of the Protectorate Regiment,consisting of only partially trained men, who had never been in action, to the assistance of an armoured train which had gone out from Mafeking. The enemy were in greatly superior numbers, and the squadron was for a time surrounded, and it looked as if nothing could save them from being shot down. Captain FitzClarence, however, by his personal coolness and courage inspired the greatest confidence in his men, and, by his bold and efficient handling of them, not only succeeded in relieving the armoured train, but inflicted a heavy defeat on the Boers, who lost 50 killed and a large number wounded, his own losses being 2 killed and 15 wounded. The moral effect of this blow had a very important bearing on subsequent encounters with the Boers.

On the 27th October, 1899, Captain FitzClarence led his squadron from Mafeking across the open, and made a night attack with the bayonet on one of the enemy's trenches. A hand-to-hand fight took place in the trench, while a heavy fire was concentrated on it from the rear. The enemy was driven out with heavy loss. Captain FitzClarence was the first man into the position and accounted-for four of the enemy with his sword. The British lost & killed and 9 wounded. Captain. FitzClarence was himself: slightly wounded. With reference to these two actions, Major General Baden-Powell states that had this Officer not shown an extraordinary spirit and fearlessness the attacks would have been failures, and we should have suffered heavy loss both in men and prestige. On the 26th December, 1899, during the action at Game Tree, near Mafeking, Captain FitzClarence again distinguished himself by his coolness and courage, and was again wounded (severely through both legs).

10th Hussars. Lieutenant (now Captain) Sir John Milbanke, Bart. (age 27). On the 5th January, 1900, during a reconnaissance near Colesberg, Sir John Milbanke, when retiring under fire with a small patrol of the 10th Hussars, notwithstanding the fact that he had just been severely wounded in the thigh, rode back to the assistance of one of the men whose pony was exhausted, and who was under fire from some Boers who had dismounted. Sir John Milbanke took the man up on Ms own horse under a most galling fire and brought him safely back to camp.

The London Gazette 27243

Master of the Horse's Office, Royal Mews, Buckingham Palace, November 1, 1900.

HER Majesty has been preciously pleased to appoint Honorary Colonel the Right Honourable Charles Compton William, Baron Chesham, to be the Master of Her Majesty's Buckhounds, in the room of the Right Honourable George William, Earl of Coventry (age 62), resigned.

Her Majesty has also been graciously pleased to appoint, provisionally, the Right Honourable Victor Albert Francis Charles, Baron Churchill (age 36), to act as Master of Her Majesty's Buckhounds during the absence in South Africa of Honorary Colonel the Right Honourable Baron Chesham.

Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, October 30, 1900.

The Queen (age 81) has been pleased to appoint George Richard Penn (age 39), Earl Howe, to be one of the Lords in Waiting in Ordinary to Her Majesty, in the room of Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon (age 54), resigned.

The London Gazette 27294

Board of Green Cloth, Buckingham Palace, March 13, 1901.

The King has been graciously pleased to appoint Colonel Sir Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge Kingscote (age 71), K.C.B., Extra Equerry to His Majesty, to be Paymaster of His Majesty's Household, in the room of George Thomas Hertslet, Esq., resigned

The London Gazette 27313

15. In so large a force, and under circumstances which have not called for prolonged active operations in the field, it is difficult to discriminate; but although I am. convinced that generally speaking all have done their best, still there are many officers whom I would particularly wish to bring to notice

Cavalry Brigade.


Major F. W. P. Angelp, Deputy-Assistant Adjutant-General.

Captain V. B. Fane, Deputy-Assistant Quartermaster-General.

Captain F. W. Hawks, Commissariat Department.

Lieutenant A. S. H. Teed, Assistant Brigade Commissariat and Transport Officer.

Royal Horse Artillery.

Major C. F. Blane, B Battery.

16th Bengal Lancers.

Colonel A. de V. Alexander.

Ressaidar and Wordie-Major Chanda Singh.

3rd Bombay Cavalry.

Major (temporary Lieutenant - Colonel) A. Phayre.

Risaldar Eudrat Khan.

Boyal Engineers.

Lieutenant E. Tylden-Patterson, Commanding

Detachment of Mounted Sappers.

The London Gazette 27318

28 May 1901. To be Knight Commanders.

Horace Brand Townsend (age 57), Lord Farquhar.

Frederick Treves, Esq., C.B.

The London Gazette 27357

26 Oct 1900. Captain V. B. Fane (age 37), Indian Staff Corps, to be Provost-Marshal graded Rate XIII, Scale B, Article 115, Royal Warrant 26th October, 1900, whilst so employed.

12 Mar 1901. Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, March 12, 1901.

The King has been pleased to appoint the Right Reverend Father in God Randall, Bishop of Winchester (age 52), to be Clerk of the Closet in Ordinary to His Majesty.

The London Gazette 27385

To be extra Aides-de-Camp to the Right Honourable G H., Earl Cadogan (age 61), K.G., Lieutenant-General and General Governor of Ireland. Dated 1st July, 1901:

Captain the Honourable A. W. de B. S. Foljambe (age 31), M.V.O., the Rifle Brigade (the Prince Consort's Own).

Captain J. C. Brinton, D.S.O., 2nd Life Guards.

Major C. Heseltine, 7th Battalion the Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment).

The London Gazette 27399

31st. Battalion, Captain A. E., Viscount Fincastle (age 30), V.C., 16th Lancers, to Command the Battalion, with the temporary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated 22nd January, 1902.

The London Gazette 27403

04 Feb 1902. War Office, Pall Mail, 4th February, 1902.

2nd Life Guards, Captain Oswald H. Ames to be Major, vice Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. Smith-Cuuinghame, promoted Lieutenant-Colonel on half-pay. Dated 12th January, 1902.

The undermentioned Supernumerary Captains to be Captains:—

Algernon R. Trotter, D.S.O., vice 0. H. Ames. Dated 12th January, 1902.

Claude Champion-de Crespigny (age 28), D.S.O., vice T., Earl of Longford, seconded. Dated 22nd January, 1902.

The London Gazette 27435


Royal 1st Devon, The undermentioned Second: Lieutenants to be Lieutenants:—

W. C. Barnes. Dated 3rd May, 1902.

E. R., Viscount Boringdon (age 25). Dated 3rd May. 1902.

The London Gazette 27439

Imperial Yeomanry

Royal 1st Devon, The Honourable Thomas Charles Reginald Agar-Robartes (age 22) to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 4th June, 1902.

The London Gazette 27454

War Office, 15th July, 1902. Imperial Yeomanry. Memorandum. The undermentioned Officer resigns his Commission, and receives a new Commission subject to the provisions of the Militia and Yeomanry Act, 1901, retaining his present rank and seniority, viz.:—

Yorkshire Hussars (Princess of Walesjs Own). Major and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel E. W. Beckett (age 45).

The London Gazette 27455

Whitehall, July 15, 1902.

The King has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Viscount of the said United Kingdom unto Victor Albert Francis Charles, Lord Churchill (age 37), KCVO, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of was Viscount Churchill, of Rolleston, in the county of Leicester.

15 Jul 1902. Whitehall, July 15, 1902.

The King has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Viscount of the said United Kingdom unto the Right Honourable Alfred, Lord Milner, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., and the heirs male of. bis body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Viscount Milner, of Saint James's, in the county, of London, and of Cape Town, in the Cape Colony.

Whitehall, July 15, 1902.

The King has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and lreland, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto the Right Honourable John Blair Balfour, Lord Justice General and Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Kinross, of Glasclune, in the county of Haddington.

Whitehall, July 15, 1902.

The King has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto the Right Honourable Sir Ughtred James Kay-Shuttleworth, Baronet, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Barou Shuttleworth, of Gawthorpe, in the County Palatine of Lancaster.

Whitehall, July 15, 1902.

'The King has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto Sir Francis Wallace Grenfell (age 61), G.C.B., G.C.M.G;, Lieutenant-General in the Army, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Forces with the rank of General in Malta, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Grenfell, of Kilvey, in the county of Glamorgan.

Whitehall, July 15, 1902.

The King has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto Sir Francis Knollys, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Private Secretary to his Majesty the King, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Khollys, of Caversham, in the county of Oxford.

Whitehall, July 15, 1902.

The King has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto Algernon Bertram Freeman Mitford (age 65), Esqure, CVO, CB, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of was Baron Redesdale, of Redesdale, in the county of Northumberland.

Whitehall, July 15, 1902.

The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to grant the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto the Right Honourable William Lawies Jackson, and the heirs-male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Allerton, of Chapel Allerton in the West Riding of the county of York.

The London Gazette 27457

Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, July 25, 1902. The King has been pleased to appoint Sir Frederick Treves (age 79), Bart, K.C.V.O., C.B., F.R.C.S. Eng., one of His Majesty's Honorary Serjeant Surgeons, to be a Serjeant Surgeon-in-Ordinary to His Majesty.

Whitehall, July 24, 1902. The King has been pleased to direct the preparation of Warrants under His Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, authorizing Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, conferring the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom upon each of the following Gentlemen and the heirs male of their respective bodies lawfully begotten, viz.:—

The Right Honourable Andrew Marshall Porter (age 65), of Merrion-square, in the city and county of Dublin, Master of the Rolls of Ireland;

The Right Honourable Sir Joseph Cockfield Dimsdale (age 53), of Goldsmiths, Langdon Hills, in the county of Essex, and of Lancaster-street, in the borough of Paddington, in the county of London, Knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London;

Sir Edward Ridley Colborne Bradford, of South Audley-street, in the city-of Westminster, in the county of London, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. Chief Commissioner of the Police in the Metropolis, Colonel Indian Staff Corps;

Sir Andrew Noble, of Ardmore and Ardardan Noble, in the parish of Cardross, in the county of Dumbarton, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath;

Sir Francis Henry Evans, of Tubbendens, in the parish of Farnborough, in the county of Kent, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George;

Sir Francis Henry Laking, of Kensington, in the parish of Saint Mary Abbots, in the Royal Borough of Kensington, in the county of London, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Doctor in Medicine, Member of the Royal College of Physicians of London, Physician in Ordinary to His Majesty;

Sir Thomas Johnstone Lipton, of Osidge, in the parish of Southgate, in the county of Middlesex, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order;

Sir Frederick Treves, of Dorchester, in the county of Dorset, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England; Honorary Serjeant-Surgeon to His Majesty;

Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, of Highfnam Court, in the parish of Churcham, in the county of Gloucester, Knight, Doctor of Music;

Sir George Henry Lewis, of Portland-place, in the borough of Marylebone, in. the county of London, Knight;

Sir Edward John Poynter (age 66), of Albert Gate, in the city of Westminster, in the county of London, Knight, President of the Royal Academy of Arts; [Note. Agnes Macdonald Lady Poynter (age 59) by marriage Lady Poynter of Albert Gate in Westminster in London]

Sir Thomas Jackson, of Stansted House, in the parish of Stansted, in the county of Essex, Knight;

Alexander Henderson, of Buscat Park, in the county of Berks, Esquire;

Robert Trotter Hermon Hodge, of Wyfold Court, in the Parish of Chickendon, in the county of Oxford, Esquire;

Philip Albert Muntz, of Dunsmore, near Rugby, in the parish of Clifton-on-Dunsmore, in the county of Warwick, Esquire;

Charles Benjamin Bright McLaren, of Bodnant, in the parish of Eglwysbach, in the county of Denbigh, Gwylgre, in the parish of Llauasa, in the county of Flint, and Hilders, in the parish of Shottermill, in the county of Surrey, Esquire, one of Ilis Majesty's Counsel learned in the Law; and

William Edward Murray Tomlinson, of Richmond-terrace,.Whitehall, in the city of Westminster, in the county of London, and of Preston, Heysham, and Bolton-le-Sands, in the County Palatine.of Lancaster, Esquire.

Whitehall, July 24, 1902. The King has been pleased to direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom unto the Right Honourable Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Barrymore, of Barrymore, in the county of Cork.

The London Gazette 27465

The Rifle Brigade, (the Prince Consort's Own), Supernumerary Captain the Honourable Arthur W. de B. S. Foljambe (age 31), M.V.O., to be Captain, to complete establishment. Dated 2nd December, 1901

The London Gazette 27493

Chancery of the Royal Victorian Order, St. James's Palace, November 9,1902.

The King has been graciously pleased to make the following promotions in, and appointments to, the Royal Victorian Order:-

To be Knights Grand Cross:

Victor Albert Francis Charles (age 38), Viscount Churchill, K.C.V.O. (Lord in Waiting).

General Frederick Augustus, Baron Chelmsford, G.C.B. (Gold Stick in Waiting).

Horace Brand, Baron Farquhar, K.C.V.O. (Master of the Household).

Colonel Sir Edward Ridley Colborne Bradford, Bart, G.C.B., K.C.S.L (Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police).

Colonel Sir Robert Nigel Fitz-Hardinge Kingscote (age 72), K.C.B. (Extra Equerry to His Majesty).

Admiral Sir Henry Frederick Stephenson, K.C.B. (Extra Equerry to His Majesty).

Major-General Sir Henry Trotter, K.C.V.O. (Commanding Home District).

The London Gazette 27497

I would bring, the services of the following Officers to your Lordship's notice, for special good work:-


Colonel O'Sullivan, Royal Engineers, Chief Staff Officer, who has had varied and difficult duties, being my delegate ou the Provisional Government, from the 1st December, 1901, till its dissolution on the 14th August, 1902.

Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Bower, Indian Staff Corps, who was my delegate on the Provisional Government, from the 21st July, 1901, till the 30th-November, 1901.

Major Drake Brockman, Indian Staff Corps, Deputy-Assistant Quartermaster-General, has had much hard work in connection with movement of- troops. He is an excellent Staff Officer, who has done-excellent work.

Major Grimston, Indian Staff Corps, Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General,is a tactful and good Staff-Officer, whose advancement would be for the good of the State.

Captain Fane, Indian Staff-Corps, was Provost-Marshal and Police Commissioner in Tientsin. His duties were of a most anxious, important, and difficult nature, and he carried them out with tact and untiring energy,and contributed greatly to the good relations which have existed between the various nationalities, military and civil, in Tientsin.

The London Gazette 27568

War Office. 26th. June, 1903.

The KING (age 61) has been graciously pleased to give..orders for the..following promotion in the Most Honourable Order of the Bath in recognition of the services of the undermentioned Officer during the occupation of China by International,Troops:-

To be an Ordinary Member of the Military Division of the Second-Class, or Knights Commanders, of the said Most Honourable Order viz:

Colonel (local..Major-General) O'Moore Greagh V.C.. C.B., Indian Army, Commanding the Forces in China.

The King has also been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Distinguished Service Order and, promotions in,the Army, in recognition of the services of the undermentioned Officers during the occupation of China by International Troops.

The promotions, to, bear, date, of 1st January, 1903.

To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order, viz:-

Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel Aubrey de Vere Alexander, Indian Army. (For operations in China, 1900.)

Lieutenant Alexander Rowand, Royal Indian Marine. (For operations in China, 1900.)

Lieutenant Percy Byrig Hall, Indian Army. (For capture of a band of Brigauds on 17th December, 1901, in the district, of Chuu-liang-Gheng.)


To be Lieutenant-Colonels:-

Major (local Lieutenant-Colonel) C. A. R. Browne, • Royal Engineers,.Director of Railways, Force in China.

Major C. M. Ducat, Indian Army, Military Attache, Peking;

Major A. R. Dick; Indian Army

Major A. W. S. Wingate, Indian Army, Deputy-Assistant Quartermaster-General (for Intelligence), Force in China.

Major V. B. Fane (age 40), Indian Army.

To be Major:-

Captain G. G. Woods, Royal Artillery.

The London Gazette 27673

Whitehall, April 2, 1904.

The King has been pleased to grant unto Charles Hunter (age 59), of Plas Côch, in the parish of Llanedwen, of Brynddu, in the parish of Llanfechell, and of Cemaes, in the parish of Llanbadrig, all in the county of Anglesey, Esquire, in the Commission of the Peace, a Deputy Lieutenant, and (in 1890) High Sheriff for the said County, Lieutenant-Colonel (Honorary Colonel) of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers, and to Sarah Elizabeth Hunter (formerly Sarah Elizabeth Hughes), his wife, His Royal licence and authority that he the said Charles Hunter may take and use the surname of Hughes in addition to and before that of Hunter and bear the arms of Hughes quarterly with his own family arms; that such surname and arms may in like manner be taken, borne, and used by the issue of his marriage with the said Sarah Elizabeth Hunter and that she the said Sarah Elizabeth Hunter may bear the arms of Hughes; the said arms being first duly exemplified according to the laws of arms, and recorded in the College of Arms, otherwise the said Royal licence and permission to be void and of none effect:

And to command that the said Royal concession and declaration be recorded in His Majesty's said College of Arms.

The London Gazette 27865

Privy Council Office, December 18, 1905.

This day, in the presence of the Lord Chancellor, Mr. Richard Knight Causton (age 62), M.P., was sworn His Majesty's Paymaster-General.

The London Gazette 27871

Whitehall, January 4, 1906.

The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Viscount of the said United Kingdom upon Godfrey Charles, Baron Tradegar (age 74), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Viscount Tredegar of Tredegar in the county of Monmouth.

Whitehall, January 4, 1906.

The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon Sir Henry Meysey Meysey-Thompson (age 60), Baronet, and the heirs male of his-body lawfully begotten, by the name; style, and title of Baron Knaresborough of Kirby Hall in the county of York. [Note. Ethel Adeline Pottinger Baroness Knaresborough (age 42) by marriage Baroness Knaresborough of Kirkby Hall in Yorkshire]

The London Gazette 27873

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 8th day of January, 1906.

PRESENT, The KING's Most Excellent Majesty in Council

This day the Right Honourable Cecil George Savile, Earl of Liverpool; the Right Honourable Osbert Cecil (age 34), Earl of Sefton; the Right Honourable William (age 33), Earl Beauchamp, K.C.M.G.; Richard Knight Causton (age 62), Esquire, M.P.; Thomas Shaw, Esquire, K.C.; Thomas Burt, Esquire, M.P., and Sir Balthazar Walter Foster (age 65), M.P., were, by His Majesty's command, respectively sworn of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and took their places at the Board accordingly.

W. FitzRoy.

The London Gazette 27933

Whitehall, July 20, 1906. The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable Leonard Henry Courtney, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Courtney of Penwith in the county of Cornwall.

Whitehall, July 20, 1906. The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable George John Shaw-Lefevre (age 75), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Eversley of Old Ford in the county of London.

Whitehall, July 20, 1906. The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable William James Pirrie, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Pirrie of the city of Belfast

Whitehall, July 20, 1906. The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon Sir John Jones Jenkins, Knight, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Glantawe of Swansea in the county oF Glamorgan.

Whitehall, July 20, 1906. The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon George Armitstead, Esquire, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotteu, by the name, style, and title of Baron Armitstead of Castlehill in the city of Dundee.

Whitehall, July 20, 1906. The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon Wentworth Blackett Beaumont (age 77), Esquire, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Allendale of Allendale and Hexham in the county of Northumberland.

The London Gazette 27971

Whitehall, November 26, 1906.

The King has been pleased to direct the preparation of Warrants, under His Majesty's lioyal Sign Manual, authorizing1 Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, conferring the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom upon each of the undermentioned Gentlemen, and the heirs male of their respective bodies lawfully begotten:—

Frederick Cawley, of Prestwich, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, Esquire;

Francis Allston Channing, of Maiden Newton, in the county of Dorset, Esquire;

John Hatt Noble Graham, of Larbert House, in the parish of Larbert, and of Househill, in the parish of Dunipace, both in the county of Stirling, Esquire; and

Charles Hughes-Hunter (age 62), of Plâs Côch, in the parish of Llanedwen, in the county of Anglesey, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

The London Gazette 27992

The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consorts Own), Major Arthur W. de B. S. Viscount Hawkesbury (age 36), M.V.O., retires on retired pay. Dated 6th February, 1907.

The London Gazette 28040

Whitehall, July 15, 1907.

The KING (age 65) has been pleased to direct the preparation of Warrants, under His Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, authorizing Letters Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, conferring the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom upon each of the undermentioned Gentlemen, and the heirs male of their respective bodies lawfully begotten:—

Sir Charles Scotter (age 72), of Surbiton, in the county of Surrey, Knight.

The Right Honourable Sir William Purdie Treloar (age 64), of Grange Mount, in the parish of All Saints, Upper Norwood, in the borough of Croydon, Knight, Lord Mayor of the City of London.

Sir William Henry Holland (age 57), of Queen's Gate, in the Royal borough of Kensington, Knight.

John Emmott Barlow, of Bradwall Hall, in the parish of Sandbach, in the county of Chester, Esquire.

William Benjamin Bowring, of Beechwood, in the parish of Grassendale, in the county palatine of Lancaster, Esquire.

John Alexander Dewar, of the city of Perth, Esquire.

Francis Edwards, of Knighton, in the county of Radnor, Esquire.

Ivor John Caradoc Herbert, of Llanarth and Treowen, in the county of Moumouth, Esquire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Colonel in the Army.

Francis Douglas Blake (age 51), of Tillmouth Park, in the parish of Cornhill, in the county of Northumberland, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel commanding the Northumberland Royal Garrison Artillery (Militia).

Walter Scott, of Beauclere, in the parish of Bywell St. Andrews, in the county of Northumberland, Esquire.

Frederic Samuel Philipson Philipson-Stow, of Cape Town, in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, and of Blackdown House, in the parish of Lodsworth, in the county of Sussex, Esquire.

The London Gazette 28234


The undermentioned Officers to be Brevet Colonels:-

Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Vere B. Fane, Indian Army. Dated 1st January, 1909.

Lieutenant-Colonel William P. Davison, Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers). Dated 19th March, 1909.

Lieutenant-Colonel Ernest H. J. Reay, The Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment). Dated 19th March, 1909.

The London Gazette 28270

Board of Green Cloth, Buckingham Palace, July 13, 1909.

The King has been pleased to make the following appointment in His Majesty's Household:—

Arthur William de Brito Savile (age 39), Earl of Liverpool, M.V.O., to be Comptroller of His Majesty's Household, in the room of Alexander William Charles Oliphant, Master of Elibank, M.P., resigned.

The London Gazette 28275

Whitehall, July 28, 1909.

The KING was pleased on Thursday, the 22nd July, to confer the honour of Knighthood upon the following Gentlemen at Buckingham Palace:

Thomas Edward Thorpe, Esq., C.B., F.R.S., Principal of the Government Laboratories;

John James Baddeley, Esq., Sheriff of the City of London.

Thomas Arthur Bramsdon, Esq., M.P.;

Francis Joseph Campbell, Esq., LL.D., Principal of the Royal Normal College for the Blind;

Arthur Chapman, Esq., formerly Consul General at Rio de Janeiro;

Merton Russell Cotes, Esq., East Cliff Hall, Bournemouth;

Samuel Dill, Esq., LittD., LL.D., Member of the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland;

John Duncan, Esq., Dros-y-Mor, Penarth, Cardiff;

Francis Stanhope Hanson, Esq., Alderman and Sheriff of the City of London;

Lieutenant-Colonel George Kemp, Beechwood, Rochdale;

Hugh Percy Lane, Esq., Honorary Director, Municipal Art Gallery, Dublin, and Governor of National Gallery, Ireland;

Joseph Larmor, Esq., D.Sc., F.R.S., Secretary of the Royal Society, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge;

Lieutenant-Colonel William Boog Leishman, M.B., R.A.M.C.;

Henry William Lucy, Esq.;

Richard Mackie, Esq., Leith;

Thomas Mason, Esq., Glasgow;

Thomas Matthews, Esq., Chief Engineer of the Trinity House

Walter Menzies, Esq., M.P.;

Mark Oldroyd, Esq., Dewsbury;

Robert Harry Inglis Palgrave, Esq., F.R.S., Henstead Hall, near Wrentham;

Edwin Pears, Esq.;

Arthur Wing Pinero, Esq.;

William Edward Briggs Priestley, Esq., M.P.;

George Allardice Riddell (age 44), Esq.;

William Alexander Smith, Esq., Founder and Organizer of the Boys' Brigade;

Arthur John Tedder, Esq., Chief Inspector of Excise;

John Edward Thrift, Esq., Chief Inspector of Stamps and Taxes, Inland Revenue Department;

Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Esq.;

Major Henry Francis Trippel, Onslow Hall, The Green, Richmond, Surrey;

James Henry Yoxall, Esq., M.P.;

The London Gazette 28317

Whitehall, December 11, 1909. The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date the 7th instant, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Arbuthnot Fisher (age 68), G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Fisher of Kilverstone, in the county of Norfolk. [Frances "Kitty" Katharine Broughton Baroness Fisher by marriage Baroness Fisher of Kilverstone in Norfolk.]

The London Gazette 28347

Crown Office, March 8, 1910.

MEMBER returned to serve in the present PARLIAMENT. County of Derby, Ilkeston Division. John Edward Bernard Seely, Esq., in the place of The Right Honourable Sir Balthazar Walter Foster (age 69), who has accepted the office of Steward or Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead, in the county of York.

The London Gazette 28350


Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels.

Dated 11th December, 1909.

Brevet Colonel Vere Bonamy Fane, Commandant, 21st Punjabis.

Dated 31st December, 1909.

Frederick Hopewell Peterson, D.S.O., Commandant, 32nd Sikh Pioneers.

Dated 4th January, 1910.

Alexander Cadell, Commandant, 38th Dogras.

Dated 6th January, 1909.

Harry Davis Watson, C.I.E., Commandant, 2nd Battalion, 9th Gurkha Rifles

The London Gazette 28398

Whitehall, July 21, 1910.

The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon the undermentioned gentlemen, and the heirs male of their respective bodies lawfully begotten:—

The Right Honourable Richard Knight Causton (age 66), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Southwark of Southwark in the County of London. [Note. Selina Mary Chambers Baroness Southwark (age 58) by marriage Baroness Southwark of Southwark in London.]

The Right Honourable Sir Balthazar Walter Foster (age 70), Knight, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Ilkeston of Ilkeston in the County of Derby.

The Right Honourable Sir Hudson Ewbanke Kearley, Baronet, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Devonport of Wittington in the County of Buckingham.

Sir Weetman Dickinson Pearson, Baronet, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Cowdray of Midhurst in the County of Sussex.

Sir William Henry Holland (age 60), Baronet, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Rotherham, of Broughton in the County Palatine of Lancaster.

Sir Christopher Furness (age 58), Knight, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Furness of Grantley in the West Riding of the County of York. [Note. Jane Annette Suggitt Baroness Furness by marriage Baroness Furness of Grantley in the West Riding of Yorkshire.]

Freeman Freeman-Thomas, Esquire, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Willingdon of Ratton in the County of Sussex.

The London Gazette 28487


The undermentioned Colonels are placed on the Half-pay List:-

George W. H. Pain, C.B., on completion of his period of service in command of a district. Dated 21st April, 1911.

Frederick W. N. McCracken, C.B., D.S.O., on vacating his Staff appointment in India. Dated 17th March, 1911.

The undermentioned officers of the Indian Army to be Colonels. Dated 1st January, 1911: -

Brevet Colonels: -

Charles F. G. Young.

Francis B. W. Richardson

Henry T. King.

Charles I. Fry.

David G. L. Shaw.

Willoughby Thuillier.

Harry B. Borradaile, D.S.O.

Arthur E. Aitken.

Mansel T. Shewen.

Charles E. Johnson.

Clarence H. Macdonald.

Knightley P. Burne.

Henry T. Kenny.

Robert M. Rainey-Robinson.

Augustus A. J. Johnstone.

Percy Holland.

William O. M. Mosse.

Francis W. J. Caulfeild.

Michael J. Tighe, D.S.O.

Walter S. Delamain, D.S.O.

Charles H. U. Price, D.S.O.

James M. Stewart, Aide-de-Camp to the King.

Charles M. Ducat.

Claud W. Jacob.

Alfred L. Phillips.

Vere B. Fane.

Robert H. Twigg.

Alexander L. Lindesay.

Leslie W. Shakespear.

Gilbert W. Palin.

George R. Crawford.

William C. Barratt, D.S.O.

George B. Hodson, D.S.O.

Alfred H. Bingley, C.I.E.

Algernon G. Peyton.

William G. Walker, V.C.

Offley B. S. F. Shore, D.S.O.

Kenneth J. Buchanan, C.B.

Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander A. E. Campbell.

Brevet-Lieutenant-Coloiiel William G. L. Beynon, D.S.O.

Lieutenant-Colonel Harry T. Brooking.

Lieutenant-Colonel George de S. De Lisle.

The London Gazette 28519

Whitehall, August 3, 1911. The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date the 5th July, 1911, to confer the dignity cof a Viscount of the said United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable Wentworth Canning Blackett (age 50), Baron Allendale, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Viscount Allendale of Allendale and Hexham, in the county of Northumberland. p[Alexandrina Louise Maud Vane-Tempest Viscountess Allendale (age 47) by marriage Viscountess Allendale of Allendale and Hexham in Northumberland].

The London Gazette 28566

Whitehall, December 28, 1911. Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the creation of the undermentioned Baronets:

Sir William Thornley Stoker, Baronet, of Hatch-street, in the city of Dublin, Doctor of Medicine, Master of Surgery (Honoris Causa), Fellow of the Royal Col lege of Surgeons in Ireland, and some time President of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland;

Sir Robert Anderson, Baronet, of Park mount, in the county of the city of Bel fast, and of Mullaghmore, in the county of Monaghan;

Sir Charles Bent Ball, Baronet, of Merrion Square, in the city of Dublin, and of Killybegs, in the county of Donegal, Master in Surgery, and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland;

Sir Boverton Redwood, Baronet, of Avenue road, in the metropolitan borough of St. Marylebone;

Sir John Henry Bethell, Baronet, of Park House, in the parish of Wanstead, in the county of Essex;

Sir Edward Beauchamp (age 62), Baronet, of Grosvenor Place, in the city of Westminster;

Sir Henry Trentham Butlin, Baronet, of Harley-street, in the metropolitan borough of St. Marylebone, Doctor of Medicine, and late President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England;

Sir Edward Feetham Coates, Baronet, of Helperby Hall, Helperby, in the parish of Brafferton, in the North Riding of the county of York, Major (retired), Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment, 3rd Battalion;

Sir Nugent Talbot Everard, Baronet, of Randlestown, in the county of Meath, His Majesty's Lieutenant of the said county, late Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel Commandant and Honorary Colonel Fifth Battalion the Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment;

Sir James Frederic Goodhart, Baronet, of Portland Place, in the raetropolitaai borough of St. Marylebone, and of Holtye, in the county of Sussex, Doctor of Medi cine, and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London;

Sir Arthur Adlington Haworth, Baronet, of Dunham Massey, in the county of Chester;

Sir John Bowen Bowen-Jones, Baronet, of St. Mary's Court, in the borough of Shrewsbury;

Sir Herbert Samuel Leon, Baronet, of Bletchley Park, in the parish of Bletchley, in the county of Buckingham;

Sir William Hesketh Lever (age 60), Baronet, of Thornton Manor, in the parish of Thorn ton Hough, in the county of Chester; [Elizabeth Ellen Hulme Viscountess Leverhulme (age 61) by marriage Lady Lever of Thornton Manor in Cheshire.]

Sir John Brownlee Lonsdale, Baronet, of Prince's Gardens, in the Royal borough of Kensington, and of The Pavilion, in the city and county of Armagh;

Sir Charles Tertius Mander, Baronet, of The Mount, in the parish of Tettenhall, in the county of Stafford;

Sir Arthur Basil Markham, Baronet, of Beachborough Park, in the parish of Newington, in the county of Kent;

Sir William Osier, Baronet, of Norham Gardens, in the city of Oxford, Regius Professor of Medicine of the University of Oxford and Fellow of the Royal Society;

Sir George Younger, Baronet, of Leckie, in the county of Stirling;

Sir Gustavus Francis William Lambart, Baronet, C.V.O., of Beau Pare, in the county of Meath, Major and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel (retired), 5th Batta lion, The Prince of Wales's Leinster Regi ment, Secretary of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick;

Sir Charles Garden Assheton-Smith, Baronet, of Vaynol Park, in the parish of Bangor, in the county of Carnarvon.

The London Gazette 28646

Downing Street, 18th September, 1912.

The King has been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable the Earl of Liverpool (age 42), M.V.O., to be Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of New Zealand.

Downing Street, 19th September, 1912.

The King has been pleased to appoint Sir Hugh Charles Clifford (age 46), K.C.M.G. (Colonial Secretary, Ceylon), to be Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Gold Coast Colony.

The London Gazette 28659

Board of Green Cloth, November 1st, 1912.

The KING has been pleased to make the following appointment to His Majesty's Household:—

Geoffrey Cecil, Lord Saye and Sele, to be Comptroller of the Household, in the room of Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, K.C.M.G., M.V.O., resigned.

The London Gazette 29007

The undermentioned to be Second Lieutenants (on probation). Dated 16th December, 1914, unless otherwise stated:-

John Armstrong Pratt, 3rd Battalion, Liverpool Regiment.

William Lionel Stevens, 4th Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment.

Edmond Arthur Winch, 4th Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment.

Thomas Eric Boswell Young, 3rd Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment.

Agborouorh Hugh Townshend, 3rd Battalion, Cheshire Regiment. Dated 11th November, 1914.

Tom Cecil Noel (age 17), 3rd Battalion, King's Own Scottish Borderers. Dated 12th December, 1914.

John Robson Ashcroft, 4th Battalion, Scottish Rifles.

George Leslie Treleaven, 3rd Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.

Sidney Frederick Johnson, 3rd Battalion, Border Regiment.

Philip Coates Walker, 3rd Battalion, Dorset Regiment.

Curwen Vaughan Rawlinson, 3rd Battalion, Dorset Regiment.

The London Gazette 29023


The undermentioned Officers are granted the temporary rank of Brigadier-General whilst holding the temporary appointments in India stated against their names: -

Colonel Sydney F. Crocker, Indian Army, Commanding Risalpur Cavalry Brigade. Dated 15th September, 1914.

Colonel Vere B. Fane, C.B., Indian Army, Commanding Jhelum Brigade. Dated 14th October, 1914.

Colonel Nigel G. Woodyatt, Indian Army, Additional Deputy Adjutant-General, Army Headquarters. Dated 29th October, 1914.

Colonel Thomas H. Hardy, Indian Army, Commanding 2nd Quetta Infantry Brigade. Dated 1st November, 1,914.

Colonel William G. L. Beynon, D.S.O. Indian Army, Commanding - Nowshera Brigade. Dated 2nd November, 1914

The London Gazette 29175

28 May 1915. The undermentioned to be Second Lieu tenants (on probation). Dated 29th May, 1915:

Charles Eliott Hamilton, 3rd Battalion, East Kent Regiment.

William Peirce Waddington, 3rd Battalion, Royal Lancaster Regiment.

Wilfred Justice Judge, 5th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers.

George Bertram Ashworth, 3rd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment.

Reginald Townley Edwards, 3rd Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment.

Vivian Hayton Maasdorp, 3rd Battalion. Royal Scots Fusiliers.

Siefried Lorraine Sassoon (age 28), 3rd Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Arthur Charles Walsh, 4th Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.

John Christopher Wilson, 5th Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment.

Margetts Mitchell, 3rd Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment.

Archibald Valentine Maunder, 3rd Battalion, West Riding Regiment.

The London Gazette 29262

Whitehall, August 9, 1915. The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date the 28th June, 1915, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable Sir Francis Leveson Bertie (age 70), G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., His Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the French Republic, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Bertie of Thame, in the county of Oxford. [Feodorowna Wellesley (age 77) by marriage Baroness Bertie of Thame in Oxfordshire.]

The London Gazette 29284

03 Sep 1915. The undermentioned Second Lieutenants (on probation) are confirmed in their rank:-

The Royal West Surrey Regiment.

Alan Ralph Keep.

Deane Mann.

The Leicestershire Regiment.

Jervoise Graham Tayler.

The Royal Irish Regiment.

Richard Frederick Myles Spring.

The Lancashire Fusiliers.

Frederick Robert Roscoe Woodward.

The Royal Scots Fusiliers.

Victor William Mercier.

The King's Own Scottish Borderers.

Thomas Elliot Thorburn Brown.

Tom Cecil Noel (age 17).

The Scottish Rifles.

James Deans.

Thomas Nesbitt Me Arthur.

William Fairlie Lambert.

The East Lancashire Regiment.

Richard Norman Keyser.

Philip Emlyn Friend.

The Middlesex Regiment.

William James Burt.

Jack Victor King.

Basil Potier Jones.

Sidney Batho Castle.

George Russell Money

The London Gazette 29343

India Office, October, 1915.

The King has been graciously pleased to make the following appointment to the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire in recognition of the meritorious service of the undermentioned Officer in command of the Bannu Brigade on the North-West Frontier, of India on the occasion of an attack by the tribesmen of Miranshah on 25th-26th March, 1915: -

To be an Additional Companion of the said Most Eminent Order.

Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Vere Bonamy Fane (age 52), C.B

The London Gazette 29514

18 Sep 1915. No. 12563-1, dated Simla, the 18th September, 1915.

From-The Chief of the General Staff,

To-The Secretary to the Government of India, Army Department.

I am directed to forward for the information of the Government of India short accounts of the action at Spina Khaisora in the Tochi Valley, 7th January, 1915, and of the action at Miramshah in the Tochi Valley on the 26th March, 1915.

In the action at Spina Khaisora, Major-General H. O'Donnell, C.B., D.S.O., was in command of the troops, and in the action at Miramshah, Brigadier-General V. B. Fane, C.B. (age 52), was in command.

2. His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief considers that Major-General O'Donnell and Brigadier-General Fane (age 52) carried out the respective operations in an able manner.

3. His Excellency recommends that these accounts be published in the Gazette of India.

The London Gazette 29652

Oct 1914.


The Tochi Valley and Derajat.

11. During October and November, 1914, various reports were received that attempts were being made to stir up fanaticism along the frontier.

The end of November, 1914, certain influential mullahs in independent territory led a Khostwal lashkar of some 2,000 men to the neighbourhood of Miranshah in the Tochi Valley.

On November 29th a portion of the North Waziristan Militia, under Major G. B. Scott, attacked the enemy and, in a skilfully fought action, inflicted a severe defeat on the tribesmen, who fled in a demoralised condition.

Meanwhile, on the news of the gathering being received, I had arranged for the despatch of suitable reinforcements to Bannu and Thai, and had directed the General Officer Commanding, Derajat Brigade, to reinforce Tank at his discretion.

Major-General H. O'Donnell, C.B., D.S.O., Commanding the Bannu Brigade, whose services I have already brought to notice, had proceeded up the Tochi Valley with the Moveable Column, and had reached Miranshah on December 3rd. At the request of the Chief Commissioner, North-West Frontier Province, the column did nob proceed beyond Miranshah.

The prompt and vigorous action of the North Waziristan Militia checked what might have been a serious rising.

Further reports of hostile gatherings, which threatened the Tochi posts, necessitated the retention of additional troops on this border during December and part of January, but a march carried out by the 4th Brigade along the Bannu border, south-west of Bannu, at the end of December, 1914, had a quieting effect.

On January 7th, 1915, operations were carried out by the Bannu Moveable Column and a portion of the North Waziristan Militia with a view to defeating a large Khostwal lashkar that had crossed into British territory and attacked Spina Khaisora post.

Of the British forces, only the North Waziristan Militia were actually engaged with the enemy, but the operations were successful, the enemy losing some 50-60 men killed and being driven in confusion over the frontier. In his report on.the above action Major-General O'Donnell states that great credit is due to the North Waziristan Militia for the dash and spirit they displayed in the action against great odds and after a long march. For his most conspicuous bravery in this action, in attempting at the cost of his life to rescue one of his men, Captain E. Jotham, 51st Sikhs (Frontier Force), was awarded the Victoria Cross. Although some further gatherings were reported, I was able, on January 11th, to order the withdrawal of most of the extra troops that had been sent to this portion, of the frontier, leaving sufficient to ensure its safeguarding.

Early in March, 1915, reports of hostile gatherings intended to attack the Tochi posts, and the alleged presence of a Mahsud lashkar, again compelled me to order troops to concentrate, on the Derajat, Baniiu and Kohat borders.

On March 26th, 1915, the Baiinu Moveable Column, together with a portion of the North Waziristan Militia, the-whole under the command of Brigadier-General V. B. Fane (age 51), C.B., whose services I have already brought to notice, moved out from Miranshah and attacked a large Khostwal lashkar, estimated at 7,000 to 8,000 men, which was threatening that place.

The attack was entirely successful. The enemy's losses were estimated at 200 killed and 300 wounded, and they retreated rapidly across the frontier.

Our success was largely due to the skilful manner in which a column under Major G. B. Scott, Commandant, North Waziristan Militia, by means of a night march gained a position in rear of the enemy in time to combine with the frontal attack.

Brigadier-General Fane (age 51) brings to notice the name of Mr. J. A. O. Fitzpatrick, I.C.S., Political Agent, Tochi, who assisted him with sound advice and good information

The London Gazette 29684

War Office, 27th July, 1916. His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to confer the Military Cross on the undermentioned Officers and Warrant Officers, in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the field:

2nd Lt. Siegfried Lorraine Sassoon, 3rd (attd. 1st) Bn., R. W. Fus. For conspicuous gallantry during a raid on the enemy's trenches. He remained for 1½ hours under rifle and bomb fire collecting and bringing, in our wounded. Owing to his courage and determination all the killed and wounded were brought in.

The London Gazette 29771


Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) V. B. Fane, C.B., C.I.E, Ind. Army, to be temp. Maj.-Gen. 3rd Sept. 1916.

Lt.-Col. H.H. Adolphus C. A. A., R. G. P. L. L., Duke of Teck, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., C.M.G., Personal A.D.C. to The King, is placed on the h.p. List on account of ill-health. 24th July 1916.

The London Gazette 29802

The London Gazette 29802 Supplement

26 Oct 1916. His Majesty The King has been graciously pleased to award the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned ''Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Men:

Temporary Captain Archie Cecil Thomas White (age 26), Yorkshire Regiment.

For most conspicuous bravery. He was in command of the troops that held the southern and western faces of a redoubt. For four days and nights, by his indomitable dispositions, he held his position under heavy fire of all kinds and against several counterattacks. Though short of supplies and ammunition, his determination never wavered. When the enemy attacked in greatly superior numbers and had almost ejected our troops from the redoubt, he personally led a counter-attack, which finally cleared the enemy out of the southern and western faces. He risked his life continually, and was the life and soul of the defence.

In 1916 Archie White VC (age 25) was awarded the Victoria Cross. See The London Gazette 29802 Supplement.

The London Gazette 29924

Whitehall, January 30, 1917. The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Viscount of the said United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable Weetman Dickinson (age 60), Baron Cowdray, President of the Air Board; and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Viscount Cowdray, of Cowdray, in the county of Sussex.

Whitehall, January 30, 1917. The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of'the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon Sir John Alexander Dewar (age 60); Baronet, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Forteviot, of Dupplin, in the county of Perth.

Whitehall, January 30, 1917. The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon Sir Thomas Roe (age 84), Knight, and the heirs male of his body law fully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Roe, of the borough of Derby.

Whitehall, January 30, 1917. The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon Sir Edward Partington (age 80), Knight, and the heirs male of his Body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Doverdale, of Westwood Park, in the county of Worcester.

The London Gazette 30150

Whitehall, June 26, 1917. The KING, has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bear ing date the 21st instant, to confer the dignity of a Viscount of the said United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable Horace Brand (age 73), Baron Farquhar, G.C.V.O., Lord Steward of the Household, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Viscount Farquhar, of Saint Marylebone, in the county of London.

Whitehall, June 26, 1917. The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable Amelius Richard Mark Lockwood, C.V.O.,

Whitehall, June 26, 1917. The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal-of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon Sir William Hesketh Lever (age 65), Baronet, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Leverhulme, of Bolton-le-Moors, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. [Elizabeth Ellen Hulme Viscountess Leverhulme by marriage Baroness Leverhulme of Bolton le Moors in Lancashire.]

The London Gazette 30161

At the Court at Buckingham, Palace, the 2nd day of July, 1917.

Present, The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

This day The Right Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile (age 47), Earl of Liverpool, G.C.M.G., M.V.O., Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of New Zealand, was, by His Majesty's command, appointed a Member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council.

Almeric FitzRoy

The London Gazette 30180

Downing Street, 12th July, 1917.

The King has been pleased to cause Letters Patent, dated 11th May, 1917, to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom, constituting the office of Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of New Zealand, in substitution for Letters Patent dated 18th November, 1907, constituting the office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the said Dominion.

His Majesty has also been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable the Earl of Liverpool (age 47), G.C.M.G., M.V.O., to be Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of New Zealand

The London Gazette 30224

Whitehall, August 7, 1917. The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom upon the undermentioned gentlemen, and the heirs male of their respective bodies lawfully begotten:

The Right Honourable Thomas Wallace Russell, of Olney, in the parish of Rathfarnham, in the County of Dublin, Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction in Ireland.

Sir Philip Magnus, of Tangley Hill, in the parish of Wonersh, in the County of Surrey, Knight.

Sir Thomas Robert Dewar, of Homestall Manor, in the parish of East Grinstead, in the County of Sussex, Knight.

Sir Robert Abbott Hadfield, F.R.S., of Sheffield, in the East Riding of the County of York, Knight.

Sir Richard Mathias, of Vaendre Hall, in the parish of St. Mellons, in the County of Moumouth, Knight.

Sir John Gordon Nairne, of Kirkcudbright, Knight.

Herbert Merton Jessel (age 50), of Westminster,. Esquire, Honorary Colonel of the 1st (City of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers), temporary Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, employed with the Remount Service.

Henry Machu Imbert-Terry, of Strete Ralegh, in the parish of Whimple, in the County of Devon, Esquire.

Arthur Charles Churchman, of Abbey Oaks, in the parish of Sproughton, in the County of Suffolk, Esquire, Temporary Lieutenant- Colonel commanding a Territorial Force Battalion of the Suffolk Regiment.

James Knott, of Close House, in the parish of Heddon-on-the-Wall, in the County of Northumberland, Esquire

William Norton Hicking, of Brackenhurst, in the parish of Southwell, in the County of Nottingham, Esquire.

George Smith Clark, of Dunlambert, in the City of Belfast, Esquire.

William Cresswell Gray, of Tunstall Manor, in the parish of Hart, in the County of Durham, Esquire.

Evan Davies Jones, of Pentower, in the parish of Fishguard, in the County of Pembroke, Esquire.

Richard Vassar Vassar-Smith, of Charlton Park, in the parish of Charlton Kings, in the County of Gloucester, Esquire.

Frederick Taylor, of Kennington, in the County of London, Esquire, Doctor of Medicine of the University of London, Fellow and President of the Royal College of Physicians.

Heath Harrison, of Le Court, in the parish of Greathain, in the County of Southampton, Esquire.

The London Gazette 30308

26 Sep 1917. Awarded the Military Cross.

2nd Lt. Walter Marsden (age 35), N. Lan. R.

The London Gazette 30309

The London Gazette 30309 Military Cross

26 Sep 1917. Awarded the Military Cross.


Capt. (T./Maj.) Eric Paythierus Nares, Ches. B.

Lt. Arthur Mansfield Newland, C. Gds., Spec. Bes.

The Bev. Rupert Edward Gascoigne Newman, A. Chapl. Dept.

T./2nd Lt. Henry Courtenay Garnet Newton, B.E., attd. M.G.C.

T./2nd Lt. William John Nicklim, Midd'x B.

Lt. Tom Cecil Noel, K.O. Sco. Board., Spec. Bes.

T./2nd Lt. Arthur Bex Hurden Noss, Gen. List and B.F.C.

2nd Lt. (T./Lt.) William Edward Ogden, Manch. B.

2nd Lt. Conn Standish O'Grady, B.F.C., Spec. Res


Croix de Guerre.

Captain Robert Francis Clennell Allen, Royal Field Artillery.

Lieutenant - Colonel Frederick Annesley Andrew, Indian Army

Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Leonard Joseph Bayly, Royal Garrison Artillery and Royal Flying Corps.

Captain Gerald Charles Balfour Buckland, D.S.O., Indian Army.

Major (temporary Lieutenant - Colonel) Leonard Joseph Montagu Deas, M.B., F.R.C.S., Indian Medical Service.

Major Maxwell Edward Dopping-Hepenstal, D.S.O., Indian Army.

Major James Boswell Egerton, Indian Army.

Major-General Vere Bonamy Fane, C.B., C.I.E.,-Indian Army.

Jemadar Fatteh Din, Indian Army.

Temporary Captain Archibald Louis George, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Captain Cyril Arkwright Gouldsbury, Indian Army.

Subadar-Major Gyan Singh, Indian Army.

Captain William George Harriott, Royal Field Artillery.

Captain Wellesley Cathcart Hutcheson, Indian Army.

Captain (Acting Major) Granville Henry Johnstone, Royal Field Artillery.

Captain Redmond Alexander Macausland, Indian Army.

Temporary Lieutenant (Acting Captain) Cornelius Bernard O'Connor, D.S.O., M.C., Loyal North Lancashire Regiment.

Major Sidney Bernard Orton, Indian Army.

Captain (Acting Lieutenant - Colonel) Theophilus John Ponting, Indian Army.

Jemadar Pur an Singh, Indian Army.

Major Digby Inglis Shuttleworth, Indian Army.

Temporary Lieutenant Percy William Turner, Royal Engineers.

Major Charles Fleetwood Mant Wprsley, Indian Army.

Lieutenant-Colonel Henry George Young. Indian Army.

1543 Serjeant Charles Easton, Royal Highlanders (Edinburgh).

15289 Serjeant (Acting Staff Serjeant) Harry

Rowland Martin Rodman, Royal Army Medical Corps (Upminster).

Staff Serjeant Charles Alexander Lodwick Simpson, Indian Army.

The London Gazette 30901. 13 Sep 1918. Lt. Tom Cecil Noel (deceased), M.C.. K.O.S.B., Spec. Res., attd. R.A.F. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. In four days he and his pilot destroyed seven enemy machines and drove down three out of control. His courage and skill are of the first order, and of inestimable value to his squadron. (M.C. gazetted 26th September, 1917.)

The London Gazette 30399 3rd Suplement

Third Supplement. War Office. Monday 26 Nov 1917.

Awarded a Bar to the Military Cross.

2nd Lt. Walter Marsden (age 35), M.C., N. Lan. R. (M.C. gazetted 26th September, 1917.)

The London Gazette 30466

09 Jan 1918. Lt. Tom Cecil Noel (age 20), K.O.S.B., Spec. Res. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Previous to laying a forming-up tape for his battalion he reconnoitred the ground under exceptionally difficult circumstances, under heavy hostile fire. Later, he successfully and accurately laid the tape, and throughout the action of the following day led his men with the utmost ability and contempt of danger, setting a splendid example to all.

The London Gazette 30527

Whitehall, February 14, 1918.

Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of i the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland conferring the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom upon the undermentioned gentlemen and the heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten:

Sir Francis William Lowe, of Edgbaston, in the City of Birmingham, Knight.

Sir George Allardice Riddell (age 52), of Walton Heath, in the County of Surrey, Knight.

James Craig, of Craigavon, in the County of Down, Esquire.

Thomas Cope, of Osbaston Hall, in the parish of Market Bosworth, in the County of Leicester, Esquire.

The London Gazette 30650

23 Apr 1918. Lt. T. C. Noel, M.C., K.O. Sco. Bord., Spec. Res., with seniority from 4th Jan. 1918, and to be seed.

The London Gazette 30871

India Office, 5th July, 1918.

The King has approved the appointment of Major-Genl. Sir V. B. Fane (age 55), K.C.I.E., C.B., Indian Army, as Colonel of the 21st Punjabis.

The London Gazette 30675

08 May 1918. War Office.

His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Officers, Non-Commissioned Officer and Men:

Maj (A /Lt -Col) Oliver Cyril Spencer Watson. D S O (R of O ), late K O Yorks LI

For most conspicuous bravery, self-sacrificing devotion to duty, and exceptionally gallant leading during a critical period of operations.

His command was at a point where continual attacks were made by the enemy in order to pierce the line, and an intricate system of old trenches in front, coupled with the fact that his position was under constant rifle and machine-gun fire, rendered the situation still more dangerous.

A counter-attack had been made against the enemy position, which at first achieved its object, but as they were holding out in two improvised strong points, Lt-Col Watson saw that immediate action was necessary, and he led his remaining small reserve to the attack, organising bombing parties and leading attacks under intense rifle and machine-gun fire.

Outnumbered, he finally oidered his men to retire, remaining, himself in a communication trench to cover the retirement, though he faced almost certain death by so doing.

The assault he led was at a cntical moment, and without doubt saved the line. Both in the assault and in covering his men's retirement, he held his life as nothing, and his splendid bravery inspired all troops in the vicinity to rise to the occasion and save a breach being made in a hardly tried and attenuated line.

Lt-Col Watson was killed while covering the withdrawal.

The London Gazette 30901

13 Sep 1918. Lt. Tom Cecil Noel (deceased), M.C.. K.O.S.B., Spec. Res., attd. R.A.F. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. In four days he and his pilot destroyed seven enemy machines and drove down three out of control. His courage and skill are of the first order, and of inestimable value to his squadron. (M.C. gazetted 26th September, 1917.)

The London Gazette 30968

Whitehall, October 19, 1918. Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland conferring the dignity of a Viscount of the said United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable Francis Leveson (age 74), Baron Bertie of Thame, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Viscount Bertie of Thame, in the County of Oxford. [Feodorowna Cecilia Wellesley Viscountess Bertie Thame (age 80) by marriage Viscountess Bertie Thame.]

The London Gazette 31012 Seveneth Supplement

War Office, 15th November, 1918.

His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Officers, Noncommissioned Officers and Men.

Lt.-Col. Cyrus Wesley Peck, D.S.O., Manitoba R. [Awarded the Victoria Cross]

For most conspicuous bravery and skilful leading when in attack under intense fire. His command quickly captured the first objective, but progress to the further objective was held up by enemy machine-gun fire on his right flank.

The situation being critical in the extreme, Colonel Peck pushed forward and made a personal reconnaissance under heavy machine-gun and sniping fire, across a stretch of ground which was heavily swept by fire.

Having reconnoitred the position he returned, reorganised his battalion, and, acting upon the knowledge personally gained; pushed them forward and arranged to protect his flanks. He then went out under the most intense artillery and machine-gun fire, intercepted the Tanks, gave them the neces sary directions, pointing out where they were to make for, and thus pave the way for a Canadian Infantry battalion to push forward. To this battalion he subsequently gave requisite support.

His magnificent display of courage and fine qualities of leadership enabled the advance to be continued, although always under heavy artillery and machine-gun fire, and contributed largely to the success of the brigade attack.

T./Comdr. Daniel Marcus William Beak, D.S.O., M.C., B.N.V.R. [Awarded the Victoria Cross]

For most conspicuous bravery, courageous leadership and devotion to duty during a prolonged period of operations.

He led his men in attack, and, despite heavy machine-gun fire, four enemy positions were captured. His skilful and fearless leadership resulted in the complete success of this operation and enabled other battalions to reach-their objectives.

Four days later, though dazed by a shell fragment, in the absence of the brigade commander, he reorganised the whole brigade under.extremely heavy gun "fire and led his men with splendid courage to their objective.

An attack having been held up he rushed forward, accompanied by only one runner, and succeeded in breaking up a nest of machine guns, personally bringing back nine or ten prisoners. His fearless example instilled courage and confidence in his men, who then quickly resumed the advance under his leadership.

On a subsequent occasion he displayed great courage and powers of leadership in attack, and his initiative, coupled with the confidence with which he inspired all ranks, not only enabled his own and a neighbouring unit to advance, but contributed very materially to the success of the Naval Division in these operations.

Lt. Charles Smith Rutherford, M.C., M.M., Quebec R. [Awarded the Victoria Cross]

For most conspicuous bravery, initiative and devotion to duty. When in command, of an assaulting party Lt. Rutherford found himself a considerable distance ahead of his men, and at the same moment observed a fully armed strong enemy party outside a "Pill Box" ahead of him. He beckoned to them with his revolver to come to him, in return they waved to him to come to them. This he boldly, did,, and informed them that they were prisoners. This fact an enemy officer disputed and invited Lt. Rutherford to enter the "Pill Box," an invitation he discreetly declined. By masterly bluff, however, he persuaded the enemy that they were surrounded, and the whole party of 45, including two officers and three machine guns, surrendered to him.

Subsequently he induced the enemy officer to stop the fire of an enemy machine-gun close by, and Lt. Rutherford took advantage of the opportunity to hasten the advance of his men to his support.

Lt. Rutherford then observed that the right, assaulting party was held up by heavy "machine-gun fire from another "Pill Box." Indicating an objective to the remainder of his party he attacked the "Pill Box" with a Lewis gun section and captured a further 35 prisoners with machine guns, thus enabling the party to continue their advance. The bold and, gallant action of this officer contributed very materially to the capture of the main objective and was a wonderful inspiration to all ranks in pressing home the attack on a very strong position.

T. /2nd Lt. William Allison White, M.G. Corps. [Awarded the Victoria Cross]

For most conspicuous bravery and initiative in attack. When the advance of the infantry was being delayed by an enemy machine gun, he rushed the gun position single-handed, shot the three gunners, and captured the gun. Later, in similar circumstances, he attacked a gun accompanied by two men, but both of the latter were immediately shot down. He went on alone to the gun position and bayoneted or shot the team of five men and captured the gun. On a third occasion, when the advance was held up by hostile fire from an enemy position, he collected a small party and rushed the position, inflicting heavv losses on the garrison.

Subsequently, in consolidating the position by the skilful use of captured enemy and his own machine guns, he inflicted severe casualties on the enemy. His example of fearless and unhesitating devotion to duty under circumstances of great personal danger greatly inspired the neighbouring troops, and his action had a marked effect on the operations.

No. 240194 Sgt. Laurence Calvert, M.M. K.O.Y.L.I. (Conisbro'). [Awarded the Victoria Cross]

For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty in attack when the success of the operation was rendered doubtful owing, to severe enfilade machine-gun fire. Alone and single-handed Sjt. Calvert, rushing forward against the machine-gun team, bayoneted three and shot four.

His valour and determination in capturing single-handed two machine guns and killing the crews thereof enabled the ultimate objective to be won.. His personal gallantry inspired all ranks.

No. 24/213 fijt. Harry John Laurent, N.Z. Rif. Bde. [Awarded the Victoria Cross]

For most conspicuous bravery, skill, and enterprise when during an attack he was detailed to exploit an initial success and keep in touch with the enemy. With a party of twelve he located the enemy support line very strongly held, at once charged the position, followed by his men, and completely disorganised the enemy by his sudden onslaught.

In the subsequent hand-to-hand fighting which ensued he showed great resourcefulness in controlling and encouraging his men, and thirty of the enemy having been killed, the remainder surrendered, a total of one officer and 111 other ranks in all. The success of this daring venture, which caused his party four casualties only, was due to his gallantry and enterprise.

No. 426402 A. /Sjt. Arthur George Knight late Alberta R. [Awarded the Victoria Cross]

For most conspicuous bravery, initiative, and devotion to duty when, after an unsuccessful attack, Sjt. Knight led a bombing section forward, under very heavy fire of all descriptions, and engaged the enemy at close quarters. Seeing that his party continued to be held up, he dashed forward alone, bayoneting several of the enemy machine-gunners and trench mortar crews, and forcing the remainder to retire in confusion. He then brought forward a Lewis gun and directed his fire on the retreating enemy, inflicting many casualties.

In the subsequent advance of his platoon in pursuit, Sjt. Knight saw a party of about thirty of the enemy go into a deep tunnel which led off the trench. He again dashed forward alone, and, having killed one officer and two N.C.O.'s, captured twenty other ranks. Subsequently he routed, single-.handed, another enemy party which was opposing the advance of his platoon. On each occasion he displayed the greatest valour under fire at very close range, and by his example of courage, gallantry, and initiative was a wonderful inspiration to all.

This very gallant N.C.O. was subsequently fatally wounded

The London Gazette 31659


Order of the Nile, 2nd Class.

Major-General Sir Lo uis Jean Bols, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.S.O.

Major-General Sdr Walter Campbell, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.S.O.

Major-General Vere Bonamy Fane, K.C.I.E., C.B., Indian Army.

Major-General Sir Steuart Wellwood Hare, K.C.M.G., C.B.

Major-General Henry West Hodgson, K.C.M.G., C.B., C.V.O.

Major-General Sir Arthur Reginald Hoskins, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.IS.O.

Major-General John Raynsford Longley, K.C.M.G., C.B.

Major-General Henry John Milnes Macandrew. K.C.B.; D.S.O.

Major-General William George Balfour Western, K.C.M.G., C.B.

Miajor-Geneal Henry Brooke Hagstromer Wright, C.B., C.M.G

The London Gazette 31708

Whitehall, December 29, 1919

Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland conferring the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom upon—

Field-Marshal Sir Henrv Hughes Wilson, G.C.B., D.S.O., of Currygrane, in the County of Longford.

General Sir William Robert Robertson (age 59), G.C.B., O.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., D.S.O., of Welbourn, in the County of Lincoln, Colonel of the Second Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys).

General Sir William Riddell Birdwood, G.C.M.'G., K.C.B., K.C.S.I., C.I.E., D.S.O., of Aiizac and of Totnes, in the County of Devon.

Admiral Sir Charles Edward Madden, G.C.B., K.O.M.G., C.V.O., R.N., of Kells, in the County of Kilkenny.

Vice-Admiral Sir John Michael de Robeck, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., R.N., of Naas, in the County-of Kildare.

Air-Marshal Sir Hugh Montague Trenchard, K.C.B., D.S.O., of Wolfeton, in the County of Dorset.

Rear-Admiral Sir Roger John Brownlow Keyes, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., C.M.G., D.S.O., R.N., of Zeebrugge and of Dover, in the County of Kent.

The London Gazette 31712

Central Chancery Of The Orders Of Knighthood. St. James's Palace, S.W., 1st January, 1920

The KING has been graciously pleased to signify His Majesty's intention of conferring Peerages of the United Kingdom on the following:

To be an Earl

The Right Honourable Sir William St. John Fremantle Brodrick (age 63), Viscount Midleton, K.P.

To be Barons.

Sir Bertrand Edward Dawson, G.C.V.O., C.B., M.D., F.R.C.P., Physician-in-Ordinary to The King; Physician, London Hospital; Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Member of Senate, University of London; Chairman of Consultative Council, Ministry of Health; Public Services in connection with Health matters.

Sir George Allardice Riddell (age 54), Bart., Vice-Chairman of Newspaper Proprietors' Association, Ltd.; In charge of all the British Press and Colonial Press throughout the Peace Conference in Paris; Public Services.

The Right Honourable Sir Albert Henry Stanley, M.P., late President of the Board of Trade

The London Gazette 31761

Whitehall, January 29, 1920.

The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the said. United Kingdom upon Sir George Allardice Riddell (age 54), Baronet, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Riddell, of Walton Heath, in the county of Surrey.

The London Gazette 31773 Supplment

His Majesty The King Has Been Graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Military Modal for bravery in the Field to the undermentioned Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers amd Men

King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry [Awarded the Military Medal]

62625 Coy./S.M. (A./E./S.M.) Duncan, H.G., 9th Bn. (Chelsea, S.W.).

32334 Coy./S.M. Lilley, W., 16th Bn. (Silecroft).

31782 Coy./Q.M.-,Sjt. Wood, E. S., 4th Bn. (Leeds).

240194 Sjt. Calvert, L., 5th Bn. (Conisbro').

18805 Sjt. Drage, H., 5th Bn. (Denaby Main).

25807 Sjt. Dugdale, H., 9th Bn. (Ambleside).

241146 Sjt. Fox, P., 5th Bn. (Pontefract).

241656 Sjt. Kirkham, B., 5th Bn. (Sheffield).

The London Gazette 31987

Whitehall, October 6, 1919

Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland conferring the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom upon the undermentioned gentlemen and the heirs male of their respective bodies lawfull begotten:

Sir John George Blaker, of Brighton, in the County of Sussex, Knight.

Sir Arthur Norman Hill, of Green Place, in the parish of Stockbridge, in the County of Southampton, Knight.

Sir Gerald Hemmington Ryan, of Hintlesham, in the County of Suffolk, Knight.

Sir Samuel Roberts, of Ecclesall and of Queen's Tower, in the City of Sheffield and West Riding of the County of York, Knight, Representative in Parliament for the Ecclesall Division of the said City of Sheffield.

Lieutenant-Colonel Harry Gilbert Barling, C.B., O.B.E., R.A.M.C., of Newnham, in the County of Gloucester.

Colonel Charles Edward Warde, O.B.E., of Barham Court, in the parish of Teston, in the County of Kent, in the Commission of the Peace and a Deputy Lieutenant for the said County. Temp. Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Leith, M.C., of the City and County of the City of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

John Arthur Brooke, of Almondbury, in the West Riding of the County of York, Esquire, in the Commission of Peace for the said West Riding and for the County of Ross.

Edward Clitherow Brooksbank, of Healaugh Manor, in the parish of Healaugh, in the West Riding of the County of York, Esquire, in the Commission of the Peace for the said West Riding and Vice-Chairman of the West Riding County Council.

Coles Child, of Bromley Palace, in the parish of Bromley, in the County of Kent, Esquire, in the Commission of the Peace and a Deputy Lieutenant for the said County.

Cecil Herbert Edward Chubb (age 43), of Stonehenge, in the County of Wilts, Esquire, in the Commission of the Peace for the City of Salisbury.

Manch. R.-Maj.-Gen. Sir Vere Bonamy Fane, K.C.I.E., C.B., Ind. Army, to be Col., in succession to the late Maj.-Gen. W. O. Barnard. 16th Jan. 1920.

The London Gazette 32178


St. James's Palace, S.W. 1,

1st January, 1921.

The King has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following promotion in and appointments to the Most Honourable Order of the Bath -

To be an Ordinary Member of the Military Division of the Second Class, or Knight Commander, of the said Most Honourable Order:-

Major-General Sir Vere Bonamy Fane (age 57), K.C.I.E., C.B.

The London Gazette 31221

07 Mar 1919. 3rd E. W. Fus.

Capt. N. G. C. McClellan is placed on the ret. list on .account of ill-health contracted on active service. 1919. 12th Mar. 1919.

Lt. (actg. Capt.) S. L. Sassoon (age 32), M.C., relinquishes .his actg. rank, is placed on the ret. list on account of ill-health caused by wounds, 12th Mar. 1919, and is granted the rank of Capt.

The London Gazette 31275

Ordre de Leopold II. (avec palme). Chevalier.

200084 Regimental Serjeant-Major Walker Alderson, M.M., l/4th Battalion, Yorkshire Light Infantry (Territorial Force) (Wakefield).

1162 Company Serjeant-Major William Benneworth, D.'C.M., 18th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry (Sunderland).

13693 Company Serjeant-Major William Oliver Blake, 13th Battalion, Royal Scots (Walkerburn).

6841 Company Serjeant-Major Leonard Burt, 2nd Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps (Wickham, Hants.).

240194 Serjeant Laurence Calvert, 5th Battalion, Yorkshire Light Infantry (Conisborough).

67329 Serjeant William Capon, 11th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery (Rochester).


The London Gazette 32250

Whitehall, March 7, 1921.

The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date the 7th instant, to declare that Edith Maud, Countess of Loudoun, is and shall be Baroness Botreaux and Baroness Hastings; and to give, grant and confirm the Baronies of Botreaux and Hastings which fell into abeyance on the death of Charles Edward Hastings, Earl of Loudoun, on the 17th day of May, 1920, to the said Edith Maud (age 37), Countess of Loudoun: To have and to hold the said Baronies, together with all the rights, privileges, pre-eminences, immunities and advantages, and the place and precedence due and (belonging thereto to her and to the heirs of her body lawfully begotten and to be begotten in as full and ample a manner as the said Charles Edward Hastings; Earl of Loudoun, or any of his ancestors held and enjoyed the same.

And also to declare that the said Edith Maud, Countess of Loudoun, is and shall be Baroness Stanley; and: to give, grant and confirm, the Barony of Stanley which, fell into abeyance on the death of Ferdinando, 5th Earl of Derby, in the year 1594, to the said Edith Maud, Countess of Loudoun (age 37): To have and to hold the said Barony, together with, all the rights, privileges, pre-eminences, immunities and advantages, and the place and precedence due and belonging thereto to her and to the heirs of her body lawfully (begotten and to be begotten in as full and ample a manner as the said Ferdinando, 5th Earl of Derby, or any of ihis ancestors held and enjoyed the same.

Note. Edith Maud Rawdon-Hastings 12th Countess Loudon (age 37) abeyance terminated 23rd Baroness Botreaux, 7th Baroness Stanley and 20th Baroness Hastings. She and her sister Elizabeth Frances Abney-Hastings Viscountess St Davids (age 36) had petitioned the Committee for Privileges for six titles Baron Strange Knockin, Baron Botreaux, Baron Hungerford, Baron Moleyns, Baron Stanley and Baron Hastings. The titles were shared three each between them.

The London Gazette 32346

St. James's Palace, S.W.1, 4th June, 1921.


The King has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to signify his intention of conferring Baronetcies of the United Kingdom on the following:—

Douglas Alexander, Esq., President of the Singer Manufacturing Company. Has performed important work in the development of welfare schemes for industrial workers. For public and national services.

The Hon. William Gervase Beckett (age 55), M.P., M.P. for Whitby since 1906.

William Swart Berry, Esq., Editor-in-Chief, Sunday Times.

Charles Alexander Cain, Esq., J.P., for public services. Has devoted large sums of money to hospital work in addition to other charities. Trustee and Governor of Blue Coat Hospital, Liverpool; the Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool; and Chairman of Samaritan Hospital.

Thomas Sievewright Catto, Esq., for public services, particularly in connection with the transport of food and munitions from the United States to Great Britain and allied countries.

John Bryn Edwards, Esq., for social and philanthropic work in East Glamorgan.

Captain Sir John Malcolm Fraser, R.N.V.R., for public services. Rendered valuable assistance in the Queen's Devonshire House Fund and in the Royal Naval Air Service during the war.

Joseph William Isherwood, Esq., Inventor of Isherwood System of Longitudinal Construction of Ships. Member of Institute of Naval Architects. For public services.

Pierce Lacy, Esq., Founder and Chairman of Advisory Committee of British Shareholders Trust, Limited, which Company has financed many of the most important Industrial Companies in England.

William Arthur Mount, Esq., C.B.E., M.P., M.P. for New buryDivision of Berkshire, 1900 to 1906, and since 1910.

Sir Percy Wilson Newson, President of Bank of Bengal, 1920. Governor of Imperial Bank of India, 1921. For public services.

William Joseph Noble, Esq., J.P., President of Chamber of Shipping, 1920, and of the Baltic and White Sea Conference, 1913-21. For services rendered to the Ministry of Shipping.

George Henwick, Esq., M.P., M.P. for Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1900-1906, 1908-10, and since 1918.

Sir Arthur Munro Sutherland, K.B.E., Chairman of the Sutherland and a number of other Steamship Companies. Director of the Blyth Shipbuilding. 'Company, and Mercantile Dry Docks. Sheriff of Newcastle,. 1917; Lord Mayor of 'Newcastle during 1919. For public and national services.

Sir Charles Sykes, K.B.E., M.P., M.P. for Huddersfield since 1918; director of Wool Textile Production and Chairman of the Board of Control of the Worsted Woollen Trades.

Edmund Hoyle Vestey, Esq., for public services. Rendered great assistance in feeding the troops during the war.


St. James's Palace, S.W. 1, 4th June, 1921.

The KING has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to make the folloiwing appointments to the Order, of the Companions of Honour:—

To be Members of the Order:—

Harold Arthur (age 77), Viscount Dillon, Chairman of Trustees, National Portrait Gallery, since 1894.

The Reverend Arthur Cayley Headlam, M.A., D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity, Oxford University, and Canon of Christchurch, Oxford, since 1918.

Sir William Robertson Nicoll, M.A., LL.D., Editor of the "British Weekly" since 1886.

The London Gazette 32563

The K1NG has been graciously pleased to signify His Majesty's intention of conferring Baronetcies of the United Kingdom on the following:

Sir Robert William Aske, LL.D., J.P. For public services.

Sir Alfred Frederick Bird, D.L., J P., M.P. Member for Wolverhampton. Patron of art and donor of historic pictures to the Houses of Parliament.

Sir George Rowland Blades, M.P. Member for Epson, Division of Surrey since 1918. Senior Sheriff, City of London, 1917-18.

Robert Reginald Frederick Butler, Esq. Chairman of United Dairies, Ltd. For valuable services to agriculture and the Ministry of Food during the war.

Sir Alfred Lassam Goodson, J.P. Member Chesihire County Cbunoil, 1904-7, 1915-19. President of the O.T.C. Selection Board. President of Overseas Civilian Advisory Boards G.H.Q. (France).

Lt.Col. Sir Henry Mulleneux Grayson, K.B..E,, M.P. Member for Birkenhead. High Sheriff of Anglesey, 1917-18. Director of Ship Repairs (Admiralty) during the war. [Baronet Grayson of Ravenspoint in Anglesey]

Joseph Hood, Esq., M.P. Member for Wimbledon. For public services.

Robert Paterson Houston, Esq., J.P., M.P. Member for the West Toxteth Division of Liverpooi for 30 years. J.P. for Liverpool. Took an active part in raising and equipping troops during the early days of the war.

Charles Hyde, Esq., O.B.E. Proprietor of the "Birmingham Daily Post" and of the "Birmingham Mail."

Joseph John Jarvis, Esq. Director of the "Financial News" and the Argus Printing Co.

David Ricihard Llewellyn, Esq., J.P. Chairman of the Llewellyn Shipping Co. and Chief Partner of Llewellyn, Merratt and Price Ltd. Chairman of many colliery companies. For public services.

Sir E'dward Mortimer Mountain. Chairman, Eagle, Star and British Dominions Insurance Co. For public services.

James Readhead, Esq., J.P. Chairman and Managing Director of the firm of John Read head and Sons, Ltd., Shipbuilders. Formerly a member of the Board of Trade Committee on Shipping and Shipbuilding. Meanber of the London Committee of Lloyds Register of Shipping. President of many local charitable institutions.

Hugh Reid, Esq., C.B..E., LL.D., D.L., J.P., D.L. and J.P. for Glasgow. Chief Managing Director and Deputy Chairman of the North British Locomotive Co., Ltd.

Sir Matthew Gemmill Wallace. For services rendered to the Defence of the Realm Losses Commission and War Compensiation Court.

Sir David Yule. Head of the firm of Yule, Catto. and Co., East India Merchants, Calcutta, and throughout India. Director of London City aud Midland Bank and of the Mercantile Bank of India. For public services.

The London Gazette 32606


Chancery of the Order,

St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.G. 1,

8th February, 1922.

The King has been graciously pleased to sanction the following promotions in, and appointments to, the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England: --

Knight of Justice.

The Earl of Onslow (age 45), O.B.E.

Lady of Justice.

The Countess of Onslow, C.B.E.

Knights of Grace.

Lionel Henry Oust, C.V.O., Litt.D.

Major-General Sir Vere Bonamy Fane, K.C.B., K.JO.I.K.

Colonel George Abraham Moore, C.M.G., D.S.O., M.D.

Alexander Gordon Paterson, M.D.

Honorary Knight of Grace.

Major Roger de la Harpe, M.D.

Ladies of Grace.

Marietta, Mrs. RaJli, Alicia Frances Jane, Miss Lloyd Still, C.B.E., Margaret Miss Cudrarth.


Captain Lionel George Archer Cust (age 25), R.A.

The London Gazette 32776

Whitehall, December 9, 1922. Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland creating the undermentioned Earldoms, Viscountcies and Baronies:

The Right Honourable Frederick Edwin (age 50), Viscount Birkenhead, to be Viscount Furneaux, of Charlton, in the County of Northampton, and Earl Of Birkenhead. [Margaret Eleanor Furneaux Countess of Birkenhead (age 44) by marriage Countess Birkenhead.]

The Right Honourable Horace Brand (age 78), Viscount Farquhar, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., late Lord Steward of the Household, to be Earl Farquhar.

The Right Honourable Arthur Hamilton, Baron Lee of Fareham, G.B.E., K.C.B., to be Viscount Lee of Fareham, of Bridport, in the County of Dorset.

William Hesketh (age 71), Baron Leverhulme, to be Viscount Leverhulme, of The Western Isles, in the Counties of Inverness and Ross and Cromarty. [Elizabeth Ellen Hulme Viscountess Leverhulme by marriage Viscountess Leverhulme of the Western Isles.]

The Right Honourable Francis Bingham Mildmay to be Baron Mildmay Of Flete, of Totnes, in the County of Devon.

The Right Honourable Sir Joseph Paton Maclay, Baronet, to be Baron Maclay, of Glasgow, in the County of Lanark.

The Right Honourable Sir Edward Alfred Goulding, Baronet, to be Baron Wargrave, of Wargrave Hall, in the County of Berks. Sir John Henry Bethell, Baronet, to be BARON BETHELL, of Romford, in the County of Essex.

The London Gazette 32898

Whitehall, January 15, 1924. Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland conferring the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon the Eight Honourable Sir Charles John Darling (age 74), Knight, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Darling, of Langham, in the county of Essex. [Mary Caroline Greathed Baroness Darling by marriage Baroness Darling of Langham in Essex]

Whitehall, January 15, 1924. Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland conferring the dignity of a Baron of the said United Kingdom upon Sir Herbert Merton Jessel (age 57), Bt., C.B., C.M.G., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Jessel, of Westminster, in the county of London.

The London Gazette 32906

Central Chancery Of The Orders Of Knighthood. St. James's Palace; S.W.1, 8th February, 1924

The King has been, graciously pleased to signify His Majesty's intention of conferring a Peerage of the United Kingdom on the following:

To be Baron.

Sir John George Butcher, Bart., K.C., J.P., Member of Parliament for the City of York, 1892-1906, 1910-23. Served on many Select and other Committees of the House of Commons.

Pricy Councellors.

The KING has been graciously pleased to declare that the following shall be sworn of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council:

Sir James Tynte Agg-Gardner, M'.P., Member of Parliament for Cheltenham 1874-80, 1885-95, 1900-06, and since April, 1911. Chairman of House of Commons Kitchen Committee.

Lieutenant-Colonel Wilfrid William Ashley, J.P., D.L., M.P., Member of Parliament since 1906, for Blackpool 1906-18, for Fylde 1918-22, for New Forest and Christchurch since November, 1922. Unionist Whip 1911-13. Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Transport, 1922-23. Under Secretary of State for War, 1923 to January, 1924.

Captain the Honourable Edward Algernon Fitzroy, J.P., D.L., M.P., Member of Parlia ment for South Northamptonshire, now the Daventry Division.;-1900-06 and since 1910. Deputy Chairman of .Committees,, House of Commons, 1922-23.

Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable Walter Edward Guinness, D.S.O., M.P., Member of Parliament for Bury St. Edmunds since August, 1907. Under Secretary of State for War, 1922-23. Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1923 to January, 1924.

Sir Herbert Nield, K.C., J.P., D.L., M.P., Member of Parliament for Baling since 1906. Member of the Council of the National Unionist Association and Chairman, 1923-24. Chairman of the Association of Conservative Clubs. Recorder of York since 1917. Deputy Chairman, Middlesex Magistrates.


The King has been graciously pleased to signify His Majesty's intention of conferring Baronetcies of the United Kingdom on the following:

William Henry Barber, Esq. For political services in Birmingham. A generbus benefactor to the University of Birmingham.

The Right Honourable Sir Clement Anderson Montague Barlow, K.B.E-., LL.D., Member of Parliament for South Salford, December, 1910-23. Minister of Labour, October. 1922 to January 1924. Parliamentary Secre tary to Ministry of Labour, April, 1920 to October, 1922. Senior .Government- Dele-, gate at the International Labour .Confer-, ences, Genoa, 1920 and'Geneva, 1921 and. 1922.

Major Harry Barnston, M.A., J.P., D.L., M.P., Member of Parliament for Eddisbury Division of Cheshire since 1910. Comptroller of His Majesty's Household, 1921 to January, 1924.

Sir Otto John Beit, K.C.M.G., LL.D. (Hon.). For services rendered to the Imperial College of Science and Technology at South Kensington.

Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Page Croft (age 42) C.M.G., T.D., J.P., D.L., M.P., Member of Parliament for Christchurch Division, January, 1910-18, for Bournemouth since 1918.

Sir Herbert Hambling, J.P. For important services rendered to the Air Ministry on financial and commercial matters.'

Sir John Sutherland Harmood-Banner, J.P., D.L., M.P., Member of Parliament for Everton Division of Liverpool since 1905.

John Mackintosh MacLeod, Esq., LL.D., D.L., Member, of Parliament for Central Division of Glasgow, 1915-18, for Kelvingrove Division, 1918-22. Honorary Treasurer of the Western Divisional Council of the Scottish Unionist Association since 1893, and of Glasgow Conservative Club since 1895. Member of General Assembly Church of Scotland and of Committee on Union of Scottish Presbyterian Churches.

John Denton Marsden, Esq., J.P., For public and political services in Grimsby. Principal of the Consolidated Steam Fishing and Ice Cpmpany, Limited. A large supporter of charities in Great Grimsby and District.

The London Gazette 32929

Whitehall, April 19, 1924.

Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland granting the dignity of a Baronet of the said United Kingdom to the undermentioned gentlemen, and the heirs male of their respective bodies lawfully begotten:

Sir Otto John Beit, K.C.M.G.,of Tewin Water m the Parish of Tewin, in the County of Hertford.

Sir John Sutherland Harmood-Banner, of Liverpool, in the County of Lancaster Knight.

Sir Henry Herbert Hambling, of Yoxford, in the County of Suffolk, Knight

Brigadier-General Henry Page Croft (age 42), C.M.G., T.D., of Knole, in the Borough of Bournemouth and County of Southampton.

William Henry Barber, of Culham Court in the Parish of Remenham and County of Berks, Esquire.

Major Harry Barnston, of Ghurton, in the County of Chester.

John Mackintosh MacLeod,LL.D.,of Fuinary, Morven, in the County of Argyll, Esquire.

John Denton Marsden, of Gxunsby, in the County of Lincoln, Esquire.

The London Gazette 32950

The following officers have relinquished appointments, as stated, in India:-


Dist. Comdr.

Burma Dist.-Maj.-Gen. Sir Vere B. Fane (age 60), K.C.B., K.G.I.E. (since deceased), I.A. 2nd Apr. 1924.

The London Gazette 32980

Crown Office, House of Lords, S:W. 1, 6th October, 1924.

A Writ dated the 30th day of September, 1924, directed to Henry FitzWalter Plumptre (age 10), summoning him to the Upper House of Parliament by the name, style and title of Henry FitzWalter Plumptre de FitzWalter, Chevalier, has been passed under the Great Seal, pursuant to Warrant under His Majesty's Royal Sign Manual

The London Gazette 33292

Whitehall, July 5, 1927. The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 4th instant, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the'United Kingdom upon Sir Davison Alexander Dalziel. Baronet, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Dalziel of Wooler, of Wooler in the County of Northumberland

Whitehall, July 5, 1927. Letters Patent have passed the Great Seal of the Realm granting the Dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom to the undermentioned, gentlemen, and the heirs male of their respective bodies lawfully begotten:—

Sir Harry William Henry Neville Goschen, K.B.E., of Durrington House in the Parish* of Sheering and County of Essex.

Sir Harry Benedetto Renwick (age 66), K.B.E., of Coombe in the County of Surrey.

Sir John Brickwood, Knight, of Portsmouth.

Lieutenant-Commander Geoffrey Cecili Congreve, R.N., of Congreve in the County of Stafford.

Ernest Craig, of Alsagar in the County of Chester, Esquire.

Reginald James Neville Neville, of Sloley in, the County of Norfolk, Esquire.

The London Gazette 33501

Supplement to The London Gazette 33501 of Friday, the 31 May 1929.

Monday, 3 June, 1929.


St. James's Palace, S.W. 1, 3rd June, 1929.

The King has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to signify his intention of conferring Peerages of the United Kingdom on the following:

To be an Earl.

James Lyle, Viscount Inchcape, G. C.S.I., G.C.M.G., K.C.I.E. For public services.

To be Viscounts.

The Right Honourable William Clive Bridgeman, J.P., D.L., First Lord of the Admiralty. Member of Parliament for the Oswestry Division 1906-29. For many years of public and political services.

The Right Honourable Douglas McGarel, Baron Hailsham, K.C., J.P., Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.

Field-Marshal Herbert Charles Onslow, Baron Plumer, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., G.B.E. ' For long and distinguished public services.

To be Barons.

Sir William Ewert Berry, Bt., Chairman of Allied Newspapers Limited. For political and public services

Colonel Sir Edward Allen Brotherton, Bt., J.P., D.L., Member of Parliament for Wakefield, 1902-10 and 1918-22. For political, public and charitable services.

The Right Honourable Sir Robert Arthur Sanders, Bt., J.P., D.L., Member of Parliament for Bridgewater Division, 1910-23) and for the Wells Division, 1924-29. Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, 1922-24. For political and public services.

The Right Honourable Sir William George Tyrrell, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.C.V.O., His Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at Paris.

The King has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to declare the undermentioned shall be sworn of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council:-

Bertrand Edward, Baron Dawson of Penn, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., M.D., B.Sc., F.R.C.P., Physician in Ordinary to His Majesty The King.

Major John Waller Hills, D.C.L., J.P., Member of Parliament for Durham, 1906-18, for the Durham Division, 1918-22, and for Ripon, December, 1925, to May, 1929. Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1922-23. For political and public services.

Sir Ellis William Hume-Williams, Bt., K.B.E., K.C., Member of Parliament for Bassetlaw, January, 1910, to May, < 1929. Recorder of Bury St. Edmunds, 1901-5, and of Norwich since, 1905. For political and public services.

The Honourable Earle Christmas Grafton Page, M.B., Ch.M., Treasurer, Commonwealth of Australia.

Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert Henry SpenderClay, C.M.G., M.C., J.P., D.L., Member of Parliament for Tonbridge, January, 1910, to May, 1929. Temporary Chairman of Committees. Parliamentary Charity Commissioner, 1923, to January, 1924, and since December, 1924. For political and public services.

The King has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to signify his intention of conferring Baronetcies of the United Kingdom on the following:-

Sir Arthur Balfour, K.B.E., J.P., Chairman of the Committee on Industry and Trade.

Sir Edward Farquhar Buzzard, K.C.V.O., M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., Physician Extraordinary to His Majesty The King. Honorary Colonel R.A.M.C (T.F.).

Captain Fitzroy Hamilton Anstruther-GoughCalthorpe. Has given generous gifts of land to Birmingham City and University.

Benjamin Dawson, Esq., J.P., Chairman of the Central Division, Bradford Conservative Association. For political and public services.

John Wells Wainwright Hopkins, Esq., Member of Parliament for South East St. Pancras, 1918-23, and October, 1924, to May, 1929. For political and public services.

Sir Philip Edward Pilditeh, J.P., Member of Parliament for Spelthorne Division, December, 1918, to May, 1929. For political and public services.

Frederick Henry Richmond, Esq., Chairman of Debenham Limited. Governor of Middlesex Hospital.

Colonel Sir Hugh Mallinson Rigby, K.C.V.O., M.S., F.R.C.S., Sergeant Surgeon to His Majesty The King.

Alexander Nairne, Stewart Sandeman, Esq., Member of Parliament for Middleton and Prestwich, 1923-29. For political services.

Sir Charles Leolin Forestier-Walker, K.B.E., J.P., 'Member of Parliament for the Monmouth Division, 1918-29. Forestry Commissioner (unpaid), 1920, to January, 1929. For political and public services.

Lieutenant-Colonel Albert Lambert Ward, D.S.O., T.D., Member of Parliament for North West Hull, December, 1918, to May, 1929. For political services.

The KING, has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to signify his intention of conferring the Honour of Knighthood on the following: -

Major John Dearman Birchall, T.D., J.P., Member of Parliament for North East Leeds, December, 1918, to May, 1929. Second Church Estates Commissioner (unpaid), 1923, and since 1924. For political and public services.

Alderman Charles Hay ward Bird, C.B.E., J.P., Chairman, Cardiff Local Employment Committee.

Captain William Brass, Member of Parliament for Clitheroe, November, 1922, to May, 1929. For political services.

Professor Henry Cort Harold,Carpenter, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Metallurgy in the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College of Science and Technology.

Benjamin Arthur Cohen, Esq., K.C., Senior Referee under the Contributory Pensions Act.

Ernest Gordon Craig, Esq., Chairman and Managing Director of the New Era National Pictures Limited, Portable Talking Pictures Limited, etc.

Matthew Pollock Fraser, Esq., K.C., M.A., LL.B. For political services in Scotland.

Joseph Crosland Graham (age 63), Esq., J.P. For public, political and charitable services in Denbighshire.

(Philip Barling) Ben Greet, Esq., Actor and Producer of Shakespearean plays.

William High, Esq., J.P., Lord Provost of Dundee, 1923-29. For public services.

John Plowright Houfton, Esq., J.P. For public and political services

Alexander Wilson Hungerford, Esq. For political services in Northern Ireland.

James Ralph Jackson, Esq., M.R.C.V.S., Chief Veterinary Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

William Smith Jarratt, Esq., Comptroller General of the Patent Office.

Walter George Kent, Esq., C.B.E., Chairman of the Luton Division Conservative Association. For political services.

William Oliver Evelyn Meade-King, Esq., J.P., President of the Taunton Division Conservative Association. For political services.

Joseph Quinton Lamb, Esq., J.P., Member of Parliament for the Stone Division, November, 1922, to May, 1929. For political and public services.

Andrew Jopp Williams Lewis, Esq., LL.D., J.P., Lord Provost of Aberdeen since 1925. For public services.

Thomas Wallace McMullan, Esq., lately Member of Parliament for County Down, Northern Ireland Parliament. For political and public services.

John Edwin Mitchell, Esq., O.B.E., J.P., late President of Smethwick Unionist Association. For public and political services.

Peter Chalmers Mitchell, Esq., C.B.E., M.A., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S., Secretary of the Zoological Society.

William Foot Mitchell, Esq., J:P., Member of Parliament for Dartford, January to December, 1910, and for Saffron Walden, 1922-29. For political and public services.

James Wycliffe Headlam-Morley, Esq., C.B.E., lately Historical Adviser, Foreign Office.

Roland Thomas Nugent, Esq., Director of the Federation of British Industries.

Alexander Pengilly, Esq., Chairman of the South Dorset Conservative Association. Chairman of the South Western Area of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations. For political and public services.

William Ray, Esq., J.P., Chairman of the Central Hackney Conservative Association. For political and public services.

Henry Sutcliffe Smith, Esq., a director of the Bradford Dyers' Association.

Major Charles Wentworth Stanley, J.P., D.L., Chairman of the Cambridgeshire Conservative and Unionist Association. For publicand political services.

Robert Mills Welsford, Esq., M.A., LL.B., President of the Law Society.

Roderick Roy Wilson, Esq., Member of Parliament for Lichfield, October, 1924, to May, 1929. Chairman of the British Guiana Parliamentary Commission, 1926. For political and public services.

Robert Stanton Woods, Esq., M.D., M.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., Honorary Physician and Honorary Surgeon, London Hospital. For services during His Majesty's illness.

Francis James Wylie, Esq., M.A., Oxford Secretary to the Rhodes Trust.

The London Gazette 33707

Notice is hereby given that WILLIAM MORGAN FLETCHER-VANE (age 21), of Staindrop House, in the parish of Staindrop and county of Durham, Gentleman (a natural-born British subject), formerly called William Morgan Vane, has by deed poll, dated the 2nd day of April, 1931, and duly enrolled in His Majesty's College of Arms. ondon, the 9th day of the same month, adopted the surname of Fletcher-Vane, in lieu of and in substitution for the surname of Vane.

AUBREY JOHN TOPPIN, Bluemantle, The (088) College of Arms, London.

The London Gazette 33963

Whitehall, July 25, 1933

The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 24th instant, to confer the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingclom upon the Right Honourable George Richard Lane Fox (age 62), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Bingley of Bramham in the County of York.

The London Gazette 34408

Whitehall, June 11, 1937.

The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 22nd ultimo, to confer the dignity of a Barony of the United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable Christopher Addison (age 68), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Addison, of Stallingborough in the County of Lincoln.

The London Gazette 34862

Whitehall, May 31, 1940

The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 28th instant, to confer the dignity of a Barony of the United Kingdom upon Brigadier-General Sir Henry Page Croft (age 58), Baronet, C.M.G., T.D., and the heirs male oi his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Croft, of Bournemouth, in the County of Southampton. [Note Nancy Beatrice Borwick Baroness Croft (age 55) by marriage Baroness Croft of Bournemouth in Hampshire.]

The London Gazette 35020

War Office, 20th December, 1940. The KING has been pleased to approve of the undermentioned awards in recognition of gallant conduct in action with the enemy:-


Lieutenant (Temp. Major) PHILIP HARKER NEWMAN, F.R.C.S., Royal Army Medical Corps.


Captain (Temp. Major) Antony Henry Head (age 34), The Life Guards.

The London Gazette 35220

Central Chancery Of The Orders Of Knighthood.

St. James's Palace, S.W.1. 18th July, 1941.

The King has beeii gracidusly pleased to;award the GEORGE CROSS to:-

Charles Henry George Howard, Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire (deceased), Chief Field Research and Experimental Officer, Directorate of Scientific Research, Ministry of Supply.

For conspicuous bravery in connection with bomb disposal.

The London Gazette 36679

Supplement to the The London Gazette 36679. 31 Aug 1944.

The Distinguished Service Order

Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) Robin Hood William Stewart Hastings, M.C. (70912), The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own) (attd. The Green Howards (Alexandra, Princess of 'Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment)) (Moreton-in-Marsh)

The London Gazette 37166

Whitehall, July 6, 1945.

The King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 2nd instant, to confer the dignity of a Viscounty of .the United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable Christopher, Baron Addison (age 77), and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Viscount Addison, of Stallingborough in the County of Lincoln.

The London Gazette 37315

Whitehall, October 19, 1945. The KING has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 19th ultimo, to confer the dignity of a Barony of the United Kingdom upon Field-Marshal Sir Alan Francls Brooke (age 62), G.C.B., D.S.O., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Alanbrooke, of Brookeborough in the County of Fermanagh.

The London Gazette 37407


St. James's Palace, S.W.1. 1st January, 1946.

The KING has been graciously pleased to signify His Majesty's intention of conferring Peerages of the United Kingdom on the following military war leaders: —

To be Viscounts:

Field-Marshal the Right Honourable Alan Francis, BARON ALANBROOKE (age 62) [Viscount Alanbrook], G.C.B., D.S.O., Aide-de-Camp General to the King.

Field-Marshal the Honourable Sir Harold Rupert Leofric George ALEXANDER, G.C.B., C.S.I., D.S.O., M.C., Aide-de-Camp General to the King.

Admiral of the Fleet the Right Honourable Andrew Browne, BARON CUNNINGHAM OF HYNDHOPE, K.T., G.C.B., D.S.O.

Field-Marshal Sir Bernard Law MONTGOMERY (age 58) [Viscount Montgomery of El Alamein], G.C.B., D.S.O.

Marshal of the Royal Air Force the Right Honourable Charles Frederick . Algernon, BARON PORTAL OF HUNGERFORD, G.C.B., D.S.O., M.C.

To be Barons:

Admiral Sir Bruce Austin FRASER, G.C.B., K.B.E.

Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Arthur William TEDDER, G. C. B.

Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Cronyn TOVEY, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp to the King.

Field-Marshal Sir Henry Maitland WILSON, G.C.B., G.B.E., D.S.O., Aide-de-Camp General to the King.

The London Gazette 37458

War Office, 7th February, 1946.

he KING has been graciously pleased to approve the posthumous award of the VICTORIA CROSS to:—

Lieutenant The Honourable Christopher FURNESS (53422), Welsh Guards.

Lieutenant the Honourable C Furness was in command of the Carrier Platoon, Welsh Guards, during the period 17th-24th May, 1940, when his Battalion formed part of the garnson of Arras. During this time his Platoon was constantly patrolling in advance of or between the widely dispersed parts of the perimeter, and fought many local actions with the enemy Lieutenant Furness displayed the highest qualities of leadership and dash on all these occasions and imbued his command with a magnificent offensive spirit.

During the evening of 23rd May, Lieutenant Furness was wounded when on patrol but he refused to be evacuated By this time the enemy, considerably reinforced, had encircled the town on three sides and withdrawal to Douai was ordered during the night of 23rd-24th May. Lieutenant Furness's Platoon, together with a small force of light tanks, were ordered to cover the withdrawal of the transport consisting of over 40 vehicles.

About 02 30 hours, 24th May, the enemy attacked on both sides of the town At one point the enemy advanced to the road along which the transport columns were withdrawing, bringing them under very heavy small arms and anti-tank gun fire. Thus the whole column was blocked and placed in serious jeopardy Immediately Lieutenant Furness, appreciating the seriousness of the situation, and in spite of his wounds, decided to attack the enemy, who were located in a strongly entrenched position behind wire.

Lieutenant Furness advanced with three Carriers, supported by the light tanks. At once the enemy opened up with very heavy fire from small arms and anti-tank guns The light tanks were put out of action, but Lieutenant Furness continued to advance He reached the enemy position and circled it several times at close range, inflicting heavy losses. All three Carriers were hit and most of their crews killed or wounded. Hts own Carrier was disabled and the driver and Bren gunner killed. He then engaged the enemy in personal hand-to-hand combat until he was killed His magnificent act of self sacrifice against hopeless odds, and when already wounded, made the enemy withdraw for the time being and enabled the large column of vehicles to get clear unmolested and covered the evacuation of some of the wounded of his own Carrier Platoon and the light tanks.

The London Gazette 39592

Whitehall, July 8, 1952

The Queen has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 5th instant, to confer the dignity of a Viscount of the United Kingdom upon the Right Honourable Sir Alfred Duff Cooper (age 62), GCMG, DSO, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of VISCOUNT NORWICH, of Aldwick in the County of Sussex. [Diana Olivia Winifred Maud Manners Viscountess Norwich (age 60) by marriage Viscountess Norwich of Aldwick in Sussex.]

The London Gazette 40053


To be Ordinary Knights Commanders of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order:

Sir Thomas Penberthy Bennett, C.B.E., Chairman, Crawley Development Corporation.

Sir Robert Bland Bird, Bt, Member of Parliament for West Wolverhampton, 1922-1929 and 1931-1945. For political and public services.

Colonel Douglas Stephenson Branson, C.B., D.S.O., M.C., T.D., D.L., Chairman, Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association, West Riding of Yorkshire.

Jacob Epstein, Esq., Sculptor.

The London Gazette 40684

Whitehall, January 13, 1956. The Queen has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 12th instant, to confer the dignity of a Viscounty of the United Kingdom upon Colonel the Right Honourable William Philip (age 46), Baron De L'Isle and Dudley V.C., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Viscount De L'isle. Of Penshurst In The County Of Kent. [Jacqueline Vereker Countess de l'Isle (age 41) by marriage Viscountess de Lisle of Penshurst in Kent.]

Whitehall, January 13, 1956. The Queen has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 13th instant, to confer the dignity of a Viscounty of the United Kingdom upon Captain the Right Honourable Harry Frederick Comfort Crookshank (age 62), C.H., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Viscount Crookshank, of Gainsborough in the County of Lincoln.

The London Gazette 41508


Field-Marshal The Viscount MONTGOMERY of Alamein (age 70), K.G., G.C.B., D.S.O. (8742), late Inf., relinquishes his appointment as Deputy Supreme Commander, Allied Powers in Europe, remaining on full pay, 20th Sept. 1958.

The London Gazette 42401

Friday 30 Jun 1961.

The Queen has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 29th June to confer the dignity of a Barony of the United Kingdom upon General Sir Brian Hubert Robertson (age 64), St., G.C.B., G.B.E., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., D.S.O., M.C., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Robertson Of Oakridge, of Oakridge in the County of Gloucester

The London Gazette 42411

Whitehall, London S.W.1. 14th July 1961.

The Queen has been pleased by Letters Patent under the. Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 12th July, to confer the dignities of a Viscounty and an Earldom of the United Kingdom upon The Right Honourable Sir Robert Anthony Eden (age 64), KG, MC, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the names, styles and titles of Viscount Eden, of Royal Leamington Spa in the County of Warwick, and Earl of Avon.

The London Gazette 43370

HONOURS AND AWARDS. HOME OFFICE. Whitehall, London S.W.I. 30th June 1964.

The QUEEN has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 29th instant, to confer the dignity of a Barony of the United Kingdom upon Sir Roger Mellor Makins (age 60), GCB, GCMG, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Sherfield, of Sherfield-on-Loddon in the County of Southampton.

30th June 1964. The QUEEN has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 30th instant, to confer the dignity of a Barony of the United Kingdom upon William Morgan Fletcher-Vane (age 55), Esquire, T.D., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Inglewood, of Hutton in the Forest in the County of Cumberland.

The London Gazette 43524

CROWN OFFICE. House of Lords, London S.W.1.

22nd December 1964. The QUEEN has been pleased by Warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual dated the 21st day of December 1964, to appoint Lieutenant William Lloyd Mars Jones, M.B.E., Q.C. (formerly R.N.V.R.), to be Recorder of the Borough of Swansea.

22nd December 1964. The QUEEN has been pleased, by Warrant under Her Royal Sign Manual dated the 21st day of December 1964, to appoint Captain William Hugh Griffiths, M.C., Q.C. (R.A.R.O.), to be Recorder of the City of Cambridge.

23rd December 1964. The QUEEN has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 23rd day of December 1964, to confer the dignity of a Barony of the United Kingdom upon Sir Robert Burnham Renwick (age 60), Baronet, K.B.E., and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style and title of Baron Renwick, of Coombe in the County of Surrey. [Edith Joan Clarke Baroness Renwick by marriage Baroness Renwick of Coombe in Surrey.]

The London Gazette 54842

Crown Office. House of Lords, London SW1A OPW. 18th July 1997. The Queen has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, dated 18th July 1997, to confer the dignity of a Barony of the United Kingdom for life upon Sir Michael Colin Cowdrey (age 64), C.B.E., by the name, style and title of Baron Cowdrey of Tonbridge, of Tonbridge in the county of Kent. (1 SI) C. I. P. Denyer

Anne Elizabeth Fitzalan Baroness Cowdrey (age 59) by marriage Baroness Cowdrey of Tonbridge in Kent.